Chapter 107
His eyes were cold, and he wanted to use the vines to pull him back, but Qi Zhejun strode forward and grabbed Hu Juan's leg, pulling her back, while his back was exposed.

In this momentary space, the zombies succeeded, and Qi Zhejun was hit hard. His chest was pierced, and the bloody smell wafted, and the zombies rushed towards him one after another.

Qi Zhejun is not a person who sacrifices his life for righteousness, but he just thought that Hu Jun had helped him many times and would save her no matter what, but he never thought that he was attacked.

As for the accident of the two supernatural beings, those ordinary people were naturally unlucky and became food for the zombies one after another.

Hu Junyu's arrow shot quickly, and the zombies were killed one after another, only to avoid the complete death of Qi Zhejun.

However, this could not restore Qi Zejun's body. He was seriously injured, his whole body was covered with blood, and his legs were bloody and bloody from bites. He was dying and held Hu Jun's hand tightly. I will leave my daughter to you!" He was most worried about his wife and daughter.

How could Hu Jun agree, he was hurt because of himself, she couldn't do anything ungrateful no matter what, she tried her best to carry him on her back.

Qi Zhejun didn't want to, and cursed: "Do you know, we both will die here like you! What will the children in the village do then!" As he said, his blood flowed more, and the smell of blood attracted more zombies.

He didn't want to die because he was afraid that his wife and children would be bullied, but if he forced them to leave together, they might both die here.

"As long as my daughter is alive, I will be content."

Hu Jun looks at Qi Zejun who loves his wife and loves his daughter so much, thinks of Qi Yiyi, who is sensible and precocious, and thinks of Sun Aixia, who is busy with her children and Hu Yue's body.

She can't let Qi Zhejun die here, no!

Her eyes are extremely firm, she understands Qi Zhejun's heart, just like she treats her parents, how could she give up on him?She said that she will let everyone live, absolutely nothing will happen!

I saw that the person in the front was still more than ten meters away from the car, and she would definitely not be able to support them when they got on the car.

She took a deep breath, grabbed Qi Zejun and put him behind her back, some things must be done!
Eyes are shining, emitting a bright light, slightly swaying hair, drawing a beautiful arc, struggling to mobilize physical abilities, shouting, "Rush over!"

The water dragon was cast again, and when the water dragon came out, it was majestic. It flowed crystal clear water all over its body. It directly asked people to stop, and when they turned around to see this big guy, they were immediately shocked. Except for Xiao Xia and Qi Zhejun who had seen it, they all had their mouths wide open, their eyes wide open, their noses fluttering, and they looked like they had seen a ghost.

As soon as the water dragon came out, it was invincible. Wherever it went, the zombies had nowhere to escape. A dragon swayed its tail, and a huge passage appeared all at once. Hu Jun gritted his teeth and dragged Qi Zhejun forward. Many people saw that there was a way. He suddenly woke up, got up, and ran forward desperately, as if he didn't care about others, and now Hu Juan couldn't care less.

The four of them went up first, Wei Tian hurriedly started the car and drove out to meet him, the four of Cuizhou got into the car, and Hu Jun, who was the farthest away, just gritted his teeth, and while commanding the water dragon to block the zombies, he pulled Qi Ze's army forward When she arrived at the car, she passed out as soon as she got in the car, and the water dragon, without Hu Juan's command, suddenly turned into pouring water and scattered to the ground.

If this time is not counted as the worst casualty in terms of numbers, after all 10 people came back, even if all of them were injured, it’s okay to say that the supernatural beings are injured, they won’t become zombies, they just need to rest, but this ordinary person can’t tell up.

As a result, the two injured ordinary people were locked in a small house by the villagers.

Hu Jun blinked his eyes and tried to lift up slightly, only to feel a splitting headache.

"Wake up, wake up! Finally woke up!" Upon hearing this particularly lively voice, it was Xiao Qiu.

After a while, her bedside was crowded with people, all talking about her concern, not to mention the joyful look when she saw Hu Juan woke up.

As the benefactor of the children in the village, as soon as they heard that Hu Jun had woken up, the villagers who knew the whole story enthusiastically came to visit with what they could. It sounds more tiring than fighting zombies, but because of this, the Hu family has become a special existence in the village. Although they are not from the village, but the supernatural beings are so strong that there is nothing to say. Jun has no intention of becoming No.1 in the village.

What made her laugh and cry was that because her water dragon looked like a real dragon, some older villagers thought it was a dragon descending to earth, and Hu Jun was a dragon girl. This kind of talk was really imaginative.

It took several days for Hu Juan's body to recover slightly, and a little blood appeared on his pale face. Only then did he realize that she had slept for 7 days. If Sun Aixia hadn't judged that she was fine, everyone would have been worried to death.

Especially Qi Zhejun, who was lying in bed, had mixed feelings. After the zombies bit his legs, he was basically sentenced to death. Who would have thought that Hu Jun would forcefully lead him to rush over. He could not repay this kindness.

While she was in a coma, Zhao Erming got a blessing in disguise, and aroused supernatural abilities, and it was the same earth-type supernatural ability as the village chief Cuizhou, and the remaining one became a zombie.

This made the Zhao family very happy. Originally, Da Ming was a superhuman, but his strength was greatly reduced after his legs and feet were not good. Girls are willing to have sex with this stupid big guy who used to look down upon.

Zhao Erming, who didn't know why, saw the little girl talking to him frequently, but he was so happy that he thought it was his personal charm.

The most important thing is that the dysentery disease of the children in the village has also improved a lot, and all those with mild illnesses have recovered.

Finally, the effort was not in vain, seeing Qi Yiyi and Dongdong's gradually rosy faces, Hu Juan felt it was worth it.

"Is it snowing?" One morning, Hu Jun got up and looked at the foggy window, and wiped it with his hand, only to see a vast expanse of whiteness outside.

It’s snowing, this is the first snow this year, the children are happily building snowmen in the yard and having snowball fights, but Hu Jun only feels that it’s so cold, it’s colder than the snow in the past, I don’t know if it’s the coldness of the heart or the coldness of the snow .

As the snow fell, village C became colder and colder. Fortunately, their beds were kangs. Hu Jun simply asked everyone to move in together. The men and women slept together in one room. Now it doesn't matter much.

Afterwards, Hu Jun asked Fang Jia to heat up the kang, and it gradually improved. After hearing this, many people came to Hu's house to ask Fang Jia to help them light the fire. Suddenly, Fang Jia became a sought-after person, running from house to house.

(End of this chapter)

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