Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 433 After March, take the heads of Er and others again

Chapter 433 After March, Take Your Heads Again

"Holy Court!" Jian Fengyun narrowed his eyes, then thought for a while, and said: "Okay, I agree, but the Holy Court can't restrict me, I'm used to freedom."

"You will tell the two of them about this later. The little old man has another request. I don't know if Mr. Jian can agree to it?" .

Jian Fengyun frowned, and said: "Senior Tianhai doesn't know if there is any request, this junior will definitely do his best."

Jian Fengyun is not used to owe people favors, if Tianhai hadn't rescued him in time today, he might die under Yin Ba's hand before he could break through, so he planned to take advantage of the situation to repay the favor.

"Mr. Jian, I heard that Wanbao Building's top-grade spirit blood pills of the ground level and top-grade demon blood pills of the sky rank are both from your hands. I didn't know that the recipes of these two kinds of pills can be borrowed from the old man for details. Don't worry. All the conditions are increased by [-]% on the basis of the previous four pills, what do you think?" Tian Hai's eyes were almost narrowed into the moon, and he said to Jian Fengyun.

"What, the Spirit Blood Pill, which has been selling rapidly in Wanbaolou recently, is actually made by Jian Fengyun?"

"The Yaoxue Pill that was sold for a sky-high price at the Tianzuo Auction was actually made by Jian Fengyun?"

In an instant, Wuling City was boiling again. If it is said that the four peerless pills announced by the Alchemist Association have not yet been released, everyone is not too shocked, but the Spirit Blood Pill and Yaoxue Pill have been promoted by Wanbao Building recently. It is well known that these two are top-level elixir, which directly breaks the blockade of the Danyuan League on warriors' top elixirs, and makes the Danyuan League no longer the only one in the elixir world.

"This can't be fake, right? Jian Fengyun is so young, how can he have such a superb alchemy?"

This was the first thought in everyone's mind, but it was quickly rejected by everyone.

"It is said that Jian Fengyun got the inheritance of Emperor Fengyun. It seems to be true. Emperor Fengyun was the number one God of Medicine in Wanyu before his death. These top-grade pills must have been obtained from Emperor Fengyun's inheritance!"

In an instant, a martial artist said this, which made everyone's doubts disappear.

"Senior Tianhai's news is really well-informed. I haven't said it yet, but I didn't expect you to know." Jian Fengyun smiled lightly, and immediately responded.

"What does Mr. Jian mean?" Tian Hai's old face moved, and he couldn't wait to ask.

"Senior Tianhai, how could I not agree to these two small requests? After all, your life-saving grace is much more important than these two pills." Jian Fengyun smiled lightly and said immediately.

"Okay, that's great. With these pill recipes, I'll see how those old things from the Pill Yuan League threaten my Alchemist Association!" Tianhai got Jian Fengyun's answer, and his fingers trembled with excitement, as if he was a Child.

Looking at the appearance of the old man in front of him, Jian Fengyun's heart moved unconsciously. Once upon a time, he had a disciple who was like him. When he heard him explaining the alchemy, he became excited like a child. That was his second disciple, Yao Buchun. .

Fengyun Spring and Autumn, Wanyu Wushuang

Fengxue Shengjun—Feng Qianqiu, Tiandan Shengjun—Yaobuchun, Wanbing Shengjun—Chu Feng, Shenzhen Shengjun—Yangyun

For a moment, Jian Fengyun's eyes couldn't help revealing a touch of nostalgia, and he didn't know how those four little guys were doing now.

According to Yang Yun's letter left in Qingyun Royal Secret Realm, among his four disciples, the first three have achieved Emperor Venerable Realm, only the fourth disciple Yang Yun, when he left the letter, had just broken through Saint Realm.

"Young Master Jian, why don't you follow me to the Alchemist Association for a while, let's not rush to the Holy Court and have a good rest, you just had a big battle, I asked them to arrange some spiritual banquets to make up for it Replenish the body." Tian Hai said to Jian Fengyun with a smile.

"Okay, but senior, please wait a moment, there are still some troubles to deal with, and we will go to rest after we deal with it." Jian Fengyun said with a faint smile.

"What's the trouble? I think if there is any trouble, dare to come to Mr. Jian. You say, if those people are to die, the old man, I will send him on his way right away!" Tian Hai's face turned serious when he heard that, and he looked around coldly.

Up and down Wuling City, people from all major forces were swept by Tianhai's eyes, and suddenly felt an inexplicable cold.

"Jian Fengyun, do you only dare to hide behind others? If you have the ability to fight fairly!" Yin Ba resisted Tianhai's coercion and said angrily to Jian Fengyun.

When Tianhai heard Yin Ba's voice, he was about to strike immediately, but was stopped by Jian Fengyun.

"Senior, I'll take care of it!" Jian Fengyun signaled.

The next moment, Jian Fengyun stepped forward, glanced at Yin Ba, and said coldly: "Yin Ba, if you want to fight, fight!"

While speaking, a long sword seemed to fall into Jian Fengyun's hands, and the thunder light poured out from the sky instantly, and a phantom holding the thunder long sword appeared behind Jian Fengyun.

Lei Junjian!
The Lei Jun Sword, one of the top ten sword weapons of the Holy Soul Sword Sect!

The moment Lei Junjian appeared, everyone around him was recognized.

"Jian Fengyun, you are looking for death!" Yin Ba saw Lei Junjian, and his eyes became more murderous.

Lei Junjian, hesitant to suppress the forbidden land in the southern estimated forbidden land, let him only display the strength of the spirit king state, so it is his shame to be captured by Jian Fengyun. He wanted to use his strength to wash away this shame, but he did not expect this After a while, Jian Fengyun directly exposed this shame in full view.


Just as Yin Ba was about to draw his sword, the figure of Yin Daohuang suddenly appeared beside Yin Ba, frowning and speaking.

Yin Ba exchanged a few words with him, and immediately put away his sword.

"How is the discussion between the two of you?" Jian Fengyun held the sword in his hand and asked calmly.

"Mr. Jian, you have just experienced a big battle today. If Yin Ba competes with you at this moment, even if you win, it will be a bit ineffective. Therefore, I plan to make an appointment with Mr. Jian for my son. Mr. Jian can Dare to take it?" Yin Daohuang said calmly to Jian Fengyun.

"How to make an appointment?" Jian Fengyun calmly replied.

"Three months later, the Holy Academy recruits students. At that time, on the stage of recruiting students, I will also invite Mr. Jian to fight a life-and-death battle with my son. At that time, the Lord of the world will witness it. I believe it will be fair and just." Yin Daohuang spoke with deep meaning.

"Okay, then kill Yin Ba after three months!" Jian Fengyun's eyes were sharp, and there was a cold look in his eyes.

"Okay!" A cold look flashed in Yin Daohuang's eyes, and he shouted in a cold voice.

Jian Fengyun glanced at Yin Daohuang and his son, and immediately turned his attention to other forces in Wuling City.

"Since Sect Master Yin has made a request, please wait for three months, and then take your head after three months!"

(End of this chapter)

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