Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 447 Amazing Purple

Chapter 447 Amazing Purple

"True spirits like Qing, escorted to the seven main peaks!" Instructor Bai looked at Wufeng Pavilion with a surprised expression on his face.

Wu Fengting stared blankly at the crystal ball in front of him, and murmured, "It turned out to be the true spirit of Qing, the true spirit of Qing."

Yuhua on the side frowned, and said in his heart: "I didn't expect a green spirit to appear. The luck of this old thing Tianhai is really good."

"My lord, I passed!" When Wu Fengting came back, his face was full of surprise.

Jian Fengyun smiled lightly and said: "That's right, you can choose the Lingfeng to cultivate yourself, I don't restrict where you go!"

"I want to follow Young Master!" Wu Fengting walked behind Jian Fengyun without even thinking about it.

Seeing this scene, Jian Fengyun couldn't help but feel certain that he had seen countless geniuses in his previous life, but there were only a few people who could stick to their hearts like Wu Fengting when facing big life choices, and those few people eventually became A giant and strong man with a reputation.

You know, for a young man from Wuling City, although he has studied in Tianxuan Taoist Academy for several years, it is still a huge temptation to face the Holy Academy, a holy place that countless warriors yearn for. Wufengting can resist these A huge temptation, keeping one's original ideas is very valuable.

"Hmph, let me see how long you can pretend." Yuhua sneered in his heart, and swept towards Jian Fengyun and the others contemptuously.

In Yu Hua's mind, this group of warriors at the Spirit King Realm must be less talented than Wu Fengting, and Wu Fengting must have been guided by Tian Hai to save some face.

"Let me test it too!" Jing Fei'er took a long breath and stepped forward immediately.

In an instant, everyone's eyes gathered together and fell on Jing Fei'er who was about to test.

Yuhua looked down at you, Jian Fengyun, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, and seeing Jing Feier's nervous face, he probably didn't have much talent.

The gazes of these people made Jing Fei feel the pressure of suffocation, thinking in her heart, she must have a little talent, and she slowly stretched out her sapphire hand and slowly placed it on the crystal ball.

Tianhai has just tested a green-level true spirit, and everyone is very concerned about Jing Feier's test results, after all, this is a matter of the face of the two elders.

Jing Fei'er injected a little power into the crystal ball.The inside of the crystal ball became brighter and brighter, Jing Fei'er's beautiful eyes trembled slightly, and her breathing became short of breath.

This is a test about whether she can stay in the holy courtyard, Jing Fei'er is very nervous.

Everyone stared at the crystal ball, only to see that the light inside the crystal ball became brighter and brighter, and finally took shape, bursting out a dazzling blue light.

Instructor Bai's gaze suddenly froze, Lan waited for the true spirit, and another Lan waited for the true spirit.Just now, among the four elders of Yuhua, there was a true spirit of blue, but I didn't expect that there was a real spirit of blue, there are so many geniuses today.

Yuhua's body shook, and she opened her mouth in surprise, "Waiting for the true spirits, Lan!"

How could this be possible, this little girl who was so nervous before the test actually possessed Lan and other true spirits.As soon as Lan and other true spirits appeared, his greatest advantage was gone. Just now he was still proud of the appearance of a blue and other true spirit on his side, but as a result, Tianhai also appeared on his side in an instant.

"Lan waits for the true spirit!" Jing Fei'er looked at the crystal ball under her hand, her pretty face suddenly flushed, her beautiful eyes widened, and her heart was extremely excited.

"Lan Waiting True Spirit, my granddaughter is Lan Waiting True Spirit!" Seeing this scene, Fang Jinghan's old face was stunned for a moment, and then a look of ecstasy appeared, his beard curled up in excitement.

Seeing this scene, Tianhai's cloudy eyes widened instantly, and he said in surprise, "Okay, I didn't expect Jing Han to be able to give birth to true spirits such as Lan."

Instructor Bai returned to God and said: "Lan and other true spirits, choose the seven main peaks."

Jing Fei'er walked back from the test place with a face full of joy, and walked to Jian Fengyun's side, seeing Jian Fengyun's calm face, she pouted her mouth immediately, and secretly transmitted a voice.

"Hey, what's the matter, this girl competes with you in talent, won't you still accept it?"

Hearing Jing Fei'er's voice transmission, Jian Fengyun didn't pay attention to it, the little girl seems to still have a grudge for letting her out of Tianzi No. [-] room that day.

"Master, let me test it too!" Jian Xueer said.

Jian Fengyun nodded slightly, and let go of the girl's fair little hand.

Under everyone's gaze, Jian Xue'er stepped forward slowly, and slowly put her fair little hand on the crystal ball.

The crystal ball showed a bit of red, and then gradually became darker and darker, and the red light began to light up.

The moment he saw the red light, Yuhua's face evoked a contemptuous smile, red, the lowest level of red spiritual root, sure enough, I don't believe that Tianhai will have such high luck.

However, just when he was about to open his mouth to taunt, the red light inside the crystal ball still stopped getting thicker, and continued to deepen the red, getting redder and redder. Finally, after a quarter of an hour, all the red light on the crystal ball was gone. It disappeared and turned into lavender.


Everyone's minds went blank for an instant, their eyes widened, and they looked at the light on the crystal ball.

Lavender, deep purple, deep purple.
The light on the crystal ball didn't mean to stop at all, the deep purple light filled the crystal ball, when the light of the crystal ball was about to turn from purple to black, the crystal ball finally returned to calm.

There was a dead silence all around.

Everyone stared blankly at the crystal ball glowing with shocking purple light, rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and realized that it was not a dream, their jaws dropped in shock for a moment.

It's okay to test a blue-level true spirit just now, but now a purple-level true spirit has been tested. This matter is too shocking!
Zi and other true spirits, in the entire holy courtyard, except for the mysterious holy peak, I am afraid there will not be more than five people!The arrogance of true spirits such as purple basically all entered the holy peak in the end.

Teacher Bai felt a little cold sweat all over his body. What’s the matter? Elder Tianhai brought a blue-level true spirit, but now he tested a purple-level true spirit. Just kidding, that’s what the Holy Academy focuses on cultivating. The top Tianjiao, the Tianzi Palace has not tested Zi and other true spirits for many years.

A genius of this level is absolutely terrifying!
Yuhua's face, from contempt at the beginning to wide-eyed eyes in shock, instantly turned into a raging wave in his heart.

How is it possible, a little girl at the peak of the Spirit King Realm doesn't look like the owner of a true spirit such as Zi.

"Is there something wrong with the test crystal ball?" Yuhua asked immediately, and asked Teacher Bai in a blink of an eye.Even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that Tianhai could find Lai Zi and other true spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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