Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 803

Chapter 803
Faced with the shock of these people, Jian Fengyun only smiled faintly.

It's true that he didn't do anything, but he still remembered that the soul of the big sun python is the weakest.

He just glanced at it just now, but that glance was mixed with the soul coercion exerted by the Nine Nether Underworld Fire. The soul pressure descended on the beast soul of the Great Sun Heavenly Python, which was enough to make the Great Sun Heavenly Python panic. The burning nature of Shangjiu Nether Fire is terrifying to the soul, so it is naturally frightened in an instant.

"Stay here, I'll go in and get something."

After saying a word, before Jian Fengyun came to the cave, he stepped into it.

"Just go in like this?"

Everyone stared dumbfounded.

At that moment just now, the red light curtain that was shattered by Xia Houyu had recovered, but he seemed to have no barrier to Jian Fengyun, and he let Jian Fengyun walk in directly.

Even though they are all descendants of great powers and are well-informed, at this moment, they still cannot believe what is happening in front of them.

Especially Xia Houyu, he had used a lot of strength when he bombarded the red light curtain just now, but Jian Fengyun didn't use any strength at all, so he just went in.

Everyone can feel that the red light in front of them condenses the power of the extremely strong fire attribute law, and it is absolutely impossible to enter easily.

But the white-clothed figure just entered without hindrance, and even when entering, the red light curtain opened a place for him.

Their hearts were shocked and their minds roared.

The white-clothed man in front of him is only a Spirit King Realm!
"He, he seems to be that Jian Fengyun!"

"The things in the cave are mine, you can't move them!" Xia Houyu reacted, her face darkened, and she was about to rush to the cave immediately while drinking.


Seeing this, the descendants of the big sun python showed fierceness again, and the huge snake body instantly rose and fell. Obviously, if Xia Houyu dared to rush over, they would attack immediately.

"Let's do it together!"

Zi Linru on the side also spoke, but this time it was not a question, but very firm.

After all, they are all descendants of god-level powers, talented monsters, and it is absolutely impossible for them to just watch a Spirit King Realm and take away the treasure in front of them.

"Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!".
Figures rushed out one after another, and the brilliant attacks brightened the reflection outside the cave.

The descendants of the big sun python also rushed out while roaring, and their figures were even bigger at this moment, and the coercion on them was even more astonishing.

"Not good!" The old man protecting Xia Houyu's face changed, and he shouted: "This descendant of the big sun python has advanced!"

Needless to say, others can feel it.

If it is said that the descendants of the previous big sun python only had the cultivation level of the late stage of the Holy Spirit Realm, then at this moment, they definitely have a cultivation level comparable to the late stage of the Emperor Senior Realm!
A whole big realm, this gap must be huge.

At the later stage of the Emperor Senior Realm, it is very easy to crush the late stage of the Holy Spirit Realm. Even the arrogance of these god-level forces can hardly cross this gap.Of course, Jian Fengyun is an exception.

At this moment, a tyrannical aura suddenly burst out on Jian Fengyun's face.

"What's going on?" Xia Houyu gritted her teeth and said angrily, "It's actually advanced, and it's a big step at a time!"

"Could it have something to do with that Jian Fengyun who just went in?" A young man from another force asked.

"Fart!" Xia Houyu yelled decisively: "A spirit king state can make a descendant of a big sun python directly advance from the upper rank of the holy rank to the upper rank of the emperor rank? Your mother's brain is not good, right?"

The young man was speechless immediately after being scolded, but he still felt in his heart that the advancement of the descendant of the big sun python was related to the man in white.

In fact, that's exactly what happened.

The strength of this descendant of the big sun python has already reached the top-rank of the emperor rank, which is equivalent to the strength of the late emperor of the human race.

As a descendant of the ancient and fierce big sun python, it possessed the strength of the emperor rank at birth, and reached the top-rank strength of the emperor rank after three years of growth. It should have competed with all beasts in that era, but it was in When I was a child, I was sealed in the depths of my soul by the owner of the Eight Treasures Pagoda, and my cultivation was sealed, and I was trapped in this cave.

The seal allows its cultivation to stay at the late stage of the Holy Spirit Realm, which is also the reason for the seal. It will only be hurt by Xiahou Yu's tongue at the beginning, otherwise, with its original strength, it can take Xiahou at once. Jade's life.

Just now, Jian Fengyun also saw the seal on it, so he lifted its seal at the moment the soul contract was signed, which also restored its strength in an instant, directly advancing from the upper rank of the holy rank to the emperor rank top grade.

Obviously, for Xia Houyu and the others, this is an absurd and impossible thing, even killing them would not believe it.

"No matter what, we can't let him, a small spirit king, get the treasures in the cave!" Xia Houyu snorted coldly: "Almost all the caves on the first floor of the Eight Treasures Pagoda have been explored by the ancestors. It’s easy to find this place, the descendants of such a big sun python guard, the treasures inside must be extremely precious, falling into the hands of a spirit king would be a waste of money?”

Zi Linru also nodded, obviously, she didn't want the treasures in the cave to be taken away by Jian Fengyun just like that.

"Zi Linru, let the people from the Shenzhan Ancient Clan cooperate with the people from my Shen Pavilion to buy us time, and let's enter the cave together!"

Xia Houyu looked at Zi Linru who was beside her, and said, "We'll split evenly if we get the treasure."

At this time, even Xia Houyu knew that he could not eat the treasures in the cave alone, so he had to ask Zi Linru to cooperate.

Zi Linru's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and said: "Okay, that's it!"

Soon, the sixteen strong men of the Ancient God War Clan and the thirteen strong men of the Shen Pavilion shot together, and the power of the law surged wildly, bringing streams of light, and killed the descendant of the big sun python.

"Boom boom~"

Astonishing loud noises continued to be heard outside the cave, and the battle between the more than twenty strong men from god-level forces and the descendants of the Great Sun Python began, and everyone retreated one after another, for fear of being hurt by those powerful aftermath.


But inside the cave at this moment, Jian Fengyun was looking at the corpses everywhere in front of him, a little surprised.

These bones faced the depths of the cave. Obviously, these bones were the descendants of defeating the Great Sun Python at a great price before they entered the cave.

But they came in and never went out again.

There is a problem with this aisle!

Looking at the aisle full of bones, it is only more than ten feet long, but it is very shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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