Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 499 Blood of Demon Poison

Chapter 499 Blood of Demon Poison
"What's the matter, young master?" Jian Xue'er showed an anxious look on her face, she didn't care about the etiquette anymore, she stepped forward and said.

"Don't touch me." A tyrannical aura gushed out of Han Xian'er, blocking Jian Xue'er out.

The demon lotus poison fairy body itself contains a strange poison, and ordinary warriors will be poisoned and comatose when they encounter it, or even die directly if it is serious.

Han Xian'er released the air wall to prevent Jian Xue'er from touching her body.

At the same time as the air wall was released, a space ripple suddenly appeared around Han Xian'er, and three figures suddenly appeared in the space ripple.

"It should be here." Sanguang Fozi supported Jian Fengyun in his hand, and slowly glanced around.

Jian Fengyun, who was being supported, accidentally tilted his body, and his arm fell towards Han Xian'er's arm.

"Be careful." Han Mo and Han Mo hurriedly said when they saw this scene.

But the reaction of the two of them was still a step slow after all. Jian Fengyun's palm had already landed on Han Xian'er's blood-stained arm, and he made a soft "pop" sound, and the dark red blood instantly covered his body. The palms were stained red.

A crisp sound of body touching resounded throughout the wooden house, Han Mo and Han Mo were astonished, Han Xian'er turned her eyes suddenly, her arm quickly left Jian Fengyun's palm, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"You guys." The corners of Han Xian'er's icy lips parted suddenly, about to get angry.

"Master!" Jian Xue'er's figure suddenly rushed over, and her fair little hand immediately grabbed Jian Fengyun's palm stained with dark red blood.

"Be careful!" Han Mo and Han Mo said again,

However, Jian Xueer could not listen to other people's words at this moment, she only had Jian Fengyun in her eyes, and her white little hand was grasping Jian Fengyun's palm in an instant.

"Master, what's the matter with you, are you alright?" Jian Xue'er grabbed Jian Fengyun's palm, her beautiful eyes turned red in an instant, her fair little hands shook Jian Fengyun's body slightly, her face was full of worry.

"Oh my god, the demon lotus poison fairy body." Sanguang Fozi seemed to feel something, and suddenly let go of Jian Fengyun's arm, his figure flashed, and quickly retreated a few feet away, looking at Jian Fengyun with vigilance. Fengyun's arm.

"Blood of demonic poison." Qin Xuan's cold eyes suddenly froze, looking at Jian Fengyun's arm, with a look of vigilance on his face.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the wooden house suddenly became quiet for a moment. Han Mo, Han Mo, and Han Xian'er all looked at the three in surprise, as if they had seen some incredible scene .

"Xue'er. I'm fine." Jian Fengyun's eyes gradually became clear, the Tuntian Sword Body in his body had begun to recover automatically, and the circulation of Qi and blood diluted the huge dizziness caused by the injury on his back, allowing him to regain consciousness come over.

"Young master, you're awake." Jian Xue'er looked at Jian Fengyun who slowly opened her eyes, a look of joy appeared on her pretty face, and said, "I'll help you to bed and rest."

"En." Jian Fengyun nodded slightly, took a long breath, and then closed his eyes again.

Ouyang Xuan's full-strength blow directly damaged his Tuntian Sword Body, even if his Tuntian Sword Body was close to Dacheng, it was still difficult to block the attack of the Holy Realm, and the severe injury of the Tuntian Sword Body made him fall into a coma instantly.Although he has come to his senses at this moment, but this is just the beginning of self-recovery of Tuntian Sword Body, not to mention complete recovery.

Therefore, Jian Fengyun's body is still very weak at this moment.

Jian Xueer supported Jian Xueer's body and lay gently on the wooden bed beside her. There was a huge wound on Jian Fengyun's back, although it was bandaged, it was still very obvious.

"Are you all right?" Han Mo stepped forward, a little surprised to see that Jian Xue'er and Jian Fengyun were not at all in front of him.

In Han Mo's memory, anyone who touched Han Xian'er's body would experience poisoning within three breaths, ranging from weakness and coma to severe death, without exception.

Han Xian'er's blood contains more toxicity, logically, the person who touches it will only be poisoned and shoot deeper.

However, after Jian Fengyun's touch, there was no sign of poisoning, and he woke up from the coma of serious injuries. He seemed to be much more energetic, which was not at all different from the poisoned appearance.

Not to mention Jian Xueer, but she is only at the Spiritual Venerable Realm, she looks like a weak woman, not as strong as Jian Fengyun before, she is squatting there unscathed, and she can take care of her. Jian Fengyun doesn't look like someone with trouble at all.

"It's okay." Jian Fengyun raised his head slightly and said immediately.

"I'm talking about your hands." Han Mo's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately glanced at the place where Jian Fengyun and Jian Xueer's palms were stained with dark red blood.

"Blood of demon poison, are you also injured?" Jian Fengyun glanced at the blood on his hand, then raised his head to look at Han Xian'er not far away, and asked.

Han Mo's heart suddenly became confused, when did the blood of demon poison be so fearless?

In Han Mo's memory, the blood of the demon poison is the blood of the demon lotus poison fairy body, and it is also the factor that made Han Xianer suffer from the Han family's exclusion. Ordinary insiders probably have to run away when they hear this name Far away, how could it be so indifferent.

"I told you not to think about it, Young Master Jian and Miss Xue'er have special physiques, and the blood of the evil poison has no effect on them." Sanguang Fozi pinched the magic formula in his hand, and then said.

Han Xian'er's eyes immediately fell on Sanguang Fozi's body, and when he saw the formula in Sanguang Buddha's hand, he frowned and said, "Heaven's magic, how could you fly the lost magic of the immortal sect? "

"This beautiful woman, a poor monk, is from Xiaoxitian. She was fortunate enough to study in the ancestral tomb of the Feixian Sect for a few days, and then she got the inheritance of the divine fortune. Fozi grinned and said immediately.

"Xiao Xitian, the ancestral mausoleum of the Flying Immortal Sect!" Han Xian'er's beautiful eyes moved, and she said immediately, "Are you Xiao Xitian's tomb robber, Fozi, who has been missing for two years?"

"Ahem, beauty, what you said is wrong. The poor monk is not a tomb robber. The poor monk just couldn't bear the treasures of the Taoist treasures to be buried in the ground, so he took the risk of going down to consecrate them. The world doesn't understand me. .” Sanguang Buddha said with a smile on his face.

"Shameless, it really is the same person in the rumors." Han Xian'er said immediately with her beautiful eyes moving.

"Beauty, the poor monk believes in Buddhism, not rumors." San Guang looked at Han Xian'er's exquisite body with a smile in his eyes, and said.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, why did you appear here?" Han Xian'er's beautiful eyes turned cold, and she said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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