Chapter 103 Dysentery (2)
The villagers didn't listen to what they said, and they all brought hemp rope to tie them up.

Seeing this, those people saw that something was going wrong, so they used their fire powers to set the food on fire, and they wanted to run away.

Seeing this, Xu Langyu quickly put out the fire with his water-type abilities.

The villagers hurriedly chased after them, and Qi Ze's army, Fang Jia and Wei Tian, ​​who were guarding outside, subdued several people in seconds, and escorted several people back.

Seeing this, Zhu Zi honestly explained clearly.

Everyone understands that Zhu Zi is just greedy for beauty. After sleeping a few times, he is fooled by that woman and loses his way. He steals the key and takes a few people to exchange food. Yes, harvesting food is a blink of an eye.

In the end, Zhuzi was not expelled from the village, but his behavior caused the village head's power to be greatly reduced. In order to check and balance him, three locks were assigned to the grain depot, and four people must appear together to open the door.

The stolen food was naturally spit out, and the matter was settled.

Unexpectedly, after a while, something serious happened.

"Junjun, Dongdong has been running a high fever and complaining of a stomachache." One night, Hu's mother anxiously pushed Hu Juan awake.

Hu Jun who was in his sleep was shaken awake. When he heard that Dongdong was sick, he quickly put on his clothes and went to the room to see him. He was curled up and hid in a corner of the bed, trembling uncontrollably. Hu Juan anxiously hugged him and whispered softly. Ask, "How is Dongdong?"

"Auntie, I'm in pain!" Dongdong's voice was as weak as a kitten's, with a crying tone.

"Where does it hurt, how does it hurt?" Sun Aixia who was called hastily asked quickly.

"It hurts, I hurt." Dongdong was still so young, he didn't know how to describe the pain, but it hurt so much, it hurt more than ever.

Children are like this, they can talk about flowers, plants and trees, Tang poetry and Song poetry, but they don't know how to describe pain.Fortunately, Sun Aixia has been a pediatric doctor for many years. After a brief examination with a first-aid kit, she made the first diagnosis. "It may be dysentery. Let him drink some plain water first, and then wait until he sees his stool."

"Okay." Hu's mother nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Fang Jia was woken up in his sleep, but when he heard that the child was sick, he went to make a fire to boil water without complaining.

It was dawn, and Dongdong was still not well, Yiyi also started to cry about stomach pain.

"What?" Sun Aixia was here to take care of Dongdong, but when she heard that her daughter was also sick, her face changed drastically. Based on her years of medical experience, she only felt that something was wrong.

Soon, the results came out. Sun Aixia made a preliminary diagnosis that both children had dysentery, but without advanced scientific equipment for detection, she didn't know what kind of dysentery it was and what medicine to take. As a doctor, she was helpless.

"Dysentery should be Xiaqiu's disease, why are you still sick this day?" Sun Aixia was really puzzled.

At this time, many families in the village had similar cases. The children all said that they had stomach pains, either cold or hot. In a short time, the disease swept the whole village.

At first, everyone endured it, thinking that if you rest more, you can't resist it?

Some families stock up on medicines, thinking that it is diarrhea, so they give their children some antidiarrheal medicines and medicines to treat fever, but who knows that after taking the medicines, they have the opposite effect, and the children are getting sicker and sicker.

Gradually, people began to die, and the villagers realized the seriousness of the matter. They were very anxious for a while, but there was nothing they could do.

There is a dilapidated health center in the village, but there is almost no medicine. It is difficult for a smart woman to survive without rice, and Sun Aixia can't help it.

Hu Jun rummaged through his warehouse. There was fosfomycin calcium, but he didn’t find cotrimoxazole, furazolidone and metronidazole. Damn it, the pharmacy she raided didn’t have many serious medicines. It's all about health and rehabilitation!What kind of pharmacy!
"Auntie, will I die?" Dongdong lay on the bed, holding Hu Juan's hand and asked her weakly. Dongdong took Hu Jun's antibiotics, but she didn't get better.Because of the lack of timely treatment, his already thin body became more and more fragile, his arms were so thin that he lay on the bed like a piece of paper.

Hu Juan stroked his hair and replied softly, "No, my aunt won't let you die."

Dongdong is the youngest, but she has never been squeamish. She eats her own food, puts on her own clothes, and even washes her own clothes. She has been self-reliant like a grown-up.

Dongdong looked at Hu Juan's beautiful and slightly haggard face, with long eyelashes blinking, it was so beautiful, he felt so painful all over his body, maybe he would never see his beautiful aunt again.

He is indeed a useless person, that's why parents don't want him. If he dies, my aunt doesn't have to take him with her as a useless person.

"Auntie, I want to hug you." I really want to hug my auntie for the last time.

Hu Jun nodded, and picked up Dongdong, as if holding a bunch of skeletons, which made people's noses ache.

The village chief summoned the supernatural beings and a few experts in the village to come to the house to discuss the matter.

Children are the hope of the village. If they all die, what will happen to the future of the village?Who knows if the zombies will be there at that time, if they are there all the time, then they will be too old to walk, what will happen to the village?What can be done now is to save these children.

"Now two-thirds of the children in the village are sick, and three or four children have died. It is not a solution to continue this way. I called you here today to ask your thoughts." Cui Zhou spoke first, although everyone He no longer trusts him as much as he thought, but with the supernatural power in hand, he is still afraid, otherwise Zhuzi would not have stayed in the village any longer.

"Village chief, why don't we go to the town hospital." Zhao Daming suggested that his leg was burned last time, and it took a long time for him to recover. Although he can walk, he still can't run.

Upon hearing this, someone turned pale with fright, and tried to stop him, saying: "But, that place... there is no one at all, it's full of zombies."

"What's wrong with the zombies? Now everyone in the village is sick. How can we live if we don't get medicine?" Zhao Erming stood up suddenly. If there is no medicine, his nephew and third sister might all die. What are zombies?For the sake of his family, he had to go even if he went up the mountain of knives and down the pan of oil.

The village chief called everyone to come. In fact, he planned to go to the town hospital, but he couldn't tell me what it was like there. The people who escaped said, good guy, there are a lot of zombies outside the town, and there is no need to go to the hospital. Going without returning, looking for a dead end?

But how could he, as a father, bear to watch his only son who was seriously ill die.

"I think it's better to go there. The children in the village are dying of illness. Didn't Dr. Sun say that they need to take medicine!" Sun Aixia has seen many sick children in the village, but they are helpless. How can a western doctor do it?If there is no equipment and medicine, maybe there is still some confidence. You can try it with medicine according to the tube.

(End of this chapter)

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