Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 465 Practicing the Spirit Gathering Formation

Chapter 465 Practicing the Spirit Gathering Formation

Being able to use the strength of the Spirit King Realm to make the warriors of the Spirit King Realm suffer, it seems that the news about this young man is true, and he is really talented.

Zuo Sitong was slightly startled, she also heard some rumors about Jian Fengyun yesterday, she thought they were just rumors, but now it seems that there is still some truth.

However, being able to use the Spirit King Realm to make the Spirit Emperor Realm suffer is probably not due to real strength, but to use some heresy ways.

Zuo Sitong secretly guessed in his heart, and looked at Jian Fengyun involuntarily for a moment.

There was an uproar all around, and most people looked at Jian Fengyun with strange eyes.

"Quiet, Li Yanlong has already reached the strength to pass the assessment. He can freely choose whether to take the Dao class, but you are different. If you don't pass the study, it is impossible for you to break through to the late stage of the Spirit Emperor Realm after a year. Remember, at the late stage of the Spirit Emperor Realm, this is my minimum requirement for you!"

Zuo Sitong's beautiful eyes moved slightly, his eyes moved away from Jian Fengyun's body, and looked at everyone coldly.

In an instant, everyone fell silent, obviously shocked by the cold and majestic aura of the female Zuo Sitong.

"Today, we're going to explain some secret formations in cultivation. As we all know, warriors can use formations to increase their speed of cultivation. The most famous one is the spirit-gathering formation. There are eight forms of the spirit-gathering formation, respectively." Zuo Sitong Eloquently, in detail.

Everyone immediately listened carefully, the Spirit Gathering Formation is useful in the Holy Court, it can gather spiritual energy and increase the speed of cultivation.

Jian Fengyun was taken aback when he heard Zuo Sitong's words, the ancient spirit-gathering formation, this formation has been lost in the outside world for many years, yet the Holy Academy used it as a foundation to teach.

In Jian Fengyun's memory, the ancient spirit-gathering formation has extraordinary effects. Only some formation masters in the ancient times can do it. It is unknown how many eras have passed since ancient times. According to the records in the ancient books, the ancient spirit-gathering formation has long been lost for many ages. In his previous life, Jian Fengyun obtained this formation method quietly through an ancient relic.

In this life, Jian Fengyun also saw the ancient spirit-gathering formation in the thousands of miles of wasteland, outside the cave left by Emperor Qing. It was because he saw the ancient spirit-gathering formation that he had the chance to get the Qingdi Sword , as well as treasures such as Fushengyan and the best original spiritual liquid.

However, in Jian Fengyun's memory, although the arrangement of the ancient spirit-gathering formation is not very difficult, the formation pattern is quite cumbersome, and ordinary spirit formation masters can't arrange one, let alone ordinary warriors?Moreover, the real ancient spirit-gathering array has only one form, so how come there are eight forms.

Jian Fengyun looked suspiciously at the eight shapes of the spirit-gathering array drawn by Zuo Sitong, and the eight simple shapes. When he saw the eight array patterns, Jian Fengyun smiled.

This is not the ancient spirit-gathering formation he imagined, these eight formations are just the remnants of the ancient spirit-gathering formation, less than one-tenth of the original formation.Jian Fengyun saw all the mysteries of the eight formation patterns at a glance.

That's right, how can the Holy Academy be so generous as to teach the things in the ancient ruins at will.

Thinking of this, Jian Fengyun immediately felt relieved. After all, he just joined the Holy Court, and his strength is not strong. If just any random disciple of the Holy Court taught the advanced formation and secret art, then those outside forces would have owned the Holy Court long ago. of the occult.

Everyone around listened to Zuo Sitong's explanation about Juling Formation, even Wufengting, Feiyu and others pricked up their ears.

However, what Zuo Sitong said was too simple for Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun immediately meditated with his legs crossed, and practiced his kung fu. Although there was no supply of natural resources and treasures, the speed of cultivation was very slow, but it was better than nothing.

While cultivating, Jian Fengyun was also thinking about how to earn more spiritual crystals. The hundreds of thousands of top-quality spiritual crystals given by Wanbaolou and the Alchemist Association had already been swallowed up by the Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword, and condensed twelve original spirit crystals. The seed of the secondary law not only consumed a lot of law power in the Immortal Hall, but also consumed almost all the treasures on Jian Fengyun's body that contained spiritual energy.

Moreover, it is not finished to condense the twelve seeds of laws, and more resources and spirit crystals are needed to make these twelve laws solidify. At this time, Jian Fengyun's Lingfu is really like A bottomless pit that cannot be filled.But in order to improve his strength, Jian Fengyun still had to find a way to fill this bottomless pit.

"Okay, you guys tried to use spirit crystals to set up the spirit-gathering array. Today's end-of-class assessment is the application of the spirit-gathering array. As long as you arrange the spirit-gathering array, you can finish class early." The pattern spread out, and then he spoke to the crowd.

As soon as Zuo Sitong finished speaking, everyone immediately started to move.

I saw a student in the late stage of the Spirit Emperor Realm control the levitation of the spirit crystal, and earnestly played a series of formulas. The pattern on the spirit crystal spread instantly, but when the formation was about to take shape, the pattern suddenly appeared. The shock was chaotic, and the spirit crystals were scattered all over the place.

"I'm going, I failed."

"What's going on, I didn't arrange it successfully anyway." Several other students looked at the scattered spirit crystals on the ground and said with strange expressions.

"In arranging a spiritual formation, pay attention to the state of mind. If the state of mind is pure and deep, you can quickly arrange various spiritual formations. Anyway, the more impetuous the state of mind, the harder it is to successfully arrange the spiritual formation." Zuo Sitong looked at these failed people and shook his head. He shook his head and said.

Even Yu Xin, who was sitting in the first seat, failed for a while, and his face became a little ugly.

Zuo Sitong glanced around, and when she saw the last row, her beautiful eyes lit up.

In Jian Xueer's hand, the spirit crystal was suspended in the void, and the formation formed, as if wisps of heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered in the past. 6
"It's the first time to set up a spirit formation and it's successful. It seems that the mood and talent are very good." Zuo Sitong praised in his heart.

When Zuo Sitong's eyes moved away from Jian Xue'er and fell on Jian Fengyun, his fair forehead wrinkled instantly.

"Jian Fengyun, why do you cultivate and not practice arranging the spirit gathering array?" Zuo Sitong said coldly.

Obviously, he regards Jian Fengyun as the kind of student who thinks highly of himself because of his talent and doesn't listen to instructions.

In an instant, everyone couldn't help but be affected by Zuo Sitong's words, and their eyes turned to Jian Fengyun in the back row.

"Haha, Jian Fengyun is looking for death. He dared to practice in Zuo Tuan's class. He might be in trouble today." Several old students of Tianjiao Peak suddenly laughed loudly.

Jian Fengyun slowly opened his eyes, stood up slowly, and said calmly, "Master Zuo, the Spirit Gathering Formation is too simple, I don't think I need to practice."

(End of this chapter)

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