Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 434 Zuo Hai's Opportunity

Chapter 434 Zuo Hai's Opportunity

"Since Sect Master Yin has made a request, please wait for three months. After three months, I will take your head!"

Jian Fengyun's cold words fell, and in an instant, a frenzy was set off in Wuling City.

"It's too crazy, this Jian Fengyun is too crazy, I really think I'm invincible!"

"That's right, relying on the support of the Alchemist Association to be so crazy, let's see how he will die in three months, hmph!"

"In three months' time, the Holy Academy recruits the ring, and the major forces will witness it to see who else is covering him."

The young disciples of all the major forces were very angry and said that although Jian Fengyun's strength is indeed extraordinary, it is simply impossible to kill the disciples of the Tianjiao disciples of the major forces present.

Jian Fengyun didn't pay much attention to the indignant words of these people, his face was indifferent, he turned slightly, and followed Tianhai to the ground.

Under everyone's angry and unwilling eyes, Jian Fengyun and several figures above the sky slowly disappeared and walked into the alchemist association.

"Hey, what a bad luck. I didn't expect to come here not only did not get any benefits, but also offended the Alchemist Association. This time, my Xuan Tiemen is really unlucky!"

"Isn't that right? My Dead Wood Sect also came here excitedly. I thought I could get some soup, but I didn't expect that Jian Fengyun is actually a master of alchemy. He has so many top-level pills. It's really not worth the candle!"

"Stop complaining, Wanbaolou is the most unlucky one. If they save Jian Fengyun, these top pills will be theirs now!"

"That's right, this time Wanbaolou lost his wife and lost his army. He didn't win Jian Fengyun and also lost the master who provided Spirit Blood Pill and Demon Blood Pill."

Without a target, the people from all major forces would naturally disperse.The Wuling City, which was still noisy in the last second, is the back of the warrior leaving in an instant.

"Let's go too!" Yin Daohuang held Yin Ba's hand beside him, and then said.

"Father, I." Yin Ba's eyes were full of unwillingness, and he was about to speak,

"Okay, Ba'er, let's go back first. In the past three months, you will go to the Feixian Pond of the Feixian Sect. I believe that after three months, your transformation will make this Tianxuan and all the Tianjiao eclipsed." Yin Yin Dao Emperor seemed to know what Yin Ba was going to say, so he interrupted him directly.

"Yes, father!" Yin Ba gritted his teeth unwillingly, and immediately responded.

"Let's go!" Yin Daohuang turned around and was about to leave.

Before leaving, Yin Ba glanced coldly at the place where Jian Fengyun left, and said in his heart: Jian Fengyun, after three months, I will definitely let you die without a whole body.

In the next instant, the figures of Yin Daohuang and Yin Ba turned into two streamers of light and disappeared into the sky.

"Master Mozi, what's the matter, is this Jian Fengyun still going to kill?" The king-level powerhouse of the snake-human clan looked at Xuanmu Mozhen with a gloomy face, and asked immediately.

Xuanmu Mozhen returned to his senses, a deep look flashed in his eyes, and said: "Don't kill him now, he has so many strong people to protect him, even if he tries his best at this time, it will be difficult to succeed, I will go back and report to Master, three months Find him later!"

"Well, that's fine. It just so happens that our clan is about to come to the world of myriad domains. At that time, we can better help the evil emperor to complete his great cause." The king-level powerhouse of the snake-human clan nodded and responded.

After a while, the two magic lights also broke through the sky at the same time, and the huge Wuling City became empty in an instant. The south wind passed through thousands of miles of wasteland and blew into Wuling City. Wuling City was like a deserted city.

At the same time, inside the Wanbao Building

"Elder Zuo Xu, what should we do? The failure of Wanbao Building this time means that we have directly lost the source of Spirit Blood Pill and Demon Blood Pill. The previous inventory alone will not last long!" Zuo Hai looked anxiously at Zuo Hai who had just appeared Xu, said.

"I didn't expect that Jian Fengyun would have a relationship with the Alchemist Association, and even let Vice President Tian Hai come forward, and three of the seven major factions of the Holy Academy came. It seems that I underestimated him!" Zuo Xu looked a little pale It's ugly, before he just looked at Jian Fengyun as a lucky one who got the inheritance of Emperor Fengyun, but now he has to change his mind.

Not only does Jian Fengyun have the inheritance of Emperor Fengyun, but he is also a peerless arrogance, he was mistaken.

"Elder, the Tianzuo Auction has just passed, and the lineage battle is about to begin. Now that Wanbao Building loses the Spirit Blood Pill and the Demon Blood Pill, will it affect the battle for the succession?" Zuo Hai asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, the two pills won't have a big impact on Wanbaolou, and Jian Fengyun didn't ask the Alchemist Association to ban us, and he didn't let Tianhai and those people take action on Wanbaolou, which means that he doesn't want to offend us yet, everything is still there. There is room for relaxation!" Zuo Xu's turbid eyes suddenly shot out two deep colors.

"Easy?" Zuo Hai's eyes moved slightly, and he asked in doubt.

"Zuo Hai, I will leave this matter to you. As long as you can persuade Jian Fengyun to let the Alchemist Association cooperate with our Wanbao Building, I will make you the general manager of Wanbao Building in the Tianxuan Upper Domain!" Zuo Xu's eyes As soon as he moved, he immediately opened his mouth and said.

"The general manager of Tianxuan Upper Region, doesn't that mean he has become the elder of the Zuo family?" Zuo Hai was stunned for a moment, and a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

In the Wanbaolou Four Masters Alliance, the Zuo family accounts for one-tenth, controlling 46 upper domains, and each upper domain is in charge of a Zuo patriarch. If Zuo Hai wants to take charge of the headquarters of Wanbaolou in a domain, he must become the Zuo family. the elders.

"Don't worry about that. Elder Zuo Ming, who was in charge of the Tianxuan Upper Domain, died unfortunately 12 years ago. The Zuo family has been selecting someone to take Zuo Ming's place. If you can do this, the elder token of the Zuo family will be released immediately." It will be in your hands!" Zuo Xu said with a smile as his eyes moved.

When Zuo Hai heard this, his expression became a little excited. The elder of Zuo's family, back then, his father could not keep the position in his life, but he didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to get it at this moment.

"Okay, Elder Zuo Xu actually said that, Zuo Hai will try his best to persuade Jian Fengyun to cooperate with Wanbaolou!" Zuo Hai said with a flushed face.

"Well, feel free to do it. Also, next time you see Jian Fengyun, remember to prepare a generous gift for him to forgive our abruptness. There are only eternal interests in this world, and there is no eternal hatred. He should know this." Zuo Xu He patted Zuo Hai on the shoulder and ordered.

"Yes!" Zuo Hai replied respectfully.

Watching Zuo Xu and his party leave, after a while, four figures appeared in the darkness behind Zuo Hai.

"Deacon Hai, congratulations, the fifth elder of the Zuo family's direct lineage is very important!" Zuo Xijian walked up to Zuo Hai and said with a faint smile.

"I've met Young Master Xi Jian, Master Xi Jian is serious!" Zuo Hai slightly cupped his hands at Zuo Xi Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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