Chapter 105 Dysentery (4)
The cold wind blew up the fallen leaves on the ground, made a small spin in the air, and then slowly fell to the ground.

The roar of the car's engine caught his attention, "Rush over!" Qi Zejun saw that it was wishful thinking to go over, so he hurriedly yelled at Wei Tian, ​​who, as a perennial driver, had already stepped up before he finished , Straight to the past!
The closer you get to the hospital, the more zombies there are. Wei Tian rammed and ran over the zombies all the way to clear the way for the two cars behind. Many zombies flew directly onto the front glass, and the deformed and pus-filled faces were clinging to each other due to the huge impact force. Glass makes people faintly sick.

When they arrived at the hospital compound, they were about to collapse and die. Except for zombies, there were so many zombies, there were not many gaps!

With a tail flick, many zombies were thrown away.

"The pharmacy is on the left side of the hall on the first floor!" Although Xiao Xia has no great skills, she has a first-class record of roads.

When Wei Tian heard this, he drove in without saying a word. If he went in with their strength, it would be wishful thinking.

Rushed into the hospital, the glass door was shattered with a slam, and the tail flicked all the way to clear the way for the car behind, with a loud noise, it directly hit the door of the pharmacy.

Everyone jumped out of the car quickly, and the people in the two cars behind followed closely behind.

Wei Tian strengthened his body, smashed the glass with one punch, and flipped inside, followed by everyone jumping in.

The advantage of the hospital is that although the lobby is crowded with people, there are not many people in places like the pharmacy, but the 10 zombies will be solved in a while.

Hu Jun didn't care about Sanqi 21, opened the drawer, and put everything in the space, and the others naturally followed the division of labor and defense, looking for medicine.

Finally found all the medicines, and everyone hurried back.

Turning around, I was scared to death!

It is easy to get in, but not easy to get out. The shattered glass forms an entrance and exit. Many zombies are crawling in, and more zombies are blocking the opening densely, and they are constantly trying to crawl in. , it is no longer possible to go through the hall, only the passage through the back door.

The Iron Triangle seems to have worked together in the army and has begun to form a lineup. The three of them are led by Wei Tian in a triangular form. Qi Zejun was at the bottom.

This formation has also been discussed. Cui Zhou was particularly cautious when undertaking such a mission for the first time, and made the decision after deliberating countless times.

Fortunately, everyone has not forgotten because of fear and panic.

All that can be done now is to run along. A group of people rushed out of the pharmacy in a messy pace, and ran into the doctor's area. There were obviously fewer zombies than before, but it took a lot of effort to move forward.

The three opened the way, Wei Tian, ​​who was as strong as iron, threw a side hook and a kick at the zombie, knocking the zombie to the ground, Fang Jia and Xu Langyu followed up with supernatural powers, and simply blasted his heart away.

Cuizhou's soil system is also somewhat useful, and cooperating with others can also kill a zombie.

But compared to the Iron Triangle, Hu Jun and Qi Zhejun are really useless. With the speed of 10 or so of them killing a zombie in 5 minutes, it may be okay outside, but they are looking for death in the hospital.

I didn't have a deep understanding of it when I was doing the mission before, but now when I encounter a group of zombies, I understand how big the gap is.

Hu Jun shook his head secretly, originally he felt that leading this group of people was pure hindrance, but they insisted on following. They were obviously afraid of death but still had their own petty thoughts. Embarrassed, Hu Jun has no intention of helping, and let them understand how big the gap is. Don't think that the Hu family, who are small stumbling blocks on weekdays, don't know.

Hu Jun was very handy in dealing with these zombies, one by one, as clean as a skilled worker in a factory.

Qi Zhejun's speed is not bad, one after another fully demonstrated the outstanding ability to attack the thunder system, which is not comparable to others.

Fortunately, the Hu family protected the guards, so that the flustered villagers survived.

Seeing how brave the Hu family was, Cui Zhou frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

Everyone dodged into an empty room, through which they could see that there was a door leading directly to the hall outside, through the hall, they could run back to the car, but there was no need to mention how many zombies there were in the hall.

If the car is abandoned, what will happen to the zombies in the yard?
For a moment, everyone fell into a terrible silence.

"Well, what should I do, if I go out, I will definitely die!" In the end, someone was desperate, with a mournful face, as if he was bound to die.

Qi Zhejun replied forcefully, "Then if you stay here, can you survive?" If you rush out, you may die, but you may live, but if you stay here, you will only die.

However, he cannot die, he still has a wife and children.

"There are two ways now. One is to get back in the car and drive out, but there are countless zombies in the hall. The other is to go straight out, but there is no car, so we can only run." Xu Langyu said two plans , In fact, if you think about it carefully, the feasibility is not high, but it is also the only choice.

"No, is there no other way?" Someone asked weakly, only thinking that these two methods are sure to kill, so many zombies make the scalp numb just by looking at them.

Xu Langyu smiled and said, "Yes, you can choose to commit suicide or starve to death."

Everyone shuddered when they heard that, no one wanted to die like this.

Everyone kept their heads down and did not speak or express their thoughts.

Cui Zhou wiped his sweat, sighed, and said, "Let's vote." He was already sweating profusely from fear, and although he knew that the two roads were not easy, he still had to choose one.

Forced to be helpless, everyone voted one after another, only one young man remained silent.

"Shitou, why don't you make a sound?" Cui Zhou asked him impatiently, what time is it and you are still so moaning.

"I think there is a better way." Shitou hesitated at first, then finally raised his head, looked at Cui Zhou with high spirits and said.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it, did he really have any ideas?
Seeing the supportive eyes of the crowd, Shitou waved his big hand and said to the Hu family, "They all have supernatural powers. They go to get the car, drive back, and let's get in the car again."

Everyone immediately agreed, that's right, just now they were so good at beating the zombies, so if they were going to steal the car, wouldn't they need to do it?

"That's right, what Shitou said makes sense, we don't have supernatural powers, you are amazing, you go!"

"That's right, you've lived in the village for so long, isn't it because you have supernatural powers that you stay here?"

"I saw it just now. Dealing with zombies is as easy as cutting watermelon."

Seeing the so-called experts in these villages talking all kinds of things, the conclusion is to let the Hu family go, Hu Juan sneered, and really figured it out.

Is that kind of place that people can walk through?It's more crowded than a bus, who can live with it!
(End of this chapter)

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