Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 475

Chapter 475

"Junior Brother Fengyun, you've left the customs." Fei Yu raised his head with difficulty, saw Jian Fengyun's appearance, moved the corner of his mouth with difficulty, and said something.

The moment he raised his head, Feiyu saw that Yinyi reached out and grabbed Jian Fengyun's arm outside the formation, and hurriedly grabbed Jian Fengyun's arm, and said anxiously, "Be careful behind, the chief elder of Lingzheng Peak, Yinyi, she."

Before Fei Yu could utter the second sentence, his body suddenly softened, his body was exhausted and his mental load was too heavy, and he passed out directly.

Jian Fengyun took advantage of the situation to support Feiyu's body, which had just fallen into his hands.

Jian Fengyun's face immediately darkened, he clearly felt that most of the bones of the flying fish in his arms were shattered, and all internal organs were severely injured.

As the flying fish fell, strands of scarlet blood spread out from the flying fish's body, dripping down the sleeves of the flying fish, and in the blink of an eye, a puddle of blood appeared.

The pungent smell of blood permeated the air, and even the beautiful scenery and air of Pill Peak could hardly cover up the smell of blood.

Jian Fengyun's eyes became ice-cold, he felt the hand of law condensed behind him, the law of water is perfect, the spiritual power of the holy realm, as long as this hand falls, the life and death of ordinary warriors of the spirit king realm are absolutely in their hands.

"Mysterious Frost Transformation!"

Just when the hand of law was about to fall on Jian Fengyun's body, a icy chill suddenly descended, above the ground, the blood that had just gushed out from the flying fish instantly condensed into ice cubes.

A thin layer of frost spread over the surrounding vegetation, as if the extreme cold had descended.

Ka Ka Ka ~
I saw that big hand made of the law of water was frozen in the void, wrapped in frost, from the inside to the outside, until it was completely frozen into a straight ice hand, and there was a clear "bang", and it immediately turned into ice chips all over the sky spread out.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the ice chips drifted away, and even spread directly beyond the formation of the pill peak, and even the ground was covered with a layer of frost.

A beautiful figure in white clothes slowly appeared beside Jian Fengyun, and the girl exuded an aura of spiritual dignity.

"The Law of Ice is Dzogchen."

Seeing this scene, Yin Yi couldn't help showing a look of horror on his grace, as if he had seen some incredible scene.

"How is it possible? How could there be such a talented student in the Pill Peak?"

Yin Yi asked herself incredulously, the comprehension of the law has nothing to do with the state, it is all a matter of the talent of the warrior, and the palm of the law of water that can block her with the cultivation base of the spiritual state seems to have reached the level of Dzogchen realm.

"Don't move my young master." Jian Xueer's beautiful cheeks are like a snow lotus flower blooming in the ice and snow, pure and beautiful.

It's a pity that Jian Fengyun didn't have the time to appreciate the beautiful scenery, so he could only feed Feiyu the elixir, and then took Feiyu's seriously injured body to the back.

After a while, Wu Fengting rushed over and took the flying fish, at this moment, Jian Fengyun walked forward with a gloomy expression.

Seeing Jian Fengyun approaching, Yinyi frowned immediately, and ordered: "Jian Fengyun, you have avoided seeing him for a long time, today I have to come to the door in person, as long as you open the formation, obediently hand over the ancient treasure The secret of the layout of the spirit array, I can forgive you for all the previous sins."

Yin Yi spoke slowly to Jian Fengyun.

In his opinion, Jian Fengyun is just a small person in the spirit king realm, and he will definitely feel flustered and fearful because of offending her.

Therefore, Yinyi felt that as long as she opened her mouth to forgive Jian Fengyun, Jian Fengyun would be grateful to Dade for telling the secret of the arrangement of the ancient spirit gathering array.

"Ancient Spirit Gathering Formation!" Jian Fengyun sneered, looking at the silver-clothed man in front of him through the formation.

"That's right, as long as you hand over the secret to the arrangement of the ancient spirit-gathering array, I can also give you a thousand contribution points. One thousand contribution points should be enough for you to earn for a long time." Yin Yi said to Jian Fengyun.

Although Jian Fengyun's gaze and tone were a bit weird, Yinyi still felt that he was just a small person at the Spirit King Realm, and for ordinary students at the Spirit King Realm, a thousand contribution points was indeed a lot of money number up.

When Zuo Sitong heard his master's words, he immediately said, "Master, give him a thousand points."

Zuo Sitong wanted to tell his master that Jian Fengyun already had 1 contribution points, and he spent more than [-] contribution points.

However, before the words were finished, they stopped abruptly.

"Sitong, you don't need to say more. Today he has to say what he says, and he has to say what he doesn't say. A thousand contribution points is already a lot for them." Yin Yi didn't wait for Zuo Sitong to speak, and interrupted her directly. The words are cold and authentic.

Jian Fengyun stepped tightly against the peak protection formation, with a smile in his eyes, and said: "Hehe, a thousand contribution points is really a big number. Originally, even if I don't need to contribute points, I can still use the ancient The Gathering Spirit Formation is entrusted to you, but."

Jian Fengyun's voice paused, a murderous intent shot out from his eyes, he stared at Yinyi coldly, and said: "My senior brother was oppressed and seriously injured, what are you going to do?"

The cold words are like the cold current in the extreme arctic region, which makes people feel cold from the beginning to the end.

Yin Yi noticed Jian Fengyun's gaze and was also very surprised. Such a solid murderous aura could at least be condensed by someone who has comprehended the law of killing to a perfect state.

Unexpectedly, a young man who is not in the spirit king realm can have such a deep comprehension of the law of killing.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll add another thousand contribution points, which is enough for him to buy elixir to heal his injuries." Yin Yi frowned and said.

"One thousand contribution points, buy elixir for healing."

Jian Fengyun smiled, and the next moment, the holy thunder spear inserted into the ground was pulled out suddenly, and thunderbolts as thick as arms gushed out from the spear.

"Since this is the case, I will let you also suffer heavy injuries, give you a thousand contribution points, and let you buy elixir to heal your wounds."

After Jian Fengyun's words fell, his figure turned into a silver light and disappeared in the formation of the pill peak.

"Jian Fengyun, you are so brave, you dare to talk to me like that." There was a trace of anger on Yin Yi's face. Over the years, I can't remember how many people dared to talk to her like that.

A mere student from Pill Peak dared to be so rude to her.

Just when Yinyi was about to teach Jian Fengyun a lesson, Jian Fengyun's figure appeared in front of her with a cold smile on his face.

"Is that courageous? I still have more courage." Jian Fengyun said coldly, and the next moment, he swung the spear in his hand.

Among the twelve seeds of laws in his body, the seeds of the law of fire have condensed into substance in the past three months. If there are no other eleven seeds of laws in his body, his state at this moment is spiritual. The peak of the respectable state, but due to the other eleven rules, his state still stays at the peak of the spirit king state.

At the moment when the spear was raised.
(End of this chapter)

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