Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 453 Pretending to be Weak

Chapter 453 Pretending to be Weak
"Elder Tianhai, I think we can make a move. After all, is it a competition? Peace is the most important thing. I believe Brother Aolong will be merciful." Jian Fengyun on the side suddenly took a step forward, with a serious expression on his face, and he did not shy away from Zuo Ao Long looked deeply.

Zuo Aolong, Jian Fengyun recognized these eyes, at the Tianzuo Auction in Wuling City, the man in black robe was him—Zuo Aolong,

Zuo Aolong, the arrogance of the Zuo Family in Wanbaolou, entered the Holy Academy a hundred years ago to study. On that day, he heard the introduction of Prince Ziyuan and Zuo Xijian, and knew that he was in the Holy Academy. He did not expect to meet him so soon.

"Presumably he also recognized me!" Jian Fengyun secretly said in his heart, that day he used his power in full view of Wuling City, he can be sure that this Zuo Aolong must know him.

"Fengyun, do you want to compare with him?" Tianhai's old face was slightly taken aback, and he was suddenly surprised.

"Well, Elder Tianhai, since he invites you to fight so graciously, how can we refuse?" Jian Fengyun said lightly with a smile on his face.

"Okay." Tianhai pondered for a moment, then said immediately.

"Okay, young people are full of energy. Since this is the competition you agreed to, the rules are up to you. We still need to encourage young people to seek the Tao!" Wan Yanhuo smiled, as if he had seen Dan Yaofeng's disciples were beaten and lay on the ground, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and Tianhai's face was embarrassing.

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth curled up slightly, and said: "Thank you, Elder Huo, since you said so, this junior will not be polite."

"Since we are in a competition, let the pill peak and the spirit weapon peak each produce four people. The most important thing is to participate. I can't play against this Aolong brother. Everyone else should watch the fun!" Jian Fengyun said with a smile on his face. .

"No need, I'll challenge the four of you alone!" Zuo Aolong's mouth twitched into an evil smile, and a coldness flashed in his eyes, as if he saw himself crushing these four people hard.

Although he had seen Jian Fengyun that day, he had already left after Jian Fengyun showed his talents in Wuling City. Just listening to those rumors, he couldn't believe it in his heart. There is also a place in the middle school, how could he be afraid of those rumors of Jian Fengyun who is so miraculous.

"That can't be done. It's too unfair for senior brother Aolong to say that. Since I set the rules, please listen to me. It's a competition. Peace is the most important thing. Everyone should participate." Jian Fengyun smiled. Meaning, slowly opened the mouth and said.

"Peace is the most important thing, participation is the most important thing!" Zuo Aolong sneered in his heart, in his opinion, Jian Fengyun's move was just to make himself lose face for a while.

However, how could Zuo Aolong let Jian Fengyun's thoughts succeed.

"Looking at Mr. Sword's appearance, you are very confident. Since this is the case, why don't we add some color to make the competition more interesting, how about it?" Zuo Aolong sneered and narrowed his eyes.

Jian Fengyun frowned, he saw the greedy light in Zuo Aolong's eyes, and said in his heart: "I don't know what kind of prize Brother Aolong wants to add, peace is the most important thing in the competition, I don't think there is any need to add too much chips !"

As soon as Jian Fengyun's words fell, his momentum immediately dropped.

"This Jian Fengyun can't speak too much, he doesn't dare to add a lottery, doesn't he obviously feel that he is going to lose?"

"I can't blame him for that. After all, he's just started, so how could he possibly win compared to the fire-attributed talents like Lingqi Peak? Isn't adding the lottery the same as giving money to others?"

The students watching all around were talking about it, most of them felt that Jian Fengyun's momentum had weakened and he was incomparably defeated.

Seeing this scene, Jing Fei'er and the others behind Jian Fengyun turned slightly ugly. Just as they were about to step forward to regain their confidence, a sound transmission sounded in their ears at the same time, making their bodies stunned.

"Don't be impulsive, do it later, this Zuo Aolong is the direct son of the Zuo family, and his net worth is very rich."

This light and fluttering voice immediately made the three people behind them pause and stop in place.

The beautiful eyes on Jing Fei'er's pretty face widened instantly, and she looked at Jian Fengyun in amazement.

Unexpectedly, Jian Fengyun's plan was to blackmail the son of the Zuo family's direct line, this must be too bold.

Although she felt that this matter was a bit bold, Jing Fei'er still didn't say anything, but kept silent, as if she agreed with Jian Fengyun's approach.

Zuo Aolong at the side didn't know that Jian Fengyun had already started plotting against him.

"Mr. Jian, don't you dare to gamble? If you don't dare to gamble, you can simply admit defeat and save us wasting energy." Zuo Aolong said with a smile on his face. In Zuo Aolong's view, Jian Fengyun's words of rejecting the lottery It must be because of lack of confidence in his own strength.

As a result, Zuo Aolong strengthened his belief even more. The outside rumors that Jian Fengyun's strength can rival the top talents in the Tianxuan Upper Domain must be false rumors.

"This..." Jian Fengyun deliberately showed embarrassment, and said in a weak tone: "I don't know what kind of prize Brother Aolong wants to add. Peace is the most important thing in the competition, and the most important thing is to participate!"

Seeing Jian Fengyun's embarrassment, Zuo Aolong suddenly became more confident, raised his head and said contemptuously: "Caitou, that is indispensable, let's bet on our own wealth, storage spirits and all contributions Order."

While speaking, Zuo Aolong glanced at Jian Fengyun contemptuously.

He has seen the treasures bought by Jianfeng Yunzi at the Tianzuo auction, and all of them are good, especially the blood essence of the dragon clan and the token of the Holy Court. These two items are the finale of the Tianzuo auction. For him There are absolute benefits in the struggle between the Zuo family's direct lineage.

All the net worth!

The moment Zuo Aolong finished speaking, a smile flashed across Jian Fengyun's eyes, and sure enough, the fox's tail was exposed.

At the side, Tian Hai's expression didn't change at the moment, he heard Jian Fengyun's voice transmission, and chose to believe him.

"Okay, but peace is the most important thing in the competition. I hope that senior brother Aolong and the senior brothers from Lingqi Peak will show mercy after a while!" Jian Fengyun said with a pretense of embarrassment.

Zuo Aolong said with a joyful smile, "Okay, since that's the case, let's hand over the storage spirit artifacts on each of us to my master and Elder Tianhai. I believe that the two elders will be able to give us one." A level playing field."

When Zuo Aolong spoke, his eyes were already shining, he seemed to see the scene where he had collected a lot of treasures from Jian Fengyun, it was really exciting.

"However, Senior Brother Aolong, we have just started, we haven't got the disciple token yet, and we don't have any contribution points yet." Jian Fengyun pretended to be weak and authentic.

(End of this chapter)

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