Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 804 Dragon Blood

Chapter 804 Dragon Blood
Looking at the aisle full of bones, it is only more than ten feet long, but it is very shocking.

"Kill the formation!"

Jian Fengyun looked at the aisle in front of him, a strange light flickered in his eyes.

There is no reason why there are so many corpses on the aisle. The seemingly dark and peaceful aisle is actually covered with a killing array. If you don't know the formation method and force your way into it, you will definitely be killed by the killing array that erupts in an instant.

After scanning for a moment, Jian Fengyun said to Jian Xueer and Chi Xiaoyan beside him, "You wait for me here, don't act rashly."

With an order, Jian Fengyun's figure moved in an instant, stepped out with one step, and stepped directly into the aisle.

Almost as soon as the footsteps stepped on the ground, the surrounding scene suddenly changed dramatically.


The murderous aura of thousands of troops and horses is rolling over violently, the murderous aura is overwhelming, the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood are like an ancient war, enough to make people sink instantly.

Jian Fengyun stood in the middle of the battlefield, with a frown, just when the thousands of troops came, the Nine Nether Fires in his eyes suddenly burned, and the iron horse soldiers disappeared in an instant.

The picture scroll of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood instantly burned, turned into fly ash and dissipated directly.

In the next instant, Jian Fengyun's eyes lit up again, and his figure had already reached the other side of the aisle.

"Soul killing array, unfortunately my soul is not something it can affect!" Jian Fengyun moved his eyes, turned around to look at the densely packed corpses behind him, and said calmly.

At the end of the corridor is a stone room,
Inside the stone room, there is an altar, on which there is only a jade bottle, the size of the jade bottle is about three inches, there is a faint golden light emitting from the jade bottle, and a faint dragon's power is revealed from the jade bottle.

"Golden Dragon Blood Essence!"

Jian Fengyun frowned, and instantly recognized what the liquid in the jade bottle was. When he was in Wuling City, he had also photographed the remains of Jin Gu, and extracted the blood essence of the Golden Dragon from them, but at that time , He gave the god dog blood of the golden dragon, which greatly increased the strength of the god dog, and even possessed the blood of the dragon clan.

"On this altar, the blood essence of the dragon clan is used as a sacrifice. What kind of altar is this!" Jian Fengyun frowned, looking at the altar under the jade bottle, with a thoughtful look on his face.

On the ancient altar, engraved with mysterious lines, even he can hardly understand.

"Forget it. These are probably some texts from ancient times. I can't figure out why after thinking about it here. It's better to collect the dragon's blood and go to other floors of the Eight Treasures Pagoda."

Jian Fengyun was certain, and with a wave of his palm, he put the jade bottle containing the blood essence of the dragon into the storage ring, then turned around and walked out of the aisle.

"Let's go!"

Jian Fengyun went outside the cave, and said to Jian Xueer and Chi Xiaoyan who were waiting.

Just when the three of them were about to leave the cave, the crimson light curtain outside the cave instantly shattered.

"Jian Fengyun, hand over the treasures in the cave, or you won't be able to get out of the cave today!"

Xia Houyu snorted coldly.

Zi Linru followed closely behind, Qianying moved, and the two blocked the entrance of the cave together.

The golden glove in Xia Houyu's hand was shining brightly, the emperor's prestige was circulating, and his face showed a fierce light, staring fiercely at Jian Fengyun.

"Yes, hand over the things in the cave. If they fall into your hands, they will only be buried. Hand them over, and I will keep you safe!" Zi Lin Rumei stared at Jian Fengyun, she did not make a move, but the light in her eyes The meaning in is self-evident.

"What if I don't pay?"

Jian Fengyun looked calm and looked at the two people in front of him: "Although you two are talented, it's a pity that your brain is not good."

After saying that, Jian Fengyun shook his head and walked towards the door of the cave, as if he didn't see Xia Houyu.

"Leave the treasure for me!"

Xia Houyu's figure rushed out, her footsteps were light, and she grabbed Jian Fengyun.


Seeing him rushing towards Jian Fengyun, huge snake tails rushed out from the entrance of the cave and swung towards Xia Houyu's waist.

With a soft sound, the snake's tail suddenly fell on Xia Houyu's body.

Xia Houyu's body was directly hit by the snake's tail and hit the wall beside her.

"You're not happy to say you're stupid. Do you think the descendants of the ancient Great Sun Python can be stopped by those outside?"

Jian Fengyun smiled slightly, and walked away slowly under Zi Linru's dazed gaze.

"What's going on, why did the big sun python rush in!"

Xia Houyu rushed out of the cave angrily, and asked.

As soon as Xia Houyu came out, she saw more than [-] people who were stained with scorched black and were changing their robes quickly. They looked as embarrassed as they could be.

"Young master, the bloodline of the Great Sun Sky Python is really too strong. Although it can't be seen from the level of the late stage of the earth level, its bloodline, its real explosive strength, is much stronger than the late stage of the emperor state. We have to retreat!"

An old man in the Shen Pavilion said immediately after changing into his robes.

"No reason!"

Watching Jian Fengyun and others go away on the python, the golden lines on Xia Houyu's body suddenly lit up, and he was about to unleash his secret skills to catch up and kill him.

But the old man said: "My lord, you can't, the secret skills of the gods consume too much spiritual power, and you have just entered the ruins of the gods. If you can not consume it, it is best not to consume it!
Xia Houyu gritted his teeth, but in the end, he listened to the old man's words.

The ruins of the gods limit the number of people, and also limit the things brought in.Although he is a genius of the Shen Pavilion, the little medicine he brought is really not enough for the consumption of the secret skills of the gods.

The elders of the Shen Pavilion have all told that unless you encounter a treasure that you must get, it is better not to use the secret skills of the gods.

"Go to the second light curtain!" Xia Houyu snorted coldly.


At the same time, outside the remains of the gods

"Oh my god, there are so many powerful people from the Temple of War God and the Feixian Sect. Is this going to be a big deal in the ruins of the Dharma?"

"That's right, there are so many people here even in Xiaoxitian Sect, which doesn't care about worldly affairs."

"It must not be a trivial matter. The top sect Tianwangzong has also come, the top family Tianyuan family, and so many top forces have come, it is absolutely extraordinary."

Outside the gate of the ruins, tens of thousands of people watched the battle below, watching the gathering of countless forces above the giant hands, the gathering of strong men, all staring at the gate of the ruins, there was a lot of discussion.

"That's right, it's definitely not an ordinary thing. After all, the forces in all directions are almost alarmed. How can it be ordinary for so many people to gather here?"

Even the great emperors of the five god-level forces guarding the gate of the relics feel the pressure at the moment. Among the people who came, there are many emperor-level existences.

All of a sudden, they began to contact the god-level sect behind them to report the situation.

Many powerful people from Wanyu gathered in the City of Doom, which is already beyond the control of these people.

"They're all here."

No one noticed.
(End of this chapter)

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