Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 441 Refining Pharmaceutical Liquid

Chapter 441 Refining Pharmaceutical Liquid
Hearing this sentence and seeing this smile, Han Mo and Tianhai couldn't help but backed up a few steps. Sure enough, Han Mo was angry, but this time it seemed to be a hidden anger that didn't burst out instantly.

Just when they wanted to transmit the sound to make Jian Fengyun run quickly, Jian Fengyun stepped forward.

"Senior Cold Demon is right. I just want to tell Senior Cold Demon that Yin-Yang Heavenly Art has a way to resolve it. If the two seniors have a grudge because of Yin-Yang Heavenly Art, maybe this junior can help resolve it!" Jian Fengyun smiled. , said calmly to the cold demon.

"Yin Yang Tian Kung, how do you know about Yin Yang Tian Kung?" Han Mo's beautiful eyes froze instantly when he heard Jian Fengyun's words, and a look of distraction flashed in his eyes.

Han Mo's old face standing in front of Jian Fengyun was also shocked, he turned around slowly, stared at Jian Fengyun in horror, carefully observed that the beard on that face had begun to tremble slightly.

"Senior, the Yin-Yang Heavenly Art is a forbidden skill in the ancient times, created by the Emperor Yin-Yang, but the Emperor Yin-Yang never married. The creation of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Art is just an idea of ​​the Emperor Yin-Yang. This idea was confirmed as early as 6 years ago. Imagine that the final result is that one side swallows the other, rather than the fusion of yin and yang, and once the yin and yang kung fu are practiced, the two sides will have a fatal attraction to each other, and the kung fu will promote the body to devour the other party impatiently." Jian Fengyun looked calm and calm. typical.

As Jian Fengyun's words fell, the eyes of both Han Mo and Han Mo were shocked, and their eyes were extremely horrified.

Tianhai stood on the side in doubt, seeing the changes in the two people in front of him, he suddenly felt a little inexplicable.

Han Mo and Han Mo, as the head and deputy head of the Law Enforcement Pavilion of the Holy Court, have always had huge differences in personality in the Holy Court, and the possibility of appearing together is very low, let alone showing the same expression .

However, when they heard Jian Fengyun talk about "Yin Yang Tian Gong", the look of shock and astonishment in their eyes was so alike.

Shocked, unbelievable.

Tianhai didn't expect this kind of expression to appear on the people with high status in these two holy courtyards. Could it be a dream?

Tianhai bit his lip hard, felt a sharp pain from his tongue, and suddenly his eyes widened.

"Are you really able to solve the side effects of Yin-Yang Tiangong?" Han Mo resisted the shock of his tender body, staring straight at Jian Fengyun.

Han Mo's eyes were also full of anticipation.

"What do you two want to do? He's still a child, you guys..." Tian Hai became nervous under the eyes of Han Mo and the other two, thinking that they were going to do something to Jian Fengyun, he immediately opened his mouth to persuade him.

Before Tianhai's voice fell.

"Shut up!" The voices of Han Mo and Han Mo sounded at the same time, interrupting Tian Hai's words in unison.

Startled by the two loud voices, Tianhai took two steps back abruptly, and looked at the scene in front of him in horror.

When did Han Mo and Han Mo stand aside? I remember that there were rumors in the holy courtyard that the two had always been at odds. Why did they suddenly have such a tacit understanding now?

"Of course the side effects of Yin-Yang Tiangong can be resolved, but it will take some time. I will personally prepare some liquid medicine for the two seniors, and it will be resolved." Jian Fengyun said with a calm face and a faint smile.

He had already guessed the relationship between Han Mo and Han Mo at this meeting.

A couple!
Yin-Yang Heavenly Kungfu can only be cultivated by Taoist couples, and they almost never talked together along the way. The only possibility of deliberately ignoring each other is to dilute the desire of Yin-Yang Heavenly Kungfu to eat each other.

"Boy, you won't lie to us, will you? If you lie to us, I'll cut you into eight pieces!" Han Mo's pretty face suddenly turned cold, and his eyes turned coldly to Jian Fengyun.

For many years, she has also been looking for ways to resolve the side effects of Yin-Yang Heavenly Kungfu, but even if they searched all the books of the Holy Academy, they could not find the slightest way to resolve the Yin-Yang Heavenly Kungfu. , but there is no result.

Even when the cold demons were about to give up, Jian Fengyun appeared, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, who blurted out news about Yin-Yang Tiangong, and directly told them that it could resolve the side effects of Yin-Yang Tiangong.

This sudden change instantly made Han Mo feel that Jian Fengyun was made up, how could a sixteen or seventeen year old boy know the way to resolve the side effects of Yin Yang Tiangong 6 years ago.

Facing the icy evil spirit gushing out of the cold demon instantly, Jian Fengyun's face remained calm and calm, and said: "Senior Cold Demon, it will take time to completely solve it, but it is very simple to alleviate it, all you need is the flower of your mind and fire The medicinal liquid prepared by Yangguo can alleviate the desire of you and Senior Han Mo to devour each other."

"What, the medicinal solution of Xinshenhua and Huoyangguo can relieve the side effects of Yin-Yang Tiangong?" Tianhai was also taken aback. He had heard of Yin-Yang Tiangong, and naturally knew the side effects of Yin-Yang Tiangong.

Yin-Yang Tiangong is one of the unsolved problems in the world of alchemists. If the side effects of Yin-Yang Tiangong can be relieved, with the power of its emperor-level exercises, countless warriors with Taoist companions will take the risk to try it.

"Senior Tianhai, it's not true. Yin-yang and heavenly skills are divided into yin and yang. Senior Hanmo's practice is the yin part of yin-yang and heavenly skills. The medicine liquid needed is the combination of mind and spirit flowers and fire-yang fruits, but what senior Hanmo cultivates is yang. For some exercises, the liquid medicine needed is the medicinal liquid prepared by Xinshenhua and Ice Spirit Fruit." Jian Fengyun turned slightly, his eyes swept towards Tianhai, and said calmly.

"Soul Flower, Huoyang Fruit, Ice Spirit Fruit, I happen to have these elixir on me, I wonder if Mr. Jian can prepare them yourself?" Tian Hai's old face moved slightly, and he immediately took out the three elixir from the stored spirit weapon suspended in the air.

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved slightly, and he said: "These two medicinal liquids are only heavenly medicinal liquids, I can still control them!"

The moment the words fell, Jian Fengyun stretched out his hand impressively, and the sword essence glowing with silver light surged out impressively, instantly disposing of the three elixir in front of him.

There are dozens of copies of each of the three types of elixir, and the total of the three types of elixir is close to a hundred. At this moment, they are supported in mid-air by the power of the sword.

It only took a breath to deal with these elixir, Jian Fengyun glanced over these celestial elixir, his eyes became focused, stretched out his finger and tapped lightly, one after another faint blue flames were scattered in the hundreds of The elixir was burned.

This scene left Tian Hai, Han Mo, and Han Mo stunned at the same time.

"Is this refining elixir?"

The three of them were not small characters, especially Tianhai, who was a holy pharmacist himself, but even the three of them had never seen or even heard of a pharmacist refining medicinal liquid in this way.

 Ps: Today is December 2017, 12, Christmas Eve, Yuexia is here to wish everyone a happy Christmas Eve, and wish everyone can receive apples from those who care!
(End of this chapter)

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