Chapter 108
And it came into being, but it increased the number of times the team went out, not for anything else, just for the wood used to make the fire.

But Hu Jun didn’t want his family members to go with him. Although everyone’s body has already recovered, the zombies in winter are even more terrifying. Zombies, as she expected, the team that went out was not peaceful, with serious casualties, and gradually, they didn't dare to go out.

Time flies, today is the Lunar New Year's Eve. Last Spring Festival, Hu Jun returned home. This year, she spent the Spring Festival with her parents and friends in this strange place.

In previous years, the Spring Festival should be firecrackers, dumplings, chicken, duck and fish, and all kinds of inexplicable parties.

But this year, it was so quiet, everything returned to the original ordinary, quiet and peaceful.

Early in the morning, Hu's mother and Sun Aixia were busy in the kitchen. Even if it was just some simple pasta, they hoped to make it the best and celebrate the Spring Festival.

Hu Jun went to the kitchen and watched the two of them kneading the dough. During the Spring Festival, we should eat something good. It is a shame to eat steamed buns during the Chinese New Year, so he said to Hu's mother: "Mom, I have something in my space, I have to clean it up. Let's have a good meal today on New Year's Eve."

After all, I took a lot of raw meat, oil and salt sauce, flour and eggs, rare vegetables, and lively fish and shrimps, clucking chickens and ducks out of thin air.

Sun Aixia who was on the side was dumbfounded, why are there so many, even living things?
She vaguely knew that Hu Jun might have a space, otherwise Yiyi and Dongdong wouldn't have milk and eggs when they were sick, and chickens would come to make soup from time to time, but she didn't expect that there were fresh chickens, ducks and fish in this space, This is illogical, isn't it empty that can only release dead objects?However, she knew there were some things she couldn't ask.

Mother Hu knew early on, and now she is squatting on the ground laughing and flipping through the ingredients, "I'll make a meal for you today, Ai Xia, make the noodles first, and let's fry the couple."

Sun Aixia smiled, and didn't ask why there was space, how big was the space, sometimes it's not a good thing to ask too much, people show that they trust you, why should I destroy this trust.

As long as someone cooks fish and fried things with stewed meat, the aroma will definitely waft everywhere.

After a while, someone came to Hu's house to check his brains, and the kitchen was in full swing. Although the chefs were only Hu's mother and Sun Aixia, it didn't prevent the busy people from joining in the fun.

The foodies headed by Fang Jia circled around the two of them, sneaking something into their mouths from time to time, and they grinned and laughed happily when they ate.

"How about it? I took two of the newly fried fish." Fang Jia came out of the kitchen with two fried fish in his hands. Seeing Wei Tian, ​​he quickly smiled and showed off, "Look, if you don't go, you won't have anything to eat." In Fang Jia's eyes, those who don't go into the kitchen to eat secretly are trying to save face and suffer, even though their stomachs are grumbling, and they are still holding on.

Wei Tian gave a rare sneer and said, "Brother Qi said, there will be roast chicken and ribs soon." What do you eat when you are full.

Fang Jia was furious when he heard this, but no one told him.

The little radishheads are happily asking for food in the kitchen, and sending it to the adults for praise and praise.

"Xiaoqiu, what do you do in your house? Why is it so fragrant?" A friend who had a good relationship with them came along and asked outside the door.

Xiaoqiu was playing games with two recovering sick patients in the yard, but when someone asked, she restrained her expression and answered calmly through the door, "It's nothing, it's just normal food."

"It's very fragrant, but I smell fish." My friend didn't believe it, it was very fragrant and delicious, but now there is no fish, so what's going on?
Xiaoqiu hurriedly said: "No, you smelled it wrong, how could there be fish! It's getting dark, you go back quickly." After speaking, she drove Yiyi and Dongdong into the house.

Yiyi and Dongdong looked at the fried hemp leaves in their hands in a daze, they were obviously making delicious ones, why couldn't they say so.

Looking at the silly eyes of the two, Xiaoqiu felt a sense of pride, and taught like a brother: "You have to remember, don't tell the truth to everyone, and hide everything you eat."

"But, Dad said to tell the truth and be frank." Qi Yi retorted, how can you tell lies, and telling lies will grow your nose.

Xiaoqiu wrinkled her little nose and asked, "No one can eat meat now. Our family eats it. How can we tell it? If we tell them, we will give them the meat. What do we eat?"

Qi Yiyi is so young, how can he understand such a complicated truth, but when he thinks about not being able to eat meat, he feels that he should tell a lie.

Dongdong is younger and doesn't know how to think at all. He raised his head and was indoctrinated by Xiaoqiu to tell lies. I don't know if he will grow crooked in the future...

Xiaoqiu saw that he had convinced the two of them, well, he really thought he had convinced the two of them.

Puffed out her small chest and said proudly: "Wait, I'll go to the kitchen to get you delicious food." Turn around and run away, leaving behind the two children.

The dinner is very rich. There is a big table of chicken, duck and fish. What kind of sauce ribs, stewed fish, fried shrimp, if you see this kind of cuisine during the Spring Festival, you must feel greasy. It is different now, and I finally understand why People used to love the Spring Festival so much, this table of big fish and meat is simply amazing!

The dozen or so people sat around a table, although it was a bit crowded, it was also warm.

Seeing that the atmosphere was so upbeat, Hu Juan took out a few more bottles of drinks and a few bottles of white wine. Since it was Chinese New Year, let's drink it.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw alcohol. They hadn't touched tobacco and alcohol for a long time. Now that they saw it suddenly, they thought it was more greedy than meat. The children also clapped their hands when they saw Coke.

After distributing the drinks, Qi Zhejun stood up first and said, "We were all strangers at first, but because of the end of the world, we have experienced life and death, so we got together. I hope we can go on together!"

After he finished speaking, there was thunderous applause. It is true that everyone has never lived in a lifetime, and it is not easy to get together by accident.

"Thank you for your trust in us, and thank you Hu Jun for saving my life. I will do it first as a respect!" After finishing speaking, Qi Zhejun raised his head, and drank a glass of white wine. How long has it been since he drank the slightly spicy and sweet white wine? However, this is the end of the world. He turned his head to look at his daughter who was holding a cup and staring at the coke bone, and then at his smiling sweet wife. Sometimes reunion is the greatest happiness. Thank you for your acceptance and trust.

Seeing her husband sit down after speaking, Sun Aixia also stood up, raised her glass and said, "Actually, our family would like to thank everyone, if it wasn't for you," Sun Aixia's eyes turned red as she spoke, and she didn't dare to think about her husband's death at all. If that's the case, what should the two of them do, "In short, thank you!" She respected Hu Jun, thank you for saving my husband.

(End of this chapter)

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