Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 497

Chapter 497
"Jian Fengyun, the power of the holy realm cannot cross realms. No matter how strong your talent is, you have to die. After you die, I will use my strength to gather your remnant soul and take your physical skills and everything." Ouyang Xuan said coldly.

The majesty of a saint can shake the world, Ouyang Xuan was angry in his heart, and he began to look at Jian Fengyun absolutely. Originally, he always thought that Jian Fengyun was just a talent in the spirit king realm. It may have shaken his strength, but if he attacks a young man at the spirit king level with all his strength, it will definitely make people laugh out loud and get a bad reputation, so he intends to slowly force Jian Fengyun to submit.

However, his feeling was wrong, Jian Fengyun possessed the peerless physical skills and the demonic emperor soldiers, which were enough to shake him, coupled with the temptation of physical skills and emperor weapons, Ouyang Xuan could no longer care about his reputation, if If you can get physical skills and imperial weapons, so what if your reputation is bad.

Almost as soon as Ouyang Xuan's words fell, his hand also moved, the law of poison all over the sky turned into a withered finger, and the green poisonous light illuminated the halfway up the mountain of Lingqi Peak.

"What's the situation? Why is there such a strong holy power and the power of the law of poison on Lingqi Peak? The poison law melts into space, and the holy power is all over the sky. This is definitely a powerful poison saint." On Tianjiao Peak, Yuhua stood with her hands tied, looking in the direction of Lingqi Peak, frowning slightly.

Pill Peak

"Oh my god, with such a powerful holy prestige, do you think Jian Fengyun is competing with a poisonous holy man?" Jing Fei'er's eyes moved, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Seeing now, the situation on Lingqi Peak can basically be guessed almost exactly.

"The young master will be fine, the young master will be fine." Jian Xueer sat at the door, watching the messy atmosphere on the Lingqi Peak not far away, praying secretly in her heart.

Under the moonlight, the girl's pretty face was full of hope.

Sitting on the ground, Jian Xueer's heart was pounding.

At this moment, circles of space ripples suddenly appeared in front of the wooden house, and three figures, one white, two black, flashed and appeared in the house.

"You are..." Jing Fei'er was the first to react, stood up abruptly, and appeared in front of the three of them. When he saw the appearance of the three of them clearly, he was shocked and said, "Principal, Master Han is still there." Deputy Pavilion Master Han."

Just when Jing Fei'er was about to salute, the dean in white suddenly stretched out her hand, and a faint voice came from her face covered by the power of heaven and earth.

"There's no need to salute, I'm just here to save someone, and then I'll leave."

"Rescue people, you mean to save Brother Feiyu?" Jing Fei'er's eyes turned slightly cold, and she said immediately.

"Well, get out of the way first, after saving this one, you have to save the next one." Han Xian'er said flatly.

Before Jing Fei'er could react, Han Xian'er's body flashed and appeared in front of Fei Yu, and with a wave of her hand, dense formulas suddenly gushed out from her hand.

The radiance of the spell is black, penetrating directly into the body of the flying fish through the ice.

In just one breath, the magic formula returned from Flying Fish's body again, and the pitch-black magic formula was immediately tinged with a tinge of fiery red.

"Nine Xie Crazy Demon Sacrifice, it's this kind of poison again." Han Xian'er looked at the rune floating in the palm of her hand, frowned and muttered to herself.

Jing Feier on the side was full of surprise. According to the rumors from the outside world in the past few days, the dean of the Holy Academy and the owner of the Law Enforcement Pavilion are all cold-tempered people, and they have always been ruthless and ruthless. look like.

However, the scene in front of him made Jing Feier not believe those rumors immediately.

"Dean, you said you have to save someone. I wonder if the person you want to save is my young master?" Jian Xue'er came back from the door at some point, stood in front of Han Xian'er, and asked road.

Han Xian'er regained her senses slightly, glanced at her, didn't say anything, and walked away from the void.

Han Mo and Han Mo stayed behind without saying much, and hid directly in the void, and it was difficult to find their location under the holy realm.

"You guys." Jian Xueer's pretty face froze suddenly, a little angry, but she didn't know what she was angry about.

Jing Fei'er noticed something strange in the air, and immediately grabbed Jian Xue'er's little hand and said, "Xue'er, you have to calm down, everything will be fine."

While comforting Jian Xue'er, Jing Fei'er secretly said in her heart, I am really blind, how could the rumors be groundless, these three people are really indifferent.

Lingqi Peak, halfway up the mountain
Feeling the crushing force of insurmountable force, Jian Fengyun frowned, and was about to draw his sword.

"Come on."

A pleasant and ethereal voice suddenly sounded.

At the same moment, a white jade hand suddenly protruded from the void, and there were circles of violent ripples in the void, and the power of space fluctuated. At the same time, a golden jade talisman suddenly appeared in the white jade hand.

A soft sound resounded, and the golden jade talisman suddenly shattered in the void, and the golden runes swept out from the sky, and the golden light soared into the sky, instantly turning into a solid barrier, resisting Jian Fengyun's body.

The whole body of the enchantment is composed of golden runes, exuding a strong holy power.


The blow containing Ouyang Xuan's full strength immediately bombarded the golden barrier, and within three breaths, there was a crackling sound from the barrier.

Within the enchantment, the golden runes disappeared one after another, and on the outer shell of the enchantment, cracks suddenly spread open, like spider webs, covering the entire golden enchantment in a blink of an eye.

After three breaths passed, the golden barrier was completely shattered, turning into fine golden fragments that splashed away, completely unable to stop Ouyang Xuan's attack.

However, at this time, within the barrier, Jian Fengyun's figure had long since disappeared, and what was left was only an empty night and night wind.

Ouyang Xuan's attack landed on the void, directly breaking through the void and blasting towards a tiny palace that was moving rapidly in the void.

Jian Fengyun's body had already entered the Immortal Palace at this moment, and he left quickly.

However, the Holy Realm is the strength of the Holy Realm after all, even though that hand helped him delay for three breaths, Ouyang Xuan's attack still broke through the void and caught up.

The Immortal Hall shook violently, and Jian Fengyun, the master of the Immortal Hall, shuddered, and the next moment, a streak of scarlet blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he knelt heavily on the ground of the Immortal Hall.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, two voices sounded in unison.

One voice came from the sword spirit of the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword in Jian Fengyun's body, and the other was the soul of the black dragon, the temple spirit of the Immortal Palace.


(End of this chapter)

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