Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 448 God and Other True Spirits

Chapter 448 God and Other True Spirits
"Is there something wrong with the test crystal ball?" Yuhua asked immediately, and asked Teacher Bai in a blink of an eye.Even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that Tianhai could find Lai Zi and other true spirits.

"Yuhua, what do you mean by that? Could it be that the old man can't bring Zi and other true spirit talents?" Tianhai couldn't stand it for a moment, stood up immediately, and spoke to Yuhua unceremoniously road.

Tianhai's confidence instantly hardened for those who tested Zi and other true spirits.

"Tianhai, why are you so excited? I'm just making a suggestion. True spirit geniuses such as Zi are extremely precious talents in the Holy Academy. Talents of this level must ensure their authenticity to avoid losses!" Yuhua frowned. , He opened his mouth immediately.

"Yuhua, don't bullshit me. The talent crystal ball in the Talent Hall has not broken down for many years. Now you say that the crystal ball has problems. I think you just can't see that the people I brought are better than you. The talent is good," Tianhai said coldly, and a true spirit such as Zi appeared, and he would not be afraid of Yuhua at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Instructor Bai couldn't help but a stream of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and immediately stepped forward and said, "The two elders calm down, since the two hold their own opinions, why don't you let someone come up to test your talent and see if there is anything wrong with the crystal ball?" , and then let this lady test it again, as the saying goes that true gold is not afraid of fire, I think this lady will not mind, right?"

Said Teacher Bai looked at Jian Xueer nervously, his old face was not as majestic as he faced other students before, but full of kindness and kindness, just kidding, this is the pride of Zi and other true spirits, if you offend Doing that is tantamount to indirectly offending a future strong man.

"Anything you want." Jian Xue'er responded lightly without changing her pretty face.

"Go up and test again!" Yuhua was slightly stunned, and immediately pointed to a disciple behind him who had just tested the true spirit of Qing and said.

The disciple bowed respectfully, then walked slowly onto the testing platform,
I saw that disciple slowly put his hand on the crystal ball, and then, a burst of blue light slowly lit up on the crystal ball, and the change stopped.

Crystal balls are no problem!
The clear result in front of my eyes told everyone present that there was nothing wrong with the crystal ball.

Seeing this scene, Tianhai snorted coldly and turned to Yuhua, "How is it, Yuhua? Do you want to let this girl go up for another test?"

"You..." Yuhua Tianhai said, his face turned blue and purple, clenched his fist tightly, and glanced at Jian Xue'er resentfully in his heart. Xue'er was naturally extremely upset when she tested Zi and other true spirits, as well as Tianhai's complacent look.

Yuhua glanced at Tutor Bai and said, "Teacher Bai, continue the test."

Instructor Bai smiled wryly. Since Tianhai had already tested true geniuses such as Zi, it would definitely not be mediocre if he wanted to leave Elder Brother as a teenager. After all, three of the four had extraordinary talents. No matter how bad it is, it won't go anywhere.

The test continues.

In the tense eyes of everyone staring with bated breath, Jian Fengyun slowly stepped forward. In his last life, he was a true spirit of swordsmanship, true spirit stone blue, etc. In this life, he hesitated the time from the true spirit realm to the spirit king realm. I didn't have time to test my talent.

Jian Fengyun put his right hand on the crystal ball and injected a little power into it.

The crystal ball showed a tinge of light red, and then gradually became darker, deeper and darker, and slowly turned into lavender.

Seeing this, everyone took a deep breath. Could it be another top talent like Zi and other true spirits?

The color of the crystal ball has turned dark purple in a short while, and it has no intention of stopping. The color of the crystal ball has gradually turned into a strange purple-black color, and the color is still getting darker.


Looking at this unprecedented scene, everyone's body shook, their eyes widened, and there was a hint of shock in their eyes.

When Tianhai behind him saw this scene, his old face instantly became shocked, and his old body began to tremble.

When the crystal ball was about to turn completely black, there was a sound of crystal shattering.

I saw tiny cracks appearing on the crystal ball filled with purple-black demonic light, and the sound of crystal cracking was heard clearly in the eyes of everyone present.

At this moment, the crystal ball burst directly and turned into a piece of crystal debris, which scattered on the table. After the crystal shattered, the purple light on the debris slowly faded and turned into a transparent color.

"The talent crystal is broken"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked puzzled, looking at the three tutors standing above.

"The talent crystal is shattered, God waits for the true spirit!"

The complexions of Tianhai and some older college tutors around him changed instantly, and a legend that had been circulating in the Holy Academy for a long time could not help but sound in their minds.

This legend comes from the Holy Court's records about the Dharma-ending Era. At the end of the Dharma-ending Era, a young man entered the Holy Court for a talent test. He shattered the talent crystal. Intentionally damaged it, and arranged to practice in one of the worst spiritual peaks. As a result, that person spent three years in retreat. After three years, he swept away all the arrogance of the Holy Academy in the Lingfeng Ranking Tournament. Its one-stroke enemy, according to legend, that person is the founder of Shengfeng.

Could it be that there are really gods and other true spirits in this world!
Tianhai and the others all showed strange expressions on their faces.

Jian Fengyun looked at the talent crystal that suddenly exploded in front of him, frowned slightly, glanced at the three mentors, and asked, "How does this count? Why can't the talent crystal withstand my true spirit power?"

Teacher Bai suddenly came back to his senses, swallowed, and said with trembling lips: "No need to test it, God waits for the true spirit, send it to Shengfeng."

Speaking of this result, Teacher Bai felt that the back of him was soaked in cold sweat, his face was strange, and he didn't know how to talk to Jian Fengyun.

Gods and other true spirits, according to the legend, wouldn't they be able to become the peerless existence of the founder of the Holy Peak, and that kind of existence might be easily exterminated even by Emperor Zun.

"Guaranteed Shengfeng, did I hear correctly?"

Everyone behind them was stunned at the same time, and the shock in their eyes instantly shocked their bodies, and they didn't want to believe it.

"Oh." Jian Fengyun responded lightly, turned around and walked towards Tianhai immediately, and asked: "Elder Tianhai, where shall we go next?"

"Go to the Disciple Pavilion first to get the student's robes." Tian Hai was stunned for a moment, and then said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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