Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 429 The Crazy Sword Xueer

Chapter 429 The Crazy Sword Xueer
First, he used the Qinglong supernatural power to make people think he was from the ancient Qinglong country, then he used the war holy spirit box of the Temple of War to make people think he was from the Temple of War, and now he used the white tiger supernatural power to make people think he was from the ancient white tiger country .

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but looked at Jian Fengyun in a daze.

The three big forces are all related to him, how did he do it, could it be that Jian Fengyun is a member of the three big forces?
The warriors on the ground were stunned, but Jian Fengyun's expression was still very solemn. His purpose of using Baihu Roar was not to tell others that he was from the ancient country of Baihu, but to weaken the power of Yin Ba's Thunder Soul Slayer Sword.

The Thunder Soul Extinguishing Sword, with hundreds of sword qis, is controlled by Yin Ba's soul power. With Yin Ba's soul realm, it is impossible to completely control hundreds of sword qis in his hands. The purpose of Bai Huxiao is to make those weak sword qis lose Take control.

Sure enough, the roar of the white tiger fell, and Yin Ba's eyes blurred for an instant, and about thirty of the hundreds of sword qi in the void lost control, and their directions shifted a bit.

Just this moment!

Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, and with a flip of his hand, a surge of sword energy surged out. As soon as the sword energy left his hand, it turned into more than thirty strands of silk thread, and directly connected to the thirty or so lines that were about to leave Yin Yin. The Thunder Sword Qi controlled by Ba.

The moment when more than [-] swords came into contact with the thunderous sword energy, Yin Ba came back to his senses, and quickly gathered his soul power to resist Jian Fengyun's grabbing sword.

A flash of surprise flashed in Jian Fengyun's eyes, he didn't expect Yin Ba's soul power level was not low, and he was stunned for a second before reacting to Bai Hu's howl.

Facing the resistance of Yin Ba's soul power, Jian Fengyun did not give up, with a thought, a faint blue flame suddenly rose from his eyes.

The Nine Nether Fire, as long as there is enough soul power to activate it, can directly burn the soul. Jian Fengyun used the Nine Nether Fire to kill the elders of the Holy Soul Sword Sect and Yin Ba's younger brother in Bei'an City.

Now using it again, Jian Fengyun's soul power is no longer that of the young boy with mysterious soul power in Bei'an City, but the best soul power of the earth rank, and possesses a superhuman soul sea. As if being ignited, a faint blue flame was burning.

"Ah! Kid, you are looking for death!" Yin Ba's soul power touched the Nine Netherworld Fire, and it was burnt to pieces in an instant, making a painful sound.

The remaining [-] thunderbolt sword qi were controlled by Yin Ba, and flew towards Jian Fengyun at high speed, the sword qi exploded, Yin Ba wished to shoot Jian Fengyun into a hedgehog at this moment, his soul power was ignited, the pain went straight to the soul.

Jian Fengyun didn't pay attention to Yin Ba's decision, and continued to draw the thirty or so sword qi controlled by him across the air in faint blue arcs, colliding with the seventy or so flying sword qi. together.

boom! boom! boom!
There was a sound of clashing sword qi in an instant, and every time there was a clash, Jian Fengyun seemed to be doing it on purpose, urging the Nine Nether Fires to spread the sword qi controlled by Yin Ba.

The soul power attached to more than thirty sword qis was burned away again, and a bone-piercing pain gushed out from the depths of his soul, instantly making Yin Ba's eyes turn red, like a madman.

"Jian Fengyun, I want you to die!" Yin Ba gritted his teeth tightly, and choked out this murderous sentence from between his teeth.

Almost at the same time, the last thirty thunderbolt sword aura controlled by Yin Ba exploded in size several times, and ferocious thunder snakes circulated on the sword aura, as if they wanted to destroy Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun's expression became very solemn, and he swept the Holy Thunder God of War Spear slightly in his hand, and the sword energy poured into the gun like an inexhaustible amount, and the phantom of the God of War wearing the Thunder Armor behind him seemed to become solid a bit.

"Unparalleled world!"

Jian Fengyun swung his spear, and instantly triggered a thunderbolt several tens of feet thick around the gun body, sweeping towards the thirty or so thunderbolt sword qi in unison.

Jian Fengyun's long spear protruded out quickly, and each spear hit a sword qi, but when he shot the tenth sword qi, a strand of blood finally overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and the blood fell, staining his white robe. There was a hint of silvery red.

"Master, don't stop, hold on!"

At this moment, the voice of the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword and Sword Spirit resounded in Jian Fengyun's heart again. There was joy in this voice, as if he had received some great benefits.

The next moment, Jian Fengyun also felt it. He didn't stick out a shot, and the thunder sword energy turned into a raging force and hit him. Although he was injured, his Tuntian Sword Body and "Taishi Tuntian Sword But the scriptures revolved on their own, and began to devour the power of the Thunder Sword Qi.

Jian Fengyun could feel that although his body was severely wounded, a large amount of pure sword energy was continuously gushing out from his body, and the third Lingfu seemed to be turning red and silver.

"Cough cough." Jian Fengyun kept coughing up blood, cracks appeared on the arm holding the holy thunder gun, a large amount of blood gushed out, and the arm was stained silver red all day long, but even so, Jian Fengyun's hand was still firmly Grabbing the Holy Thunder God of War gun.

Another shot was fired at a stream of sword energy, Jian Fengyun's eyes turned red, the pain from the physical trauma was no less than the pain from the soul.

"No, young master!" Not far away, Jian Xue'er saw this scene, her beautiful eyes were flushed, and tears fell like rain, instantly staining her pretty face with pear blossoms and rain.

"You are the holy soul sword body, right? Your young master is dead, and you will follow me from now on!" Long Xing, who flew up from the ground, saw Jian Xueer rushing towards Jian Fengyun's position, and his figure flashed , blocking her way, said with a wicked smile on her face.

"It's all of you, you want to harm the young master, you go to die!" Jian Xue'er said in an extremely cold tone, even a little hoarse, two white lights shot out from her beautiful eyes, and the glint of the Xuanshuang Sword in her hand suddenly became countless. ten feet.

At this moment, a gust of icy wind blew up in the void of Wuling City, and with it came the sky full of frost and snow, and the surrounding temperature instantly dropped to zero.

"Jian Fengyun's maid is so strong, she can actually induce the snowstorm to fall, she is indeed the body of the holy soul, and I feel that my soul is about to be frozen!" A group of warriors at the spirit king level happened to be standing where the snow and ice fell, frozen A Jiling huddled into a ball, running exercises to resist the cold.

Long Xing who was standing in front of Jian Xueer was unlucky, there was a layer of white frost directly on his body, and his eyes were blank.

Jian Xueer's face was icy cold, like a ruthless goddess of death, she swung the Xuanshuang sword in her hand, and wiped it directly towards Long Xing's neck.


At this moment, the powerful man of the Dragon Elephant Ancient Country seemed to have sensed the change of Long Xing. He roared instantly, retreated, and condensed a surge of golden spiritual power, blasting towards Jian Xueer.

(End of this chapter)

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