Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 432 Exceptional Admission

Chapter 432 Exceptional Admission
"Damn it, the life-killing golden elixir is flying!"

No one paid attention to what was going on with Jian Fengyun, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the life-threatening golden pill that was as attractive as a peerless beauty.

With a wave of his hand, the old man in gray robe took the life-killing golden elixir back into his hand, and instantly turned around to look at Jian Fengyun, the life-killing golden elixir in his hand thumped slightly, but this time it didn't fall to the ground.

"Breakthrough, the peak of the Spirit Emperor Realm!" The gray-robed old man shot out a look of astonishment in his muddy eyes, and said immediately.

Everyone's gazes followed the fallen life-threatening golden elixir again, and the golden-cloaked grandmaster who had been watching for a long time stepped forward, stretched out his hand and put the golden elixir in his hands.

"I said vice president, even if you don't want the pill, you can't throw it away. The value of the life-killing golden pill is very high!" The golden-cloaked grandmaster said slowly, with his white hair blowing out in the wind.

"Jing Han, am I delusional? How can Mr. Jian's body recover so fast?" The gray-robed old man said in a trembling voice, his withered old face was full of horror.

"How could it be? The martial arts of the Spirit King Realm haven't been cultivated into the physical body. How could he recover quickly after suffering such a serious injury?" Jing Han said impressively with a smile on his old face.

Roar roar~
Suddenly, seven moderate dragon chants resounded in the void, and the phantoms of seven immemorial dragons around Jian Fengyun instantly condensed behind Jian Fengyun.

A silver sword light spread from Jian Fengyun's body to the surroundings.

Everyone felt a fierce aura rushing towards their faces, and thousands of gazes gathered to see Jian Fengyun's body bathed in silver light, and his wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, all the wounds on the surface of the body had healed.

The next moment, Jian Fengyun opened his eyes again, and an aura of the peak of the Spirit King Realm gushed out instantly.

"The Spirit King Realm is at its peak, am I dazzled?" Countless people rubbed their eyes and asked in disbelief.

Everyone vaguely remembered that Jian Fengyun was still at the peak of the True Spirit Realm when he was in Wanbao Tower, but after coming out of Wanbao Tower and walking all the way here, he has already broken through three small realms.

This entry speed, not to mention that there will be no one in the future, but it must be unprecedented.

"This is impossible!" Long Xing, whose arm had been cut off, struggled to crawl out from the huge frosty palm on the ground, seeing this scene, he suddenly lost his mind and said.

Looking at the seven eye-catching immemorial dragon phantoms, and then thinking about the time when I drew two immemorial dragon phantoms to despise him in front of Jian Fengyun, it was as if another invisible giant palm slapped him fiercely on the face generally.

Instantly stunned Long Xing, looking at the young man who looked like a god of war in the sky, he couldn't help feeling a burning pain on his face.

"What a terrifying talent!" Yin Ba and Xuan Mu Mozhen gasped at the same time when they saw this scene, and a gloomy killing intent flashed in their eyes.

Based on their realm, it can be seen that Jian Fengyun's breakthrough was a matter of course, without using any means such as forbidden techniques.

In the void, the king realm powerhouses of the major forces were also shocked for a moment when they saw this scene.

Adversity breakthrough!

These four words emerged in everyone's minds.

In mid-air, Jing Han witnessed the process of Jian Fengyun's physical body from being scarred to fully healed, which is simply miraculous.

Thinking about what he said just now, Jing Han's old face also turned red.

"Thank you for this senior's help, dare to ask the three seniors' names?" Jian Fengyun's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the gray robed old man in front of him and said immediately.

"Mr. Jian is too polite. I am the vice president of the Alchemist Association, Tian Hai. I have two things to ask you about Mr. Jian." Tian Hai said with a smile on his old face.

"Oh? Which two things?" Jian Fengyun frowned and asked.

"These two things, one, I want to thank Mr. Jian, you gave the Alchemists Association four peerless pills, including Linghealing Pill and Huadu Pill, so that the Alchemists Association will rise soon, you are alchemists. The benefactor of the Pharmacist Association, I thank you here." Tian Hai said to Jian Fengyun with a smile on his face.

Jian Fengyun responded with a smile, and said: "Vice President Tianhai, I just believe in the Alchemist Association and cooperate with the Alchemist Association, you don't need to thank me!"

As soon as this conversation ended, all the warriors of the major forces below were boiling.

"What, the prescriptions of the four top-level elixir announced by the Alchemist Association a few days ago were actually given by Jian Fengyun!"

The top grade poison pill of the earth rank can cure all animal poisons below the emperor rank beast poison, and can cure tens of thousands of poisons.

The top grade Linghealing Pill can restore all external injuries and most internal injuries of a warrior within a quarter of an hour, and has a certain effect on removing injuries that have accumulated for many years.

The ground-level top-grade calming pill can calm the mind and resolve the demons, effectively prevent madness, and is a must-have for retreat.

The top-grade Tianhui Pill of Heaven Rank can instantly restore all the spiritual power of a Spiritual Venerable, and it can restore half of the spiritual power of a Spirit Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Everyone recalled the announcement made by the Alchemist Association a few days ago that excited the whole city, and they suddenly became anxious.

"Oh my god, will Jian Fengyun prevent the Alchemist Association from selling the pill to us because we hunted him down?"

"Probably not!"

"Who said no, Jian Fengyun has heard that revenge will be revenged. It is because of his hatred that the Holy Soul Sword Sect fell into a big stumble in the Qingyun domain!"

"Then what should we do, if we don't practice with these pills, our entry will definitely be pulled away by forces from other domains!"

In an instant, everyone's hearts began to beat. In this world of warriors, the rules of competition are very fierce. If the powers of the Tianxuan Upper Territory are weak in cultivating elixirs for a long time and the forces of other domains are annexed, it will be sooner or later. things.

"Young master Jian, if you are being polite, I won't say much. The second thing is that the two people who are traveling with me this time are both elders of the Holy Academy. They want to recruit you to directly enter the Holy Academy to practice. This matter The old man is just a matchmaker, and Mr. Jian has to decide everything." The old man in gray robe said to Jian Fengyun.

After the gray-robed old man's words fell, Wuling City was once again shocked.

"The sanctuary enrolls students once in a hundred years, and each time it only recruits a thousand disciples to the ten thousand domains. Jian Fengyun was unexpectedly admitted, which is too inconsistent with the rules." In an instant, countless people began to feel unbalanced.

The holy courtyard, the sacred place for warriors to practice, is a place where countless Taoisms are passed down in one place, and it is difficult for many people to squeeze in. As a result, Jian Fengyun was invited by someone to make an exception.

"Holy Courtyard!" Jian Fengyun narrowed his eyes, then thought for a while, and said, "Okay, I agree, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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