Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 455

Chapter 455
"Since Brother Aolong said so, I will not be polite." Jian Fengyun nodded to Zuo Aolong.

Almost as soon as the words fell, Jian Fengyun's figure disappeared into the air.

"What about people?"

Looking at the empty platform, everyone was stunned and puzzled for an instant.

Zuo Aolong was smiling, guessing that Jian Fengyun must have used some kind of secret technique, but no matter how strong the secret technique is, it is impossible to cross two great realms to fight against him.

At the same moment Zuo Aolong grinned, Jian Fengyun's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The white tiger howled!
"Roar~" A domineering roar sounded, and it spread along the entire mission square, shaking the sky with power.

Behind Jian Fengyun, a huge phantom of a white tiger instantly condensed, and the white tiger roared to the sky, surging aggressively. Everyone in the entire task square could clearly feel the shock of physical, soul, and spiritual power, as if as long as the roaring No matter how loud the sound is, their spirits will be severely damaged.

"Ancient White Tiger, Divine Beast Mystery!"

The martial artists around stared at each other, their faces showing disbelief.

For this white tiger that suddenly appeared, everyone felt the soul the most. The strong pressure from the soul seemed to easily wipe out a person's consciousness.

"Heavenly Soul Realm!"

Jian Fengyun, who was exercising the roar of the white tiger, clearly felt the sudden surge of his forehead soul sea, and the soul power in the soul sea instantly transformed into silver, and a familiar feeling of the realm surged in an instant.

"Super Soul Sutra" broke through to the Heavenly Soul Realm naturally.

At this time, Jian Fengyun's soul power was much stronger than most warriors present.

Zuo Aolong only felt his eyes go blank, subconsciously stretched out his hand to condense the surging fire attribute spiritual power, trying to resist the attack of the white tiger.

The roar of the white tiger shook the sky, and the huge phantom of the white tiger on the battle platform was deeply imprinted in everyone's heart, shaking people's hearts and souls.

Under the white tiger, the fire-attribute spiritual power in Zuo Aolong's hands was wiped out directly, and his body seemed to lose consciousness instantly, moving with the air current in the air.

Zuo Aolong only felt his soul, spiritual power, and physical body shake at the same time. His soul was in a trance with severe pain, his spiritual power was chaotically flowing, and his physical body was like a towering peak, and he knelt down to the ground.

Landing on both knees, he slammed heavily on the Vajra God's gold battle platform, arousing the protective barrier of the Vajra God's gold battle platform, disheveled his hair, spat out a mouthful of blood, and sprinkled a little bit of blood on the Vajra God's gold platform.

Zuo Aolong knelt on the ground and had already lost consciousness at this moment.

The breakthrough of the realm of soul power to the sky level, coupled with the power of the soul technique "Taihun Jing", doubled the power of Jian Fengyun's White Tiger Roar, especially the deterrent effect on the soul, which is enough to affect the strong in the Lingjun realm.

Jian Fengyun's face was calm, as he swiped his hands, the strength of the sword surged, and an illusory giant sword suddenly emerged, the whole body of the sword was glowing with silver light, breathing out sword energy, exuding majestic sword power.

This was not enough, his hands were constantly glowing, densely covered with runes, one after another silver runes flew out and landed on the giant sword in front of him, completely making the giant sword burst into silvery white light.

"Xuan Mie Sword Art, Mie!"

On the silver giant sword, a burst of sword energy erupted, and a sky-high silver light bloomed on the mission square.

A silver light flashed, and Zuo Aolong's left arm broke off on the body that had just knelt down, and a neat and stable joint appeared on Zuo Aolong's left shoulder instantly, and scarlet blood splashed with the thrown left arm And open.


Suddenly, a hog-killing scream resounded throughout the mission square, and the ear-piercing sound made the eardrums ache.

Roar roar~
There was a roar of flood dragons suddenly, and behind Jian Fengyun, phantoms of seven ancient flood dragons appeared, exuding a breathtaking aura.

Everything happened in an instant, and when everyone saw it clearly, the long sword in Jian Fengyun's hand had already slashed towards Zuo Aolong's other arm.

"Zhu Zi Er dare, stop for me."

Wanyanhuo at the side saw this scene clearly, his eyes were about to burst, his figure flashed, and he rushed to the battle platform in disregard of the rules, and waved his hand to form a fiery red shield, directly protecting Zuo Aolong.

The silver giant sword in Jian Fengyun's hand slashed across the fiery red shield, leaving streaks of dazzling sparks on the shield, and finally fell heavily on the battle platform made by the Vajra God Gold.

There was only a loud sound of metal collision, and the next moment, the silver sword energy in Jian Fengyun's hand disappeared. At the same time, Jian Fengyun's figure flashed and appeared on the edge of the ring, his face full of nervousness.

"Zhuzi, you are so cruel, you broke my apprentice's arm, I...I want to kill you!" Seeing Zuo Aolong's arm was severed, lying in a pool of blood, Wanyan Huo's old face It was full of hideous colors.

Jian Fengyun said nervously: "Elder Huo, peace is the most important thing in the competition. You broke the rules and forcibly came up to interrupt our competition. Could it be that you want to bully the small with the big?"

"Peace is the most important thing, you still have the face to tell me that peace is the most important thing, this old man is going to kill you." Wan Yanhuo listened to Jian Fengyun's words, his old face turned black with anger, and he shot directly, condensing a flaming sword energy Sweeping directly towards Jian Fengyun's neck, obviously wanting Jian Fengyun's life.

Tian Hai's figure flashed in front of Jian Fengyun at the same time, and with a wave of his hand, a vine condensed and directly swept away the flames and sword energy.

"I said Yan Huo, you dare to pick things up and can't afford to lose, right?"

While speaking, Tianhai's body instantly surged with the might of a sage.

"The power of the seven dragons, oh my god, Jian Fengyun's can actually unleash an attack equivalent to the power of seven ancient flood dragons."

"But the Spirit King Realm has the power of seven dragons, so this Jian Fengyun is too strong."

"The power of the seven dragons, this is enough to be listed on the gold list in the Holy Court."

In an instant, everyone was discussing, looking at Jian Fengyun's powerful aura, it was as if his world view had been refreshed.

"Tianhai, you." Wanyanhuo gritted his teeth and stared at the opposite Tianhai, and was about to curse angrily.




Suddenly there were three screams from the side. Wanyanhuo looked at it subconsciously, and his eyes were about to burst. The surging holy power surged out of his body, and instantly condensed a burst of fire spiritual power to knock the three unconscious disciples aside. Roll it all up and bring it with you.

The ribs on Zhang Tian's and Zhang Di's chests were directly shattered, blood dripped from their robes, and Xia Shaochang's whole body was frozen in a piece of black ice.

Wanyanhuo looked at the four unconscious disciples in front of him, his old face was filled with anger, and he said, "Tianhai, you disciples are so vicious, they must pay the price."

"Pay the price, Wanyanhuo, with thousands of eyes watching, you know what's going on." Tianhai said firmly without fear.

 Ps: Today is the last day of 2017. Yuexia here wishes everyone a happy new year and all the best. I hope the new year can bring you better works, and I hope you will support Yuexia a lot.Finally, I would like to thank all the big guys who accompanied Yuexia to grow together this year, let us kick off the prelude to 2018, come on!

(End of this chapter)

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