Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 496 The Impassable Realm

Chapter 496 The Impassable Realm

"Oh my god, what's going on halfway up the mountain?"

Countless Lingqi Peak disciples looked up, seeing the red sword light, they felt the urge to worship.

Tianjiao Peak
"Look, this red light is so strong, and it contains a strong demonic energy, just like an emperor. I can feel a mountain of pressure just by looking at it." A disciple of Tianjiao Peak saw this After a scene, he suddenly opened his mouth and said.

All of a sudden, countless disciples and elders on Tianjiao Peak woke up and all looked at Lingqi Peak.

"The demon power is restrained, and the emperor's aura reaches the sky. This is the symbol of the devil emperor. Could it be that the devil emperor attacked the Lingqi Peak?" A disciple of the Shentong Peak looked at the sky and exclaimed.

Not far away, the roar of thunder fell, and thunder after thunder continued to fall, which was shocking.

"Daoyun, the devil emperor, does not have the power of Wushen. It should be the weapon of the devil emperor. I didn't expect someone to mobilize the soldiers of the devil emperor with such fanfare on Lingqi Peak. I really don't care about trouble." A member of Zhanti Peak The elder looked in the direction of Lingqi Peak and said leisurely.

The relationship between the various races in Wanyu and the Demon Realm is already very tense. Although it is already harmonious on the surface, the powerful forces in Wanyu know that the evil cultivators who are punished by everyone in the world are hiding in the Demon Realm, and they are allowed to Therefore, there will be a battle between the Wanyu and the Demon Realm sooner or later. All the disciples of the Holy Court know this information. It is undoubtedly an extremely risky move to use the soldiers of the Demon Emperor in the Holy Court at this time.

On the Pill Peak, in the cave of Flying Fish
"Look, there is a strong sword energy and devil energy in the direction of Lingqi Peak, and it also contains emperor power, so terrifying." Jing Fei'er's eyes suddenly turned from Jian Xue'er and the frozen flying fish in the house to the wooden house outside.

"This sword energy is the young master's red sleeve sword." Seeing this scene, Jian Xue'er suddenly showed a hint of worry on her pretty face.

When Jing Fei'er heard Jian Xue'er's words, her pretty face froze for a moment, and she said, "The red sleeve sword, is that the ultimate weapon of the imperial way that you just told me about in the Land of the Last Law?"

Jing Feier asked Jian Xueer about Jian Fengyun just now, and accidentally mentioned her experience. The red hidden sword was what Jian Xueer mentioned just now when she was telling the story.

"Well, the young master must have encountered some kind of trouble. He usually doesn't use a sword." Jian Xueer's beautiful eyes showed a hint of worry, and she said immediately

"If you're worried, just go and have a look. I'll just watch Brother Feiyu here." Jing Feier blinked her beautiful eyes and said immediately.

"No, I couldn't help the young master in the past. Before he left, he specifically told me not to leave the pill peak no matter what, and to guard Brother Feiyu. Moreover, the young master said that he would definitely bring the antidote back. I believe the young master. .” Jian Xueer’s beautiful eyes fluctuated with concern, but the corners of her mouth still bit her teeth stubbornly.

"If you just listen to Jian Fengyun, what if he's lying to you? If he can't bring back the antidote, he might be killed by the people from Lingqi Peak. Isn't that the end?" Jing Fei'er said.

"No, the young master will never lie to Xue'er." Jian Xue'er's beautiful eyes were fixed on the direction of Lingqi Peak, her white hands were tightly clenched, her pretty face was full of worry, but Mei His eyes were full of stubborn brilliance.

"You..." Jing Fei'er looked at Jian Xue'er in front of her, hesitated to speak.

Lingqi Peak, inside the Lingqi Hall

Wanyanhuo held a broken disciple token in his hand, and looked coldly at the red beam of light outside the main hall with his cloudy eyes, a sinister smile suddenly appeared on his old face, and said: "Yanlong, don't blame me as a teacher. If you want to blame, you can only blame your bad luck, and when I take the position of dean as a teacher, I will definitely burn more things for you."

As he said that, the disciple's token in Wanyanhuo's hand shattered instantly, turning into a cloud of dust, which drifted away with the wind.

Outside the main hall, the night was strange and fluctuating, revealing an extraordinary, Wan Yanhuo closed his eyes comfortably, and regarded it as nothing.


A huge gully appeared on the mountainside of Lingqi Peak, and the ground was cut neatly, exuding a soul-stirring sword energy.

Jian Fengyun stood with his sword in the air, his face slightly solemn.

Although he has already broken through to the Spirit King Realm, the sword power of the three Spirit Mansions is still not enough for him to use all his strength to activate the Red Hidden Sword and the Red Hidden Sword. of.

The Red-sleeved Empress sealed the imperial soldiers in the Demon Tree of Absolute Beginning. Although the sword spirit has dispersed, the power of the imperial soldiers is still there.

Jian Fengyun just consumed the sword energy of one of the three Lingfu, but only activated one-third of the power of the Red Hidden Sword. This power instantly made Jian Fengyun surpass the Lingzun, Linghuang, and Lingjun to reach the Lingzun. holy power.

A sword pierced Ouyang Xuan's poisonous hand, even Shengwei couldn't resist the sharpness of the emperor's sword.

Ouyang Xuan staggered back a few steps, his face suddenly showed a cold look, he suddenly raised his head, and looked at the Yin Hong long sword in Jian Fengyun's hand in disbelief.

"Emperor Dao Jibing, how could he have Emperor Dao Jibing?"

Ouyang Xuan's heart surged for a while, and then his gaze turned cold slightly, with a wicked smile on his face, and he said: "Hehe, the supreme soldier of the emperor's way, it's a pity that in the hands of you, the spirit king, his imperial prestige is almost buried, why don't you give it to me, I let this emperor sword glow with power again."

Saying that, Ouyang Xuan's eyes couldn't help showing a greedy light, the law of poison condensed behind him, a dark green light rose into the sky, and the poisonous gas condensed crazily, as if to poison all the creatures in the world.

Wisps of dark green light flowed up and down the entire Lingqi Peak, making people daunting and cautious.

The law of poison blends into every corner of the void of Lingqi Peak, causing the vegetation to wither and the earth and rocks to corrode.

Jian Fengyun stepped into the void, and his eyes suddenly gathered together. This time, he really felt a deadly threat. Even if he held the Hongxiu Emperor Sword in his hand, if a strong man in the holy realm made a full attack, he would definitely be Can't resist.

The ancient sages could break mountains with a single strand of hair, and kill people invisible. Although Ouyang Xuan has a gap with the ancient sages, the gap is still not that big after all. In this state, unless the power of the Emperor Sword is fully exerted, there will be a glimmer of life, otherwise death will undoubtedly occur.

The conclusion instantly emerged in Jian Fengyun's heart.

That's right, based on Jian Fengyun's previous life experience, he instantly judged the current crisis. The power of the Emperor Sword is definitely able to withstand Ouyang Xuan's attack, but the aftermath of the full-force collision between the two is likely to severely damage his body. Tuntian Sword Qi is still thousands of miles away from the powerhouses of the Holy Realm and the Emperor Realm.

"Sword Storm"

 Ps: There will be another chapter later, fellow book lovers, I would like to apologize to you here. I have been hesitant about some problems in my life these two days, so the update is relatively late. I will adjust it as soon as possible. Please support me a lot. Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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