Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 464 Inexplicable Anger

Chapter 464 Inexplicable Anger
"It's over, it seems that Li Yanlong is going to attack the group of trash from the Pill Peak."

"Isn't that right, who told him to be so rude to Senior Brother Li Yanlong and Senior Brother Yuxin before, he deserves to be punished."

The students above the class began to discuss slightly, most of them were on Li Yanhuo's side, not because they didn't sympathize with Jian Fengyun, but because of Li Yanlong's strength, even if they sympathized with Jian Fengyun, no one dared to say it.

Li Yanlong looked at Jian Fengyun with a sneer on his face, and a dark energy secretly condensed in the palm of his hand.

"Hello, Junior Brother Fengyun, please take care of me in the future." Li Yanlong's arm was condensed with rich fire-attribute spiritual power, and he could feel the strong fire-attribute pressure in the air from a long distance away.

If this hand is held, it is estimated that it will be severely injured if it is not abandoned.

Everyone looked at Li Yanlong's faintly glowing red arm, and immediately felt a strong power of fire attribute law. This breath was the terrifying power felt by the powerhouses of the Spirit Emperor Realm on Li Yanlong's arm. Also his complexion changed slightly.

"When I'm preaching, it's forbidden to do small tricks on me." Zuo Sitong's beautiful eyes moved slightly, looking towards Jian Fengyun and Li Yanlong, and said immediately.

The cold voice sounded, Li Yanlong understood, and said to Zuo Sitong: "Don't worry, I still abide by the rules of the Holy Academy. If there is any problem, it will naturally be resolved during the end-of-class assessment."

While Li Yanlong was speaking, he looked at Jian Fengyun with a smile on his face, the threat in his eyes was obvious.

Jian Fengyun didn't seem to be able to see Feiyu's vigorous eyes, he stretched out his hand lightly, and shook Li Yanlong's arm that condensed the power of the strong fire attribute law.

"Senior brother Li, please take care of me in the future." Jian Fengyun said with a smile on his face.

Li Yanlong's eyes were fixed, and the strong power condensed in his right hand exploded instantly, and he firmly grasped Jian Fengyun's palm.

"Of course, it is my duty to take care of my junior brother." Li Yanlong laughed.Although the power in his right hand erupted instantly, it only erupted within the palm of his hand, and most people would not be able to see that he had already made a move.

Li Yanlong seemed to see that Jian Fengyun's left hand would not be crushed by this powerful force, and screamed out.

However, the atmosphere was silent for a second, and nothing happened.

"Well, then I'm here to thank Senior Brother Li in advance." Jian Fengyun's face was calm.

He held Li Yanlong's right hand with his left hand, and instantly felt a huge force gushing out of his palm, trying to crush the bones of his palm directly.

If the palm of an ordinary person was really crushed by Li Yanlong, but is Jian Fengyun an ordinary person?

Jian Fengyun's Heaven Swallowing Sword Body has already reached the Fusion Realm, and the strength of his physical body can be compared to the top grade imperial weapon.

To Jian Fengyun, Li Yanlong's grip was just a feeling, and there was no harm at all, so Jian Fengyun looked at Li Yanlong in front of him calmly.

Li Yanlong looked at Jian Fengyun with a calm expression in front of him, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Jian Fengyun could bear it quite a bit, no wonder he dared to stretch out his hand.However, since you have reached out your hand, don't even think about taking it back unscathed.

With a thought in Li Yanlong's mind, a vicious look flashed in his eyes, the law of imperial fire in his body was mobilized instantly, condensed into strength, poured into his hands and shot out instantly.

With the power of law that he exploded in an instant, Jian Fengyun's mere Spirit King Realm couldn't bear it at all.And this unbearable violent force of the law of the fire attribute will instantly crush Jian Fengyun's body, severely injuring his meridians, or completely abolishing his cultivation, turning him into a useless person.

Jian Fengyun felt a surge of power on his arm, and with a movement of his eyes, the power of Qi and blood in the Tuntian Sword body surged instantly, directly swallowing all this power. As for those who were not swallowed by the Tuntian Sword Body, then It was directly swallowed by the sword spirit of the Soul Eater Immortal Sword.

Feeling the large amount of fire attribute power pouring into his body instantly, he immediately understood what Li Yanlong was thinking.

With so much power, I am afraid that I will blow myself up and make myself a waste.

Thinking of this, Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, a cold look appeared on his face, and he thought to himself: "Since you want to know me to death, I can't be polite."

"Spirit Devourer, devour the power in this person with all your strength." The next moment, Jian Fengyun gave an order to the sword spirit of the Soul Devourer Immortal Sword with his consciousness.

Li Yanlong looked at the indifferent Jian Fengyun, and a look of astonishment suddenly appeared in his eyes.

How is it possible, I have used [-]% of my strength, how could this kid be fine.

Li Yanlong's eyes widened, and he immediately increased the output of the power in his body again, instantly bursting out [-]% of his cultivation base.

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth was a slight smile, without the slightest panic.

There was a light sound in Jian Fengyun's body, and a large amount of fire attribute power poured into his spiritual mansion, and among the seeds of the twelve laws, the seed of the law of fire instantly lit up a little.

Li Yanlong turned pale with shock, and roared in his heart: "What's going on, how could the spiritual power and law power in my body be drawn out uncontrollably?"

Feeling the crazily extracted spiritual power and law power from his body, Li Yanlong's forehead immediately secreted a lot of sweat.

"Raging Flame God Wheel!"

Finally, when Li Yanlong felt that he was about to be sucked into the body, his body shook, and a divine chakra exuding raging flames suddenly appeared behind him.

On the divine wheel, the flames filled the air, surrounded by laws, engraved with a large number of patterns of laws.

A light of law above the divine wheel shone impressively on Li Yanlong's body, Li Yanlong's body suddenly returned to normal, and suddenly separated from Jian Fengyun's arm.

Everyone noticed that the aura on Li Yanlong's body was disordered, and the chakra behind him seemed to be shining brightly, but in fact he was a bit strong on the outside and in the middle.

"Jian Fengyun, heresy is good, but after all, it's just heresy." Li Yanlong glanced at Jian Fengyun angrily, hummed immediately, shook his hands and left.

With a "click" sound, the door of the practice room was pushed open, Li Yanlong turned around, and fled away.

Watching this weird scene and listening to Li Yanlong's weird words, everyone couldn't help but feel confused.

Why did senior brother Li get angry suddenly for no reason, and he looked quite angry.

Even Yu Xin who was in the late stage of the Spirit Emperor Realm didn't see what was going on, the only one who knew what happened was Jian Fengyun himself.

Looking at this scene, Zuo Sitong's pretty face moved slightly. As a strong spirit king, although she didn't know the details of what happened to Jian Fengyun and Li Yanlong, she could guess that Li Yanlong suffered a disadvantage.

It seems that the strength of the Spirit King Realm can make the warriors of the Spirit King Realm suffer.
(End of this chapter)

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