Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 440

Chapter 440
"I see." Jian Fengyun nodded slightly, but his eyes swept around as if searching.

The streets of Profound Sky City are very large, tens of feet wide, and there are various stalls on both sides of the street, and warriors conduct transactions in an orderly manner.

From these orderly management transactions, it is enough to see how strict the order of Xuan Tian City is, and it is also enough to see that the Tian Xuan imperial family is much stronger than Jian Fengyun imagined.

3000 years ago, upper domains like the Tianxuan Upper Domain were at best dominated by saints, but now Emperor Zun is in charge, and the overall strength of the city seems to be much stronger than the upper domain 3000 years ago.

"By the way, disciples of the Holy Court can enjoy a [-]% discount when trading in Tianxuan City. When you enter the Holy Court and get the token, you can use the token to enjoy the discount." Tian Hai seemed to think of something, and immediately said to Jian Fengyun. .

"Oh!" Jian Fengyun nodded slightly, secretly remembering that in Profound Sky City, he would definitely have to buy cultivation resources, and with a [-]% discount, he could still save a lot of spirit crystals.

"Hey, Jian Fengyun, are you going to compete with me in alchemy? I just broke through to the heavenly pharmacist a few days later than you, so you look down on me?" Jing Feier followed Jian Fengyun, showing a pair on her pretty face. Little Huya said, vowing not to give up.

Ever since that day when she suffered under Jian Fengyun's hands, she secretly made up her mind to defeat Jian Fengyun with her own hands on the Dao of Alchemy.

Jian Fengyun vaguely knew what Jing Feier was thinking, but he didn't seem to care about it. What he really needed to do was to improve his strength, get rid of Xie Tian, ​​and deal with the catastrophe of the era that had already begun. Jing Feier was just spoiled The eldest lady is not worth his wasting his time.

Therefore, Jian Fengyun ignored Jing Fei'er, quickened his pace, and followed Tianhai and the others to advance quickly.

A group of eight people, under the guidance of Tianhai and the three, walked to a huge building complex. This building complex covered an area of ​​thousands of feet. Almost one-third of the entire Tianxuan City belonged to this building complex. .

Pavilions, pavilions, palaces and mountains, this complex of buildings is simply a small world, with mountains, waters and pavilions, like a city within a city, it is breathtaking.

Tianhai led Jian Fengyun and others into the gate of the holy courtyard, and instantly entered a luxuriant forest.

"Stop, who are these people? Outsiders are not allowed to enter the Holy Court!" Suddenly, two figures in black robes appeared in the void, emitting two unfathomable auras.

The moment Jian Fengyun saw the two, the sword energy in his body surged, this was an instinctive vigilance reaction.

"Let go!" At this moment, the woman in red who had been behind her stepped forward and said to the two men in black.

"I've met the Deputy Pavilion Master!" The two men in black clasped their hands at the same time and respectfully said to the woman in red.

"Hmph, let's go!" The woman in red snorted coldly, and then stepped into the forest with a group of people behind her.

Seeing this scene, Jian Fengyun couldn't help showing a strange look on his face. This woman in red is so domineering. Although it is said that she has the cultivation base of the holy realm, in a place like the holy courtyard, the cultivation base of the holy realm should not be enough Be domineering.

On the path in the forest, Jian Fengyun looked at the woman in red in front of him while walking.

In the past few days, Tian Hai and Han Mo have been communicating with him all the time. As for the woman in red, except for the fact that she introduced her name as Han Mo at the beginning, she has never communicated with Jian Fengyun before. any time.

Han Mo, Han Mo, Jian Fengyun was thinking, a strange look appeared on his face, he looked at the woman in red in front, and then at the old man in black behind, these two people probably have nothing to do with each other.

Tianhai on the side seemed to have noticed the doubtful look on Jian Fengyun's face, and immediately said to Jian Fengyun secretly: "Young Master Jian, you'd better not ask more about Han Mo and Han Mo, this is a matter shared by everyone in the Holy Academy." know the taboo."

"Why? Are they related?" Jian Fengyun slightly wrinkled his eyes and said to Tianhai.

For a while, the atmosphere became a little calm.

"Hey, I told you not to ask. Why do you still ask? Let me tell you, curiosity kills people. In the past, a mentor at the Lingjun Realm did not have long eyes and brought up this topic in front of the cold demon, but he was abolished. You better not ask any more questions because you are thrown out of the Holy Court." Tian Hai's old face moved slightly, rolled his eyes and said.

"Senior Tianhai, Senior Han Mo is the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Pavilion. She told me before that she and Senior Han Mo are in charge of the Law Enforcement Pavilion. Could it be that Senior Han Mo is the head of the Law Enforcement Pavilion?" Jian Fengyun still didn't Let go and asked.

"Of course not, the owner of the Law Enforcement Pavilion." Tian Hai pursed his lips and was about to transmit the sound.

"What are you talking about?" At this moment, the cold demon who was walking in front suddenly turned around, and two cold lights shot out from his beautiful eyes.

"Hey, I introduced the Law Enforcement Pavilion to Mr. Jian just now, and I told him that people who wear the robes just now are all from the Law Enforcement Pavilion of the Holy Academy." Tianhai responded with a smile on his face.

"Isn't that right, Mr. Jian?" As he said that, Tian Hai gave Jian Fengyun a wink.

However, Jian Fengyun didn't seem to see it, and stepped forward to meet Han Mo's gaze, and said: "Senior Han Mo, I was a little curious about your relationship with Senior Han Mo, so I asked Senior Tian Hai, absolutely No malice!"

Hearing Jian Fengyun's words, Tianhai's heart skipped a beat.

It's over, did this kid take the wrong medicine? Didn't I tell him just now, don't discuss the topic of the two of them in front of Han Mo.

Behind, Han Mo heard Jian Fengyun's words, his old face suddenly changed color, and his figure flashed in front of Jian Fengyun.

"That cold demon, don't be angry, let's discuss things slowly first!"

"That's right, Han Mo, he's still just a child, don't be angry, anger is a devil, anger is in the heart, and it attracts people!" Tianhai also grabbed Jian Fengyun impressively, protecting him behind him, and said .

The cold demon's beautiful eyes met the two pairs of vigilant and nervous eyes, and the air became silent for an instant, and even the sound of Lin Jianfeng blowing the leaves could be heard.

After a while, the cold demon spoke, breaking the silence in the air, and said, "Why should I be angry?"

"Um, aren't you angry?" Han Mo lowered his head slightly and asked.

Tianhai also had a strange look on his face, looking at the cold demon as if he saw a monster.

"I just hate people chewing my tongue behind my back. I think Mr. Jian said that just now, it's not a tongue-tacking, but something else!" Coldness flashed in the cold demon's beautiful eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a hint of awe. smile.

(End of this chapter)

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