Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 456 Sea of ​​Clouds

Chapter 456 Sea of ​​Clouds
"Pay the price, Wanyanhuo, with thousands of eyes watching, you know what's going on." Tianhai said firmly without fear.

"Tianhai, you." Wanyanhuo showed anger, clenched his fists, glared at Tianhai, stared at Tianhai for a long time before saying coldly: "You'd better keep an eye on your disciples, don't let anything happen to them."

Wanyanhuo's words were full of threats. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he couldn't blatantly attack Jian Fengyun. However, his apprentice had one arm cut off, and he was also given the worst pill among the seven main peaks. Feng's disciple was determined, and he absolutely could not swallow this tone.

"I don't need to worry about this. Now you quickly take out the bets you lost. I think you, the dignified Chief Elder of Lingqi Peak, should not be a person who wants to renege." Tian Hai stepped forward and said without giving in.

"Hmph, take it." Wanyanhuo snorted coldly, and then threw out the four storage artifacts and the four disciple tokens at the same time.

Tianhai flipped his hand to condense a palm of spiritual power, and handed the four storage artifacts to Jian Fengyun.

"Here are the four storage artifacts, one for each person. I will help you extract the contribution points first with the disciple's token." Tianhai handed the four storage artifacts to Jian Fengyun and the others, and then took out four silver-white ones. Disciple token.

I saw Tianhai docking the four silver-white disciple tokens with the disciple tokens of Zuo Aolong and Zuo Aolong respectively, a dense group of light suddenly gushed out from Zuo Aolong's disciple tokens and entered the four silver-white disciple tokens. of tokens.

Zuo Aolong's disciple token is the most peculiar, it is a gold token, which contains [-] contribution points, the moment the tokens are docked, the value in the gold token instantly returns to zero, and the side is blank The value of [-] instantly appeared on the silver token.

The tokens of Zhang Tian and Zhang Di are silver tokens, each of which has [-] contribution points, and Xia Shaochang's is also a silver token, but the value is a bit more, [-] contribution points.

Seeing the contribution points among the tokens of Zuo Aolong's four disciples enter into the four blank silver tokens, the people watching around the mission square couldn't help but swallow.

The disciples of Spirit Artifact Peak are famously rich in the Holy Academy. After all, most of the spiritual weapons in the entire Holy Academy are from their Spirit Artifact Peak, so the contribution points are naturally much faster than ordinary Holy Academy disciples. up.

I saw Tianhai throwing back the four disciple tokens that had become blank to Wanyanhuo, with a smug smile on his face and said: "Hahaha, I am worrying that I have nothing to give to these new disciples, I didn't expect The disciples of the Spirit Artifact Peak sent them here automatically, and instead of the new disciples of the Pill Peak, I thank the disciples of the Spirit Artifact Peak for their gifts."

After finishing speaking, Tianhai led Jian Fengyun and the others away.

Tianhai's smug laughter came into Wanyanhuo's eyes, which made Wanyanhuo's face extremely gloomy, and watched Tianhai and the others leave with cold eyes.

"Tianhai, just wait for me, I will make you happy for nothing." Wanyanhuo said viciously in his heart.As the Chief Elder of Lingqi Peak, he had been in the Holy Academy for so many years, but today he lost face at the hands of Tianhai, the declining Pill Peak, how could he bear it.

On the task square, countless disciples looked at the direction in which Tian Hai and the others were heading away, and couldn't help showing envy.

"Oh my God, I didn't expect to be a disciple of the Pill Peak so well. If I knew I would go directly to the Pill Peak when I first started."

"That's right, more than 4 contribution points were given to disciples like this. I didn't expect Elder Tianhai to be so rich."

"I said you don't even think about it, the more than 4 contribution points were won by other disciples from the disciples of Lingqi Peak by virtue of their ability. You must know that the power of the seven dragons is comparable to the strong ones on the gold list." the strength of the opponent.

"That's right, the strength of the other three people is also extremely extraordinary. I think Zhang Tian and the other three were all defeated without holding on to a few tricks in their hands."

"I'm afraid the Pill Peak will be developed this time. I don't think the strength of these four is weak."

The disciples in the character square talked a lot, from envy to awe, the holy courtyard is the holy place for warriors, and strength is the standard that everyone agrees with.

The rumors coming from all around could not help but make Wanyanhuo's complexion even more ugly, his eyes swept around coldly, and he said angrily with a tyrannical might, "Shut up all of them!"

In an instant, the people on the mission square bowed their heads and shut up. The noisy mission square fell silent instantly. Under the holy power, no one dared to speak presumptuously.

"Elder Huo, I don't know who made you angry, please calm down." At this moment, a figure in gray robes suddenly flew out of the Contribution Hall behind the mission square, and appeared beside Wanyan Huo.

"Elder Yun, no one made me angry, it's just that the mission square is too noisy and uncomfortable." Wanyanhuo said coldly when he saw the gray-robed elder in front of him, a gloomy expression appeared on his face.

Yun Hai, who has been a management elder in the Hall of Contribution for thousands of years, is responsible for managing the mission square and the exterior of the Hall of Contribution.

If ordinary people roared like this in the mission square, he would probably be slapped unceremoniously when he flew out, so he wouldn't be polite to him.

However, Wanyanhuo is different. He is the chief elder of Lingqi Peak. Compared with him, a little elder with little power, that chief elder's power can be said to be monstrous. Facing this kind of elder, he can only be polite. Offer it politely.

"Elder Huo said that since the task square is too noisy, I will arrange people to take care of it later." Yun Hai flattered quickly.

He had already seen the four seriously injured Lingqi Peak disciples in front of Wanyanhuo, so he naturally understood the reason for Wanyanhuo's anger, but since the elders said so, how could he say otherwise.After all, after staying in the Hall of Contribution for so many years, he has already understood who can be offended and who can be offended.

"Okay, in addition, if the disciples of the Pill Peak come to the Mission Square and the Contribution Hall in the future, remember to send me a message through this jade pendant, so that I can learn about the situation of the Holy Court." Wan Yanhuo roared, and the raging flames in his heart also Slightly calmed down, then flipped his hands over, took out a sound transmission jade pendant and handed it to Yunhai.

After hearing Yan Huo's words, Yun Hai immediately understood what was going on, it was because the disciples of Pill Peak offended Lingqi Peak.

There is no need to compare the pill peak and the spiritual weapon peak, Yunhai knows who to choose.

"Elder Huo, don't worry, Yunhai will cooperate with the elder to understand the situation of the Holy Court, and will also take special care of the disciples of the Pill Peak." Yunhai accepted the sound transmission jade pendant with a smile, flattering and authentic.

(End of this chapter)

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