Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 498

Chapter 498
"I" Jian Fengyun struggled to stand up, but at the next moment, a sense of fainting from the depths of his soul suddenly arose in his heart.

"what happened?"

At this moment, from the depths of the Immortal Hall, a white-haired girl and a monk robed monk suddenly walked out. These two were the Nanshan Nanchao Princess, Qin Xuan, and the little Xitian Buddhist disciple, Sanguang, who were retreating in the Immortal Hall.

They felt a violent shock from the Hall of Immortality at the same time, so they immediately came out to check.

After practicing here for more than two years, the Hall of Immortality has always been very stable, and it contains the origin of the law for them to study and practice.

After more than two years, their strength has reached the peak of the Spirit Emperor Realm, and they are only one step away from the Spirit Emperor Realm.

However, since the retreat in the Immortal Hall, the Immortal Hall has never experienced such a shock today, so they reacted immediately and walked out to check the situation.

Jian Fengyun fell unconscious at the door of the main hall, his consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

"What's wrong with him?" Qin Xuan's white hair moved slightly, and her beautiful eyes frowned slightly. She had seen Jian Fengyun a few times in the Hall of Immortality, but she had never entered in such a coma.

"The master was hunted down by a strong man in the holy realm, and the strong man in the holy realm broke through the void and directly bombarded the hall of immortality. The hall of immortality could not completely resist that person's attack, so the master suffered the damage." The eyes of the soul of the black dragon flickered with worry. color.

Love will arise every day. If it is said that at the beginning, the soul of the black dragon recognized Jian Fengyun as the master only to let him absorb the power of the original law of the Immortal Palace so that he could break the seal of the Immortal Palace and roam freely in the world, but after a long time, he Immediately, he discovered that Jian Fengyun, the master's superiority, even though he was a proud dragon, was still surprised by Jian Fengyun every time.

"A strong man in the holy realm! He was able to escape under the hands of a saint." Qin Xuan's pretty face suddenly showed a look of surprise when she heard this.

As the princess of Nanshan Southern Dynasty, Qin Xuan naturally understood how big the gap between the Holy Realm and Lingwang Zhijian was.

Hearing this news, Qin Xuan was astonished as if he had heard an ant escape from the hands of a divine beast.

"I said you witch, do you still have humanity? Mr. Sword has been injured like this, but you are still surprised that he escaped from the hands of a strong saint." Going forward to Jian Fengyun's side, the gentle Buddha power gushed out from his palm and healed Jian Fengyun immediately.

At this moment, Qin Xuan discovered that there was a huge wound on Jian Fengyun's back, the wound pierced into the flesh three points, and the color of bones had already been exposed, which was very terrifying.

"Silver blood, Jian Fengyun's physique is not ordinary." Qin Xuan frowned, and immediately stepped forward.

"I said, why are you so dazed, witch, hurry up and get some healing elixir. I remember that your healing elixir from the Southern Dynasty is good." Sanguang Buddha healed Jian Fengyun, but the wound did not improve at all. Turning around, he spoke to Qin Xuan.

"Stinky Monk, are you ordering me?" Qin Xuan turned his eyes, his eyes turned cold, and he asked immediately.

"Miss Qin, who do you call a stinky monk? It's a waste of time for a poor monk to give you the Dharma for so many years. You don't even understand that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda." Sanguang Buddha rolled his eyes and said.

In the past two years, Sanguang Buddha had been fighting and bickering with Qin Xuan in addition to practicing in the Hall of Immortality. In the past two years, the two of them have become acquainted with each other a lot.

"Just because you are worthy of telling me that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda?" Qin Xuan smiled coldly on his cold face.

She doesn't understand Sanguang Buddha, and she will hold her hand and walk all the way when they meet for the first time in the Nangu Forbidden Land, take advantage of her, and even ask her for spiritual materials after arriving, this is shameless How could it be possible for a disciple to practice Buddhism so sincerely.

"I said Miss Qin, what you said is not right. Although she is beautiful, she has been with the poor monk for two years. Can't you see through the poor monk's kind and simple nature?" , looked at Qin Xuan with a teasing look.

Hearing these words, Qin Xuan's pretty face suddenly turned cold, and said: "Smelly monk, what are you talking about, who has been with you for two years?"

Almost at the same time, an icy breath gushed out from behind Qin Xuan, and a silver-white long sword suddenly appeared in his hand. It became cold in an instant, as if a disagreement was about to be struck.

"Miss Qin, why are you angry? We've been together, living in the same room for two years? The poor monk is telling the truth." Sanguang Buddha said with a smile on his eyes.

While speaking, his eyes glanced lewdly at Qin Xuan's graceful body from time to time.

Just when the two were about to explode, the soul of the black dragon suddenly said, "Okay, you two stop fighting here, it's important to save the master first."

The black dragon spoke in a timely manner, and the hall immediately fell silent. In the past two years, the soul of the black dragon has seen these two bickering countless times, and it will naturally become familiar with it after a long time.

"Hmph, for the sake of Mr. Jian's injury today, the poor monk will not bother with you." Sanguang Fozi snorted softly, and immediately glanced away.

"Please worry about it anytime." Qin Xuan said with a cold light in his beautiful eyes.

Pill Peak, in the house of Flying Fish

A burst of space ripples suddenly fluctuated, and a figure in white suddenly appeared from the void.

On Han Xian'er's white arm, a huge wound seemed to cover half of her arm, as if she saw some incredible scene.

The dark red blood suddenly spread and dripped from the arm, and fell on the ground, like a blooming blood rose, revealing a strange beauty.

"President, are you alright?"

Han Mo and Han Mo walked out of the void at the same time, looking at the hideous wound on Han Xian'er's arm, their four eyes revealed a look of worry at the same time.

"I'm fine. I didn't expect Ouyang Xuan's strength to break through to the middle stage of the Holy Realm, approaching the later stage. If it weren't for the holy amulet that was refined in advance, it might not be easy to leave this time." Han Xianer endured the pain on her arm. In the pain, her pretty face moved slightly, her lips parted slightly, and she said, "Jian Fengyun, are you back?"

"Not yet." Han Mo's face darkened slightly, and he said immediately.

Han Mo's face darkened at the same time, obviously, Ouyang Xuan's strength has exceeded their expectations.

 Ps: The physical condition is not good, there is still one chapter that can only be posted later, thank you for your understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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