Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Time is like a passing time, in a hurry, three months will pass without knowing it.

Holy Court, in front of the Pill Peak

"Mr. Zuo, Junior Brother Fengyun is really in retreat. Even if you want to know how to arrange the ancient spirit-gathering array, please ask him to leave." Feiyu stood in the formation of Spiritual Medicine Peak, looking The beautiful shadow outside the peak felt dizzy for a while.

Since the second day of Jian Fengyun's retreat, Zuo Sitong has come to the Pill Peak every day to look for Jian Fengyun, and even tried to force his way up several times. If it wasn't for the protection of the peak protection formation of the Pill Peak, Zuo Sitong might have already made it by now. On the pill peak.

"Are you sure that Jian Fengyun hasn't seen me yet?" Zuo Sitong's pretty face was full of coldness, he was dressed in a silver robe without wind, and a wave of pressure from the Spiritual Monarch realm rushed towards Feiyu through the formation.

She is the eldest disciple of the chief elder of Formation Peak, who has been visiting the Pill Peak for dozens of days, but has not even seen Jian Fengyun's face. No matter how good-tempered a person is, his temper will turn bad.

"Like I said, it's not that Junior Brother Fengyun doesn't see you, he's just in retreat, and he will see you naturally after his retreat is over." Feiyu became anxious when he said that.

For some reason, he just couldn't understand the beautiful Zuo tutor in front of him, how many times he said that Junior Brother Fengyun was in retreat, Zuo Sitong just said that Jian Fengyun didn't want to see her.

In fact, it's not that Zuo Sitong doesn't understand, but Zuo Sitong doesn't believe it at all. In Zuo Sitong's view, how can a young man who is not in the spirit king realm be able to retreat as soon as he says he wants to, and even if he retreats, it is impossible in this realm. How long is it closed.

Obviously, Zuo Sitong felt that Jian Fengyun was just finding an excuse to prevaricate himself.

"It's not convenient to see my disciple, so why not see me?"

At this moment, a figure of a middle-aged woman suddenly appeared beside Zuo Sitong. The middle-aged woman was also dressed in a silver robe, but unlike Zuo Sitong, when the middle-aged woman appeared, the surrounding air seemed to condense .

Although the middle-aged woman has some wrinkles on her face, her figure is still exquisite, graceful and elegant, and her charm still exists.

But the moment he saw this middle-aged woman, Fei Yu's body couldn't help trembling, and he suddenly lowered his head, not daring to look directly.

"Fei Yu, a disciple of the Pill Peak, has met Elder Yinyi."

Seeing Feiyu's respectful attitude, Yinyi didn't give up at all, and above Yongrong snorted coldly, and said to Feiyu: "Greetings through the formation, is this how your Pill Peak treats guests?"

Almost as soon as the words fell, the holy prestige on the body of the silver clothes surged, and the power of the holy realm, just a little, already made Feiyu feel like a towering giant mountain.

Feiyu gritted his teeth, and finally said firmly: "Elder Yinyi, please forgive me. Junior Brother Fengyun is in retreat. If you come in now, you will definitely interrupt his retreat. I said that I want to protect them, so no one can disturb them."

Even though he was under tremendous pressure, but remembering the promise he made before, Feiyu decided not to activate the peak protection formation.

"Hmph, so it's more important for a disciple of your Pill Peak to retreat than to see the chief elder of Formation Peak visit Pill Peak?" Yinyi snorted coldly and said immediately.

As the chief elder of Formation Peak, she is in charge of most of the spiritual formations in the Holy Court. Among the seven main peaks of the Holy Court, Formation Peak is not ranked in the top three, but it is still ranked fourth How could a disciple of the Pill Peak who was ranked last be able to compare his position.

While speaking, Yinyi suddenly increased the sacred power that enveloped Feiyu. A martial artist in the spiritual realm was like an ant in front of a strong man in the holy realm. As long as Yinyi had a single thought, Feiyu might die on the spot.

"Crackling..." There was a crackling sound from Feiyu's body. On his forehead, dense sweat suddenly emerged. Under the scorching sun, the sweat looked very hot, but Feiyu didn't seem to feel it. He was bearing the heavy pressure on his back. He has already used all of Feiyu's energy to estimate the hotness of his eyes.

After a while, Flying Fish's whole body was drenched in sweat, and his body was bent nearly ninety degrees. Under the heavy pressure, Flying Fish couldn't resist even with all his strength, and could only be gradually bent by the increasing pressure.

"I'll give you one more chance to open the formation, and I'll let you go." Yin Yi calmed down gracefully, and said coldly.Her patience has been worn out.

As the chief elder of Formation Peak, she has been in retreat for many years at Formation Peak. If it wasn't for the news of the ancient spirit gathering formation, she would never have come to such a declining spirit peak as Pill Peak.

But, she came, and when she came, she never thought that she would be blocked from the Pill Peak. As expected, the Pill Peak was just a declining spirit peak, and she should be welcome to enter.

The reality was exactly the opposite of what she expected, so here, her temper that had accumulated in seclusion for many years broke out.

Flying Fish resisted the pressure exerted by Silver Clothes, gnashed his teeth, his veins bulged, his head was flushed with sweat.

"Master, why don't you forget it, I just wait here for that Jian Fengyun to come out." Zuo Sitong looked at Feiyu's stubborn appearance, couldn't help showing a hint of unbearable expression on his pretty face, and said.

Although she also wanted to see Jian Fengyun and understand the mysteries of the ancient Spirit Gathering Formation, but seeing Fei Yu in such pain, her heart softened inexplicably.

"No need, a mere disciple of the Pill Peak dares to make things difficult for us. If he doesn't see me today, I will break their formation of the Pill Peak and go up and capture that Jian Fengyun myself." Yin Yi Yong Rong was sullen. road.

Having lived for thousands of years, she is not a little girl like Zuo Sitong. In her heart, the way of formation is the greatest, and for the sake of the ancient spirit gathering formation, it doesn't matter if she violates some rules of the Holy Court.

"Really, just because you are an old woman, you are also worthy of breaking the pill peak, and you still want to catch me."

At this moment, a long spear filled with thunderous brilliance turned into a faint blue light and pierced through the air above the pill peak.


The spear was thrust straight in front of Flying Fish, the surging thunder power suddenly gathered, and an illusory Thunder God of War instantly appeared in the void.

At the same time, a holy power shot up into the sky, instantly swept away the coercion released from Yin Yi, and rushed towards Yin Yi viciously.


Silver Clothes' eyes narrowed, and his aura erupted at the same time, with the same holy power gushing out, resisting the oncoming holy power.

"Brother, are you alright?"

The next moment, Jian Fengyun's figure suddenly appeared beside Feiyu, and he took out a bottle of healing medicine and handed it to Feiyu.

"Junior Brother Fengyun, you've left the customs." Fei Yu raised his head with difficulty, saw Jian Fengyun's appearance, moved the corner of his mouth with difficulty, and said something.

(End of this chapter)

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