Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 431

Chapter 431
Jian Fengyun was covered in blood, and holding the Holy Lightning War Spear in his hand, he seemed to block Yin Ba's Thunder Soul Extinguishing Sword completely.

Everyone looked up, looking at this scene, their eyes couldn't help flashing a touch of horror, this Jian Fengyun actually blocked all Yin Ba's attacks, it was too fierce.

"May I ask who the senior is, this is a personal grievance between the junior and Jian Fengyun, please don't interfere with the senior!" Yin Ba frowned, looked at the gray robed old man in front of him, and said.

"Don't interfere with your sister, if something happens to Mr. Jian, I will demand your entire family's life!" Looking at Jian Fengyun's situation, the gray-robed old man was already extremely irritable, but when he heard Yin Ba's voice, he no longer cared about his senior demeanor and yelled .

Yin Ba's expression changed when he was scolded by the gray-robed old man, but he dared to be angry but dared not speak out. The gray-robed old man in front of him was no ordinary person, and the power of the saint hidden in his body made him dare not speak out no matter how angry he was. In a word.

A sage can collapse mountains and shatter the ground with a single strand of hair. Although he is the arrogance of the Spirit Emperor Realm, he would not dare to show the slightest disrespect in front of a sage.

Jian Fengyun's whole body was almost covered with wounds, some places still had the power of thunder, which scorched the flesh.

The gray-robed old man looked at Jian Fengyun in front of him, and suddenly looked sad.

Suddenly, at this moment, a pharmacist wearing a golden robe hurried out from the pharmacist association, followed by a group of masters in purple robes, with respectful faces, as if the courtiers of the dynasty were going to pay homage to the king.

Seeing this scene, people from all major forces in Wuling City were stunned. How could there be so many purple-robed masters, and there was even a golden-robed master.

What happened to the Alchemist Association, so many high-level alchemists were dispatched?
For a moment, everyone's faces could not help showing a look of shock, as if they saw some incredible picture.

As we all know, pharmacists who have reached at least the heaven rank can only wear purple robes. Due to the scarcity of pharmacists, it is not easy to meet a purple-robed master on weekdays, and even if you have to make an appointment for several days, you may not be able to see them.

But, what happened today, so many masters in purple robes appeared in front of them, and the leader was a pharmacist in a golden robe.

Gold-robed pharmacist, just kidding, that is a master-level pharmacist, at least you have to be a king-level pharmacist to wear a golden pharmacist robe.

"Vice President, why are you here!"

At this moment, the golden-robed grandmaster ran forward respectfully, and spoke to the gray-robed old man guarding Jian Fengyun.

Vice president!
The warriors of the major forces around them froze for a moment, and a look of shock appeared on their faces.

Could this gray-robed old man be the vice president of the Alchemist Association!
"You still have the sense to ask me why I'm here? If I don't come, will you wait until Master Jian is dead before you will show up!" In the void, the gray-robed old man looked at the golden-cloaked grandmaster below, without giving him any face. He reprimanded him head and face.

"Oh, vice president, I've been busy talking to my granddaughter since I came here, so please don't be offended if I miss the time!" The golden-cloaked grandmaster straightened his face, and there was a look of acknowledgment on his face.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know what you're planning. You want to vent your anger on your granddaughter, but do you know the importance of Mr. Jian? If you don't save him in time, do you think you can take responsibility?" the gray-robed old man said. Looking at the golden robe grandmaster, his expression was very dissatisfied.

"Vice President, isn't this still dead? You see, I have brought a life-threatening golden pill, which will definitely heal Mr. Sword!" The golden-cloaked master nodded, as if he had been prepared for a long time, and took out a gold-encrusted elixir. Jade box.

As soon as the jade box was opened, a golden elixir seemed to appear in the air. The moment the elixir appeared, there was a burst of spiritual energy in the air, gathering on the elixir.

"Could this be the legendary king-level healing elixir—the life-killing golden elixir, which can bring people back to life as long as they have a breath?" The sharp-eyed experts around suddenly turned pale.

"Hmph, don't talk nonsense, bring the elixir!" Seeing the life-threatening golden elixir, the gray-robed old man immediately softened his face, and said to the golden-robed grandmaster.

Under everyone's envious eyes, the life-killing golden elixir glowing with golden light was just presented to the gray-robed elder.

"Death-killing golden elixir, this kind of peerless elixir, if I can get the life-killing golden elixir if I am beaten half to death, I am also willing!" An elder of the Emperor Realm of Iron Sword Sect saw this scene, and immediately enviously said.

"Hehe, just you, a life is not worth a little powder of the life-killing golden elixir." Another elder on the side attacked unceremoniously.

Immediately, everyone couldn't help but envy Jian Fengyun, who could get a life-threatening golden pill if he was beaten half to death.

The life-killing golden elixir is a life-saving elixir at a critical moment. It can be said that it is equivalent to another life. In the outside world, it is a priceless elixir.

For a moment, everyone's heart ached, and their eyes were all focused on the life-threatening golden pill.

At the same time, Jian Fengyun in the soul sea
"My god, you immortal soul devourer, that's all you said to receive these attacks, except for a serious injury, what is there, what is there?" Jian Fengyun's consciousness was already yelling in the sea of ​​souls.

He heard the sword spirit of the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword that had just appeared in his body, and took all of Yin Ba's attacks without landing. As a result, he suffered heavy injuries, and this damn Spirit Devouring mysteriously disappeared.

"Master, don't worry, I'm brewing. As the true spirit inheritor of the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword, how can you be restless?"

At this moment, the voice of devouring spirits slowly sounded from the bottom of Jian Fengyun's heart.

"Irritated, impatient, sister, if you have the ability, you will be blasted several times by dozens of fist-thick thunderbolt sword energy. I want to see how impetuous you are." Jian Fengyun was so angry that he almost smoked .

Under Jian Fengyun's repeated scolding, finally a stream of pure sword energy gushed out from his spiritual sea, and for a moment, he felt that the third spiritual mansion seemed to be filled with silver light, turbulent Jian Yuanli poured frantically into the third Lingfu.

Boom!Boom!Because the speed of Jian Yuanli gushing out was too fast and the amount was too large, Jian Fengyun couldn't help but roared in the body for a while.

The silver sword's energy gushed out at the same time, scattered to the limbs and bones, and began to repair the injury.

"Young Master Jian, I'll give you this life-killing golden elixir, I hope you'll be fine!" The gray-robed old man carefully put the life-killing golden elixir near Jian Fengyun's mouth, just as he was about to put it into his mouth.

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound on Jian Fengyun's body surface, and wisps of silver light emerged from Jian Fengyun's scarred body.

An extremely strong momentum erupted from Jian Fengyun's body, and immediately soared into the sky.

The life-threatening golden pill in the gray-robed old man's hand seemed to be blown away by this momentum, and landed on the ground not far away, rolling a layer of soil.

"Damn it, the life-killing golden elixir is flying!"

(End of this chapter)

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