Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 807

Chapter 807
"Hehe, what a big tone, I want to see how you let me die." Xia Houyu laughed angrily, with momentum surging in her body, ready to strike.

"Get lost while I don't want to kill you now." Jian Fengyun swept his eyes away and said coldly.

"Hehe, you don't want to kill me?" Xia Houyu sneered and said, "Are you joking?"

"If the young master wanted to kill you, you would have died countless times. Before the young master gets angry, get out!" Jian Xue'er stepped forward at this moment, sweeping her beautiful eyes, and said.

"Presumptuous!" A trace of anger flashed in Xia Houyu's eyes, even a mere maid who followed her dared to talk to him like that.

He roared loudly, and the whole person took a step forward, raised his palm and hit Jian Xue'er.


Seeing this scene, Chi Xiaoyan cried out in worry.

The people around were also unbearable.

Jian Xueer looked thin and weak, she didn't look like someone with any cultivation level.How can it withstand the attack of Xia Houyu, a strong man comparable to a holy rank?

Everyone saw a gust of wind rushing towards him, Xia Houyu raised his right hand, and slapped it down angrily with an invincible momentum.

"Hehe, with this little strength, you dare to shout in front of the young master?"

Just when Xia Houyu rushed in front of Jian Xueer, Jian Xueer let out a faint smile, and instead of advancing, retreated, the spiritual power on her show hand condensed, and she took a step forward.


At this moment, an ice-blue law of light burst out from her delicate body.

"Innate ice and snow spirit body!"

Xia Houyu closed her pupils.

Only then did he realize that he had hit the iron board.Although the opponent's cultivation base is not strong, the ice and snow spirit body on her body is definitely extremely heaven-defying. In terms of talent alone, she is even stronger than herself, the arrogant of the divine pavilion.

Fortunately, she is only at the peak of the Spirit Emperor Realm, and he believes that he can defeat her!

With a sway of his body, the emperor-grade gold glove on his right hand was released at the same time.When the imperial gold glove appeared, a giant golden palm had already condensed, exactly the same as his palm, and it was raised to crush Jian Xue'er heavily.

Jian Xueer raised her hand and waved, Jun Xuejian suddenly appeared on her right hand, and swung the sword out.


The fists and palms intersected, and there was a bang, and the two figures took three steps back at the same time.

Jian Xueer's body trembled, and after three steps, she stabilized in place.

And Xia Houyu also took three steps back, and three pairs of deep footprints appeared in front of her.

"Hehe, you can't even crush me, and you dare to speak rudely to the young master?" Jian Xueer sneered.

For people who are unfavorable to Jian Fengyun, Jian Xueer will not be polite to him at all.

"who are you?"

Xia Houyu stabilized her body, and when she heard this, she was furious
He is the arrogance of the Shen Pavilion, and now he is beaten back by a weak woman, how can he swallow this breath?
"Listen well, I am the young master's maid, Jian Xueer!" Jian Xueer swept her beautiful eyes and said coldly.


"Oh my god, who the hell is this Jian Fengyun who has such a powerful maid!"

All of a sudden, countless strange lights glanced over, and there were many discussions.

"You can't even beat Xue'er, yelling like me is tantamount to courting death? Jian Fengyun glanced lightly and said.

"Jian Fengyun!" Xia Houyu's eyes were filled with anger.

He was repulsed by Jian Xue'er first, and now he was told by Jian Fengyun that there was only burning anger in his heart.

"Jian Fengyun, if Xia Houyu is not enough, how about adding me?"

At this time, a cold female voice came from the crowd.

Everyone looked quickly.I saw Zi Linru, who hadn't spoken all the time, came slowly.Behind him was a strong man from the Ancient God War Clan.

"You?" Jian Fengyun remained motionless.

"I don't know if Xia Houyu and I have this weight?" Zilin Rumei stared straight at Jian Fengyun and said.

Jian Fengyun didn't even raise his eyelids, just snorted: "Forgive me, if your realm is not suppressed at the peak of Lingjun, you still have a chance, but since you are suppressed, even if everyone present comes up, I will Don't be afraid!"

Zi Linru's pretty face suddenly changed when she heard the words, and the people of the Ancient God War Clan behind her also showed displeasure.

Xia Houyu's expression became a little gloomy at this moment, his eyes were burning, as if he wanted to tear Jian Fengyun into pieces.

The faces of the people around also became ugly in an instant.

They just felt a wave of humiliation welling up in their hearts.

They have always regarded Jian Fengyun as a small person, but they did not expect that Jian Fengyun has always regarded them as a small person.

"Jian Fengyun, if they are not enough, how about me?"

"Also, add me."

"Yes, no matter how powerful your maid is, I don't believe she can defeat all of us."

All of a sudden, the crowd swelled up, and almost all the children of these big powers present had to fight Jian Fengyun.

"I'm afraid that Jian Fengyun is about to end!"

Seeing the terrifying situation in front of them, a few discerning people around them smacked their lips and said, I'm afraid no one in the younger generation can withstand so many strong men.

"Mr. Jian, why don't we retreat first?" Zhou Xiaoyan said immediately, looking at the situation in front of her, feeling a little tingly.

All of a sudden, many people looked at Jian Fengyun, wanting to see how he would deal with this situation.

But facing the menacing crowd, Jian Fengyun remained calm.

He smiled and said to Jian Xueer: "Don't worry, these cats and dogs are not qualified for me to leave!"

As soon as Jian Fengyun said this, the audience erupted.

In front of them are all the arrogances from the top forces in the Wanyu, especially Xia Houyu and Zi Linru, they are still from the god-level forces, and the strength of all of them is absolutely outstanding among their peers.

However, Jian Fengyun didn't pay attention to all these people, isn't it incredible?

"Is his brain broken? Or is he biting the bullet?" Someone speculated in a low voice.

"In my opinion, it must be hard work. This strong man from Xia Houyu and Shenge is enough for Jian Fengyun to drink a pot, not to mention Zi Linru and the strong men from the Shenzhan Ancient Clan. Not to mention there are all the geniuses around here?" Someone mocked.

"Forget it, since you want me to teach you, then come and discuss."

Jian Fengyun glanced around and nodded immediately.

Everyone looked at this scene with horror in their eyes.

These hundreds of experts are fighting against one Jian Fengyun, what is this?
"Young master, I will help you!"

Jian Xue'er stepped forward, with the law of ice and snow condensed on her body, ready to strike at any time.

Xiaoyan at the rear also turned slightly pale at this moment, she finally understood, Jian Fengyun before
(End of this chapter)

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