Chapter 104 Dysentery (3)
When there is no medicine, any disease can kill a person!
When everyone heard this, they had different ideas. Those whose children were not sick would definitely not want to go out, and those who were sick still wanted to go out to find a way to survive for the sake of their children.

After several disputes, a total of 20 people finally decided to go to the town. There were six supernatural beings in Hu Jun's family. Of course, this is perfunctory words.

Since the Hu family discovered the culprit, they have become more and more integrated into this small village, so they don't have to worry about their family's safety at all.

The village chief, Zhao Daming and Zhao Erming, together with 11 strong men, formed the team this time.

Hu's mother prepared clothes for Hu Jun, and sewed some cardboard on top of the strong dark clothes as shields. She was in a very complicated mood, and she didn't want her daughter to take risks. She always felt that her daughter had really experienced too much, but watching The children in the village and the two children in their own family were dying, and they knew that their daughter was doing a good deed. It was really mixed. In the end, they just told them: "Be careful, if something bad happens, come back quickly." .”

"Mom, don't worry." Hu Jun smiled lightly, saying that he was going out to serve the village, rather it was more about training and grabbing supplies.

In the past, she thought it was enough for her to rob a pharmacy, but it was only when something happened that she realized that not only medicines are so important, but equipment is also so important.

Parents will always be sick, what should she do when the time comes, it must be too late to find her temporarily.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, why not take a trip, relying on your own skills, it is not difficult to escape, if you can't, just hide in the space.

"I'll go and see Dongdong and Yiyi." Hu Jun packed up his knife and went to the east room.

"You guys need to get well soon. I made an agreement with Goudan. When you get well, I will take you to play in the field. Goudan said that winter fields are fun..." Hu Juan walked to the door and heard Xiao Autumn chirps inside and plans blueprints, such as snow in winter, peach trees in spring, and grasshoppers in summer, full of childishness, as if the snowman, flowers, and grasshoppers are alive in front of your eyes.

After seeing what Xiaoqiu said was almost done, Hu Jun pushed the door open and entered.

"Sister, you're here!" Xiao Qiu was standing in front of the bed for the two of them, when she saw Hu Juan shout happily.

Hu Jun smiled and nodded, then turned to look at the two lying down in a row and asked, "How are you two?"

Qi Yiyi forced a smile and said: "Well, it doesn't hurt anymore." But with such a pale face, it was really powerless to say these words.

Qi Yiyi is older, although it is the end of the world, but Qi Zhejun loves her very much, even if the food is not good, he will try his best to make her full, but Dongdong is not the case, he is always dying, his face is black Qing, with dull eyes, couldn't even open them, but opened them slightly and tried hard to look at Hu Jun.

Hu Juan gently touched the foreheads of the two with heartache, and said encouragingly: "Persist a little longer, and the medicine will be taken soon, and you can play with Xiaoqiu."

Dongdong nodded weakly, this action seemed to be a great burden to him.

Qi Yi tilted his head, looked at Hu Jun innocently and said, "Everyone wants to go to a place with a lot of zombies for us. Auntie, will Dad die for me?"

Hu Jun shook his head, Qi Yiyi said again: "I don't want my father to die. If my father dies, what will my mother do? If my father and I must choose one, I hope my father will live."

Looking at Qi Yi's innocent and kind eyes, and such precocious and sensible language, Hu Jun didn't know how to answer, and the corners of his eyes became moist.

"Recover well, neither you nor Dad will die." Hu Jun had no choice but to comfort her like this, but even she herself didn't know what the trip would be like.

Hu Jun walked out of the room, followed by Xiao Qiu, raised his eyes and asked with sincere concern, "Will Yiyi and Dongdong be okay?"

He was obviously talking about his future plans happily just now, but now he became sad. Maybe he already knew the seriousness of this time, and he was just trying to make his younger siblings happy.

Hu Jun patted his head lightly and said, "Take good care of your younger brothers and sisters."

In any case, she will bring everyone back alive, let alone let the two children die because of dysentery.

The town is a day's walk away from the small village. The people in the village found two cars, and the Hu family's off-road vehicle refueled at the gas station before heading towards the destination.

After a bumpy journey, they arrived near the town at noon, and after eating some dry food, they prepared to enter the town.

"The hospital is on the east side of the town. Sister Li from the village escaped from here before. She said that the people here were crazy, but later she found out that she had turned into a zombie." Sitting in the car, Zhao Daming explained the town's history. Why, why did the people in the village turn pale when they talked about it.

It turned out that it was no secret that the town was lost. Many people in the village worked odd jobs in this town and went out to work. The people in the same village were naturally very friendly, and most of them lived nearby.

When the apocalypse happened, I thought it was rabies, so I didn't take it seriously. Those who were sick were either taken to the hospital or given some medicine. However, zombies appeared in half a day, and the town went crazy instantly. Everyone packed up and fled.

There are many people in village C, and they happen to live together, so they fled back to the village together.

So when it comes to coming to the town, naturally many people shake their heads desperately, it is not easy to escape, who wants to go back?

The road was going smoothly, and when I approached the town, I would see a few zombies wandering around from time to time.

The timid one swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked, "Do we really want to go in?"

"It's come to this point, how could it be possible to retreat? Could it be that you saw both of your sons dead?" Cui Zhou glanced at him and said calmly, even though his heart was beating drums at the moment, it seemed that this was a road of no return , However, he has no way out.

"Again, don't run around when you see zombies, get together and don't scream! We're going to the hospital to find medicine this time, so the medicine will just go away, don't take things for cheap!" Cui Zhou made the final explanation.

The streets of the town are not wide, only four lanes, and there are serious marks of gunshots on the roadside, because in the deep winter, the green trees and fallen leaves are falling, and the road that has not been cleaned has already been piled up with yellow leaves, wishing to form a golden avenue.

"There are zombies." Xiao Xia suddenly reminded in a low voice.

Everyone's hearts tightened, and they proceeded carefully. Suddenly, at an intersection, they saw a zombie slowly walking out from the right.

Fang Jia, who was sitting in the co-pilot, shot a fireball with his eyes and hands, followed by Xu Langyu's water arrow, and the zombie was killed by the two in a short while.

The subsequent journey went smoothly, and no zombies were encountered.

The first car turned left but slammed on the brakes. The car behind did not know why, so it looked out in surprise and was stunned.

I saw that this street was actually full of zombies!There are at least 500 zombies in just 600 meters!
(End of this chapter)

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