Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 452 Zuo Aolong

Chapter 452 Zuo Aolong

"In the Holy Court, there are three ways to obtain contribution points. The first is to exchange spirit crystals. A top-quality spirit crystal can contribute a little. The second is what I just said, through trading and completing tasks. As for the third One, that is, students who have made contributions to the academy will be rewarded with contribution points." Tian Hai said slowly.

"Only these three methods?" Wu Fengting frowned slightly.

There are three methods, the third one can almost be ruled out, will the students who can contribute to the Holy Academy still contribute a little bit?

Thinking about it this way, there are only two ways to get contribution points. Thousands of disciples in the Holy Academy only get contribution points through two methods.

Among these two methods of acquisition, the first one is exchanged for spirit crystals, and almost no one will do it. A top-grade spirit crystal is 100 million low-grade spirit crystals, and it can only be exchanged for a little contribution point. This is too bad, right? .

After all, in the academy, the only way to get contribution points is by completing the academy tasks.

Seemingly seeing what Wu Fengting was thinking, Tian Hai nodded slightly, and stepped in front of everyone.

"By the way, in addition to obtaining contribution points by completing any transactions, students of true spirits such as Qing can receive one hundred contribution points every other month, three hundred for blue and other true spirits, and one thousand for purple and other true spirits. , The gods and other true spirits haven't stipulated it yet, I'll bring it up to the dean after today." Tianhai said with a smile.

"What Lan and other true spirits only have three hundred points per month, which is too little." Jing Fei'er's face changed slightly, and she said immediately.

Three hundred contribution points are used for one month, which is a pitifully small amount for Jing Feier, the eldest lady of the elixir family who has never been worried about resources.

"Hehe, don't be so surprised. The resources of the Holy Court are limited. If the tasks of the Holy Court cannot be completed, how can you be regarded as a talent worthy of the Holy Court's cultivation?" Tianhai showed a smile on his old face.

At this moment, a team wearing gold robes suddenly came over. The students in front of them retreated one after another after this team of gold robes passed by, packing up their things in a panic to make way for a spacious road.

"Hurry up, get out of the way, the people from Lingqi Peak are here."

"The person from Lingqi Peak is a big shot, get out of the way quickly."

In an instant, the people around cast reverent glances at the group of people on Lingqi Peak.

"Elder Tianhai, who are these people?" Jing Fei'er asked with a hint of doubt on her pretty face.

"Hmph, a group of smug guys from Lingqi Peak have despicable means and always poach disciples from other peaks." Tianhai snorted with a cold look on his old face.

"Hey, isn't this Elder Tianhai?" The old man at the leader of the gold-cloaked team, with long dark red hair, stepped forward when he saw Tianhai and smiled provocatively, "Come on, Aolong, although you are not from the Pill Peak disciple, but after all, Elder Tianhai once taught you, so hurry up and meet Elder Tianhai."

The provocative words of the fiery-haired old man fell, and he immediately reached out to draw out a blond boy beside him.

"Yes, Master!" The blond boy cupped his hands slightly, and immediately stepped forward.

I saw this blond-haired boy with a burly figure, and there was a faint golden light in his eyes.

"Zuo Aolong has met Elder Tianhai, thank you for the kindness of Elder Tianhai's teaching in the past." The blond boy blinked slightly, and said to Tianhai.

Although the words were like the respectful greetings of the younger generation to the elders, the blond boy's body was straight, like a long sword out of its sheath, with a sharp edge that did not mean to greet sincerely at all.

"Huh, I don't dare to teach you. The Pill Peak doesn't teach people to be ungrateful and ungrateful!" Tian Hai coldly glanced at Zuo Aolong and turned sideways, flicking his sleeves, facing Jian Fengyun and the others He opened the mouth and said, "Let's go, stay with some people who are superficially sanctimonious but secretly use despicable methods. I really can't even breathe."

Just when Tianhai was about to leave, the figure of the fiery old man flashed and suddenly blocked their way: "Brother Tianhai, it's been a few days since you lose your temper?"

"After I finished talking about Yan Huo, if you have something to say, you can fart. If there is nothing to do, I will take my disciples to the Pill Peak to get familiar with the environment." Tian Hai's eyes narrowed instantly, with a look of displeasure on his face.

"How could Elder Huo have a feud with Elder Tianhai? It seems that something is wrong with the atmosphere?"

"What do you know, did you see that Zuo Aolong, this Zuo Aolong was a newcomer brought in by Elder Tianhai a hundred years ago, but at that time the college did not officially start recruiting students, so the people in the Disciple Pavilion hadn't registered him yet, as a result, Zuo Aolong The secret technique that Long had learned for several years at the Pill Peak was poached by Elder Huo of Lingqi Peak. I heard that at that time, Zuo Aolong made Elder Tianhai lose face and did not recruit students for hundreds of years. The result was not good. It’s easy to recruit one but get poached by others.”

"That's right, this Elder Huo is too shameless to poach the disciple of Elder Tianhai."

"Shh, keep your voice down, Elder Huo is the Holy Artifact Refiner of the Holy Academy. Even the elders may not be able to get the spiritual weapons he refines. If you offend him, you will be unable to eat in the Holy Academy. !"

The students watching around began to discuss in low voices, watching Tianhai and Wanyanhuo collide, various topics erupted instantly.

These small voices came to Jian Fengyun's ears, and Jian Fengyun immediately understood what Tianhai said just now.

No wonder Tianhai said that Wanyanhuo is a despicable person. It seems that the students who have been trained so hard were poached away, so he must be angry.

"Elder Tianhai, it turns out that you are bringing in new students again. You have not recruited new students for 500 years. The strength of the new students recruited this time must be extraordinary. I wonder if it is convenient for Aolong to compare with them?" Wanyan Huo swept Jian Fengyun and the others took a look, and a look of contempt flashed in their eyes.

Obviously, Wanyanhuo has noticed the cultivation of Jian Fengyun and others. The highest strength is only at the Lingzun Realm, and the lowest is at the peak of the Lingwang Realm. Although the age looks good at sixteen or seventeen, the strength is definitely not that strong .

"After I finished talking about Yan Huo, how could you be so shameless? You asked me to bring a few new students to compete with Zuo Aolong, isn't that clearly bullying the younger?" Tian Hai said angrily.

"Elder Tianhai, don't worry, Aolong will suppress his cultivation and fight with them, and will never hurt the students of Pill Peak." Zuo Aolong looked at Jian Fengyun meaningfully, and said immediately.

"You..." Tianhai's face became angry, and he was about to speak up to object.

"Elder Tianhai, I think we can make a move. After all, is it a competition? Peace is the most important thing. I believe Brother Aolong will be merciful."

(End of this chapter)

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