Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 806 Dragon Crystal

Chapter 806 Dragon Crystal
When they caught up, Jian Fengyun took two steps again, following Jian Fengyun's footsteps slowly shuttled through the water-blue light curtain.

Just when Jian Fengyun and the others were about to penetrate the water-blue light curtain, Xia Houyu and the others had already arrived.

"Boy, go to hell!"


As the voice fell, a huge golden fist also fiercely bombarded towards Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun frowned, from the glow of the fist and the voice, Jian Fengyun knew that the person who made the move must be Xia Houyu from the Shen Pavilion.

"Stop them.".
Jian Fengyun gave a cold shout, then quickened his pace, and quickly stepped into the side hall with Jian Xueer and the two of them.

When Xia Houyu's fist fell, Jian Fengyun and others had already entered the side hall, and the one who blocked him was the descendant of the top-rank emperor-ranked Great Ritian Python that Jian Fengyun had just subdued.


The giant python's tail swept across, collided with the fist light, and directly swept the latter into a violent retreat.

"Huh?" Xia Houyu's eyes turned cold: "You bastard again?!"

"My lord, be careful, the descendants of this big sun python have extraordinary blood and are very powerful." Said the old man beside Xia Houyu.

"Hmph, so what about the descendants of the Great Ritian Python!" Xia Houyu snorted coldly, "This is the second floor of the Eight Treasures Pagoda. Master said that in the second floor of the Eight Treasures Pagoda, there are still two halls with treasures. And the treasures in these two halls are bound to be infinitely more precious than the cave on the first floor, even the master couldn't get in when he was young."

"That person seems to be called Jian Fengyun, right?" Zi Linru frowned on the side: "This person is very strange, neither the light curtain outside nor the light curtain at the entrance of this palace seems to have any effect on him. Could it be that he is a descendant of some great clan?"

"A joke!" Xia Houyu sneered and said, "Just because he is a Spirit King? The level of sweeping the floor of my Shen Pavilion is higher than him. It is just his luck to get the treasure here. I will not let him go this time." !"


While speaking, he shot one after another, continuously bombarding the descendants of the big sun python.But his fist, in front of the giant python, was as fragile as scratching an itch.

The descendants of the Great Ritian Python stayed in front of the palace, as if they had heard Jian Fengyun's words, they only stayed here to stop Xia Houyu and the others, and did not take the initiative to attack.

Xiahouyu attacked, it counterattacked, Xiahouyu stopped, and it just watched there quietly.

"It's unreasonable, how many times I can't stand you, you beast, what face do I have, and call yourself a child of a god-level force?" Xia Houyu looked at the descendant of the big sun python in front of him.

Almost as soon as the words fell, a golden scroll appeared in his hand and was crushed directly.

Clang clang!

A golden chain suddenly rushed out from the scroll, and the emperor's prestige soared to the sky. The chain turned into a cage and trapped the descendant of the big sun python.

No matter how the huge python struggled and roared in the cage, it still couldn't shake the golden cage in the end.

"Hmph, forced me to use the bound scroll refined by Master."

Xia Houyu snorted coldly, then looked at the giant python ahead, and said.

"When he comes out, we will join hands again."

Zi Linru pondered slightly while looking at the blue light curtain in front of him.

"Okay." Xia Houyu responded, and then looked at the others: "If you want treasures, you can do it together, otherwise, get out of here!"

Three days after Jian Fengyun stepped into the side hall, his eyes suddenly changed.

This side hall is very simple, except for a fiery red crystal placed in the center, the whole side hall is empty.

"This is, Dragonglass!"

Jian Fengyun's gaze moved slightly, and a slightly surprised look appeared on his face.


Just at this moment, there was a shocking dragon's cry in the palace.

The sound of the dragon's cry resounded in all directions, as if it was about to shake the entire hall to the ground. After Xia Houyu and the others heard it, they felt their ears buzzing and felt extremely uncomfortable. .
"This is the trembling sound of the dragon soul of the ancient dragon clan!" Zi Linru shrank her beautiful eyes, and her eyes brightened: "There is a dragon crystal inside!"

Dragon crystal, according to ancient records, is a treasure formed by the fusion of energy essence and dragon soul after the death of the dragon clan, which is equivalent to a dragon's lifelong cultivation.

Needless to say, Xia Houyu had already seen what happened in the side hall.

I saw Jian Fengyun standing there, grasping a golden crystal in his hand, above the crystal, a huge phantom appeared.

That phantom is exactly the phantom of the ancient dragon clan!
"It's really a dragon crystal!"

"As expected of the relics of the gods, there are dragon crystals. If I can get it and refine the dragon crystals, my strength will definitely increase tremendously!"

"Let's go together and take down this person, this dragon crystal, we are bound to get it!"

The breathing of countless people around them became short of breath. Even though they were all children of great powers, some of them were top-level powers, let alone top-level powers, even among god-level powers, there might not be dragon crystals.

If there are, they are certainly few.In this era, even the remnants of the dragon clan are hard to see. One can imagine how precious a dragon crystal of a real dragon is.

"After he comes out, don't do anything, in case he jumps over the wall in a hurry and damages the dragon crystal." Zilin Rumei said with her eyes fixed.

Ever since she entered the Gate of Chasing the Deer, she has always been very calm. She was not too frightened when she encountered a cave with treasures on the first floor, but at this moment, seeing this dragon crystal, she finally couldn't help it.

And Xia Houyu's eyes were already glowing red, shining with a strong color of greed.

The power in the dragon crystal is very strong, which is of great significance to the secret arts they cultivated in the divine pavilion. If he can refine this dragon crystal, his strength will increase by at least [-]%!

Twenty percent, for a genius of their level, that is simply a huge increase!

Under the staring eyes of countless people, Jian Fengyun finally grabbed the dragon crystal in his hand.At this moment, the huge phantom of the real dragon screamed again, dissipated with a bang, and was directly collected by Jian Fengyun into the hall of immortality.

Afterwards, Jian Fengyun turned around and walked out of the palace.

"Jian Fengyun, the monster python you rely on has been trapped by me. Now you have only two choices, either hand over the dragon crystal and let the past go, or die immediately." Xia Houyu's eyes glowed red, and she stepped forward. Come forward, said.

"Do you have the qualifications?" Jian Fengyun smiled faintly, and said, "It's me who can let you die immediately."

"Oh my god, Jian Fengyun dared to talk to Xia Houyu like that after losing that demon python!"

"He probably doesn't know who Xia Houyu is."

Everyone around immediately started talking.

"Hehe, what a big tone, I want to see how you let me die."
(End of this chapter)

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