Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 444 Test

Chapter 444 Test
Tianzi Hall, three quaint characters are on the hall plaque.

A huge palace suddenly appeared in front of everyone. There were no disciples guarding the palace, but there was already a long queue, and many people were waiting for the test.

Inside the palace, three academy instructors were recording the results of the test.

"Scarlet true spirit, send back!"

"Orange and other true spirits, send them back!"

The voices of those mentors came over.

"Senior Tianhai, what do you mean by repatriation?" Jing Fei'er stepped forward again, looking at Tianhai and asked.

Tianhai said: "The meaning of repatriation is that the aptitude has not reached the standard for exceptional admission. The Holy Academy only accepts Huang and other true spirits and above, not those with poor talent."

Hearing Tianhai's words, Jing Fei'er's pretty face instantly showed a dignified look, and her white hands were clenched instantly.

The holy courtyard is the sacred place for warriors from all regions, and it has a fatal attraction for all warriors, so it is naturally the same for Jing Fei'er.

Compared to Jing Fei'er's nervousness, Jian Fengyun's expression was indifferent. Although he hadn't tested the grade of his true spirit, the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword was a true spirit inheritance, and it would definitely not be bad.

As for Jian Xueer, she doesn't need to worry, the quality of the true spirit condensed from the body of the holy soul will definitely not be ordinary.

And Wu Fengting, who has been following behind Jian Fengyun, is quite natural, he came here with Jian Fengyun, he never planned to become a disciple of the Holy Court.

At this moment, a group of people came over, the leader was a middle-aged man in a silver robe, walking like a tiger, with a frivolous smile on his face.

"Isn't this Elder Lu and other true spirit Tianhai from the pill department? I didn't expect to meet Elder Tianhai here. It's really a fate!" The middle-aged man clicked his lips and said strangely.

"Yuhua, if you fart, let it go, if you don't fart, get out, I don't have time here to accompany you to talk nonsense!" Tianhai's old face was instantly covered with frost, and he said coldly.

Sensing the hostility between the two, Jian Fengyun took a look at the middle-aged man named Yuhua. This middle-aged man named Yuhua should also be a strong man in the holy realm, and in terms of aura, his strength was even stronger than Tianhai's. Stronger than many, followed by four people.

Yuhua laughed, and stretched out his hand to pull Tianhai's shoulder, but Tianhai stretched out his hand without being polite.

When the two palms touched, Tianhai was shocked and took a step back, his face turned livid.

At this time, Yuhua took his hand back, and said with a hey smile: "Elder Tianhai is still the same, weak in strength, and has a big temper!"

"Yuhua, I don't need you to care about my temper!" Tianhai stared at Yuhua coldly, gritted his teeth and said coldly.

"Elder Tianhai, if you say that, it's too far-fetched." Yuhua smiled, "You and I are both elders of the Holy Presidency, and we are participating in the competition for the first seat at the same time. We are both from the same sect, so there is no need to see each other. For me, it’s like meeting an enemy.”

After finishing speaking, Yuhua glanced at Jian Fengyun and the other four behind Tianhai, and said with a laugh: "Elder Tianhai's gaze is really unique, none of the four of them has reached the Spirit Emperor Realm, it seems that Tianhai and I The elder has a different vision, although he didn't care too much about it, but the lowest level of strength is still in the spiritual realm."

Yuhua's words were stinging, and he looked at Jian Fengyun and the others with a bit of contempt.

Behind Yuhua, there are also four strong men, three at the Linghuang Realm and one at the peak of the Lingzun Realm. Among them, the Lingzun is only a thin line away from the Linghuang.They looked at Jian Fengyun and the other four with a hint of provocation.They all clearly felt that Elder Yuhua and Elder Tianhai were not at odds. The four of them would rely on Yuhua to gain a foothold in the Holy Court in the future. Naturally, Elder Yuhua followed suit.

Jian Fengyun used his soul power to transmit sound, and asked Tian Haidao: "Who is this Yuhua?"

"He is the Chief Elder of the Tianjiao Department, and I am the Chief Elder of the Pill Department. This time, the Holy Academy is holding a competition for the head elders of the seven departments. We are hostile to each other. Just ignore them, and they can't do anything to you here! "Tianhai voice transmission said to Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun immediately understood, no wonder Yuhua and Tianhai were not at odds, it turned out that Jian Fengyun was not interested in these power struggles, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Yuhua's cold eyes swept towards Jian Fengyun, he didn't know what Jian Fengyun and Tianhai were talking about, but most of them were not good.

"The true spirit test is about to begin. I wonder what level of true spirit the four geniuses brought by Elder Tianhai are?" With a provocative look on the corner of Yuhua's mouth, he swept across the six Tianhai, "Elder Tianhai True spirits such as Lu, I believe that the few who were favored by Elder Tianhai should not be bad, right?"

On the surface, Yuhua was greeting and caring, but she blatantly said the true spirits such as Tianhailu, which was clearly despising that Tianhai would bring people no good.

"I don't bother you to care about this!" Tianhai looked very indifferent, and felt that even saying a word was nonsense for Yuhua's arrogant contempt.

Seeing Tianhai ignoring it, Yuhua snorted coldly, turned around, and said in his heart: "Lv waits for the real spirit, the bottom of the holy realm, I really feel that I am a character."

Although she said so in her heart, Yuhua was still very nervous in her heart, and regarded Tianhai as her strong enemy.

First of all, there are fewer people with green and other true spirits who can cultivate to the holy realm than those with purple and other true spirits in the holy courtyard. Even in the entire holy courtyard, people with low-level true spirits who can cultivate to the strong are no more than ten fingers away. Counting, and these ten people have reached an astonishing level of cultivation, and they are all figures at the level of imperial giants.

It stands to reason that the cultivation speed of true spirits such as green is extremely slow, and even many warriors of true spirits such as green can only cultivate to the Linghuang realm in their entire lives and cannot break through the Lingjun. However, Tianhai is an anomaly, and the cultivation speed is faster than ordinary People are much faster. Although they are not as good as Tianjiao, they are still improving slowly.

The examples of those low-level true spirits becoming emperors made Yuhua feel uneasy all the time.His true spirit is blue and other true spirits, this talent can be regarded as a genius, but there are more than a hundred people like him in the holy courtyard.

More and more people participated in the test. Except for Tianhai and Yuhua who brought the students here in person, most of the others were veteran students or mentors from the Holy Academy who brought people to the test.

"Huang and other true spirits, choose the spirit peak to cultivate by yourself!"

"Green and other true spirits, choose the spirit peak to cultivate by yourself!"

The test results can reach the number of true spirits such as Huang, and there are not many instructors who are in charge of the test. After searching for these disciples who participated in the test, they seem to be somewhat lacking in interest.

(End of this chapter)

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