Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 445 Self-selection and recommendation

Chapter 445 Self-selection and recommendation

The several tutors in charge of the test in the Holy Academy searched the disciples who participated in the test, and they seemed to be somewhat lacking in interest.

In recent years, the talents have basically appeared in those big forces, but the group in front of them is obviously not from any sanctuary, the arrogance of the emperor's domain.

Among the instructors in charge of the test, the leader was a middle-aged man in a silver robe. He had a majestic demeanor and kept watching the test. By his side, the two quickly recorded the test results when the time came.

"Qingdao True Spirit." Another test result came out.

"That's right, you can escort the Seven Lords to the Spirit Peak!" The middle-aged man in the silver robe nodded slightly and said immediately.

Yuhua frowned. There are hundreds of people waiting for the test, and when it's their turn, they don't know when it will be.

I saw Yuhua striding towards the silver-robed middle-aged man, and said majesticly, "Teacher Bai, long time no see."

"Elder Yuhua, why are you here!" The silver-robed middle-aged man lost his eyes when he saw Yuhua, and his face softened in the next moment, and he said respectfully.

"I'll bring some of my most valued disciples over to take part in the test!" Yuhua's eyes swept coldly.

The middle-aged man in the silver robe heard Yuhua's voice, looked at the majestic face, and instantly understood the meaning of Yuhua's words.

He is just a mentor in charge of foreign affairs. Compared with an elder like Yuhua who holds real power, he is completely incomparable. On weekdays, even if he stands in front of Yuhua, Yuhua will not say a word to him , now that he has spoken, how can he not save face.

"Since he is a disciple valued by Elder Yuhua, his talent must be extraordinary, so please come and test it first!" The silver-robed middle-aged man smiled, and then cupped his hands at Yuhua.

"Well, Teacher Bai, I think you have great potential to be a deacon of the Holy Academy, do it well!" Yuhua said lightly, then turned back to the four people behind him and said, "Come here, all of you!"

The four disciples who followed Yuhua all walked towards Yuhua.

Seeing this scene, those geniuses who were still waiting for the public all showed displeasure. They had been waiting for a long time for the test of hundreds of people. Yuhua and his group obviously came later than the fuck, but they were in front of them went.

"Who are these people?"

"Don't talk too much, beware of causing trouble. This elder Yuhua is the chief elder of the Tianjiao Department. His strength has reached the Holy Realm. A single thought can kill you!"

Hearing the words of those veteran students and guides, many people restrained themselves. Even if the powerful in the holy realm killed them all, the forces behind them would not be able to offend them.

At this moment, Que Jian Tianhai walked up from the side, and said to Yuhua and the middle-aged man in Yinpao in a deep voice: "Teacher Bai, is it not appropriate for you to do this? Lord, even the elders are no exception, we came before Yuhua and others, but they queued ahead of us, so favoritism, the people in the Law Enforcement Pavilion may have something to do!"

The middle-aged man in the silver robe glanced at Tianhai, and his face immediately paled. If an ordinary person spoke like this, he would definitely suppress it without hesitation. In the Hall of Talents, he still has some full strength, but the one in front of him is a medicinal pill. Elder Tianhai, even though the pill series is the last of the seven factions, he can't be offended. In addition, it is a fact that he favors personal interests.

"Elder Tianhai, here." Director Bai bowed slightly, but glanced at Yuhua who was at the side, as if asking for his opinion.

The law enforcement cabinet's handling is not a trivial matter, and he still can't ignore it.

Yuhua looked at Tianhai, a cold look flashed in his eyes, and said solemnly: "Since Elder Tianhai said so, I don't know that all the students are willing to make room for us!"

While speaking, Yuhua's icy eyes instantly swept to the disciples who were queuing up behind him, and everyone felt their bodies turn cold, as if they were going to be decapitated in the next moment.

"Elder Yuhua, we are willing to give way to you!"

"We do too!"

In an instant, those who lined up walked behind Tianhai one after another, forming a new line.

"Elder Tianhai, look, they are all willing to give way to me, so it's all right now?" Yuhua said coldly.

Tianhai was at a loss for words for a while, although he knew that the disciples behind him had to give way due to Yuhua's coercion, and felt resentful, but there was nothing he could do.

Yuhua glanced at the five people in Tianhai, and said with a sneer: "By the way, Elder Tianhai, the next batch will be you guys. The four genius talents you brought should not be too bad. There is still hope for the elixir system at the bottom of the year!"

Tianhai's face was a bit ugly. Although the pill department was at the bottom every year, but being said in front of these new disciples, it was a bit too disrespectful for him, the chief elder.

However, Tianhai didn't know how talented Jian Fengyun and the others were, so facing Yuhua's cynicism, he could only glance at them coldly and didn't speak.

Tianhai was going to line up to the back according to the rules, but when he turned around and saw the awe-inspiring eyes, he immediately gave up his plan.

Since Yuhua wants to let him compare with him in the next batch, he will definitely not let these people behind him come up to disrupt the situation, and Yuhua has such confidence to compare with him, the four geniuses he brings must be extraordinary.Right now, the only thing he can think about is to pray that Jian Fengyun and the others will test their talents better soon, so that he won't be too ashamed
"Elder Yuhua, are you going to start the test?" Instructor Bai looked at Yuhua and said respectfully.

"Just listen to Teacher Bai's orders. The order in the holy courtyard is strict, and even the elders can't break the order!" Yuhua smiled and said provocatively at Tianhai behind him.

Tianhai directly ignored this gaze.

On the sidelines, the instructor nodded slightly, pointed to a person and said, "You, come up and test."

This person is the person standing closest behind Yuhua, a young man of sixteen or seventeen, wearing a long blue robe.

The blue-robed youth stepped forward, followed the guidance of Teacher Bai, and slowly put his hand on a round transparent crystal ball. This crystal ball was about a foot in size, and the whole body was moist and transparent. Inject it slowly.

The crystal ball gradually emitted a faint light, then became brighter and brighter, and finally took shape, and a cyan light emitted from the crystal ball.

"Qingdao True Spirit, yes, you can escort the seven main peaks." Teacher Bai nodded and said with a smile.

"Guaranteed the Seven Main Peaks?" Jian Fengyun's eyes moved, and he immediately asked Tianhai via voice transmission: "Elder Tianhai, is there any difference between escorting the Seven Main Peaks and choosing the Lingfeng for cultivation?"

(End of this chapter)

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