Chapter 117 City A Base (1)
Compliments came one after another, and Hu Juan's water dragon was highly praised. Hu Juan was tired of coping, so he hid in the car.

However, through this battle, Hu Jun also discovered that the water dragon is suitable for the zombie group, but it does not mean that it is suitable for the zombie dog, and he should not rely too much on it.

To become stronger, you still have to constantly hone yourself!Look for more abilities. If water can be turned into ice, then perhaps the power will increase a bit.

"Thanks to you this time." The officer couldn't catch Hu Jun, so he kept holding Qi Zhejun and said.

"Where is it?" Qi Zhejun smiled perfunctorily.

"It's not good to go to city A to fight alone. It's better to join the army. You have good abilities. I can let you directly enter the establishment. In this way, the salary and benefits will be good, and you can support your family." The officer began to lure Qi Zhejun , Now that the competition for outstanding talents is fierce, if I can catch a few people and get promoted, it will definitely be no problem.

Qi Zhejun nodded at first. The officer seemed to be having fun, but if he didn't see him give him a letter of approval, he had no choice but to say that he would definitely treat them.

The refugees suffered countless deaths and injuries, but there are still many survivors, their expressions are sad and numb.

Rest all night, nothing more.

In the early morning, everything was as usual at the base in New City A, and people stepped into work one after another.

In front of the government building that inspects the strict system, a man walked slowly forward. He was slightly thin, but straight as pine and bamboo. His black hair shone golden in the sun. With a perfect figure and the sun shining on his body, just looking at his back makes people feel inexplicably dizzy.

"Ji Jinjiang, look at that is Ji Jinjiang!" Several young women at work screamed out of composure when they saw him, and then they blushed and covered their mouths when they thought that they were in front of the government building, but The flushed faces and trembling bodies all showed their mood at the moment.

"That, that... I am..." A bold daughter braved up her courage to rush forward, but she hesitated but couldn't say anything. Such a supernatural person, who only heard about it but rarely got so close See you.

In the hearts of unmarried women, the more powerful the supernatural being, the more attractive they are, not to mention the intoxication when viewed from a distance.

"Yeah." He was gentle and polite, and looked at the girl slightly, only to see that his face was as white as jade, his nose was like a gall, his lips were like cherry blossoms, his eyes seemed to be more dazzling than the brightest stars, and his eyes were as calm as a lake. Unfathomable but do not feel want to explore.

The whole person seems to have stepped out of a picture scroll, which is so out of place in this chaotic apocalypse.

The girl was so dumbfounded that she didn't speak for a long time.

He moved the corner of his mouth slightly, like ripples in a calm lake, like the spring light in March, it was so bright and intoxicating.The girl stared blankly, she didn't feel like covering her heart, how could someone look so good that she could surpass all the beauty in the world, making people obsessed and addicted, completely forgetting where she was, just looking at him seemed to be enough Go through life without feeling tired.

Until he walked into the building, friends surrounded him and said such and such things enviously, but she still didn't respond, and she couldn't get back her mind for a long time. She always thought he was handsome and had supernatural powers, but she had never seen him so closely. so amazing!
It took her a long time to mutter in a trance, "He, he talked to me? He talked to me!"

The girl touched her beating heart, and it took a long time to calm down.

"Don't even think about it, he has a fiancee!" A girl was sour with envy, and bluntly punctured her fantasy.

"Fiancee?" Someone immediately screamed and asked, how could such a handsome supernatural being get engaged!

The girl raised her chin proudly and asked arrogantly, "Do you know which family he belongs to?"

Everyone shook their heads. They were all civil servants, and they were not in the same system as him. What's more, they were not from the city and knew little about the upper class.

"Hmph, you don't know this, his family is the Ji family of the three famous families, and the one who is engaged to him is the daughter of the Xu family."

Everyone suddenly realized that it was no secret that the three major families in City A were descendants of kings from the original three countries of the Prosperous Empire, and this Xu family was one of several famous families with business contacts among the three countries.With the merger of the empire, it gradually became a small family, and the three royal families became sincere top families.

It is also normal for two families to marry, hey, but it is really beautiful.

"There is definitely no one in the world who is more beautiful than him, and he is more handsome than a movie star." A girl sighed, sad that she did not have such a good life, and could be engaged to a handsome man.

But how many happy political marriages are there?

"Why does such a handsome man with supernatural powers marry such a woman? She is not worthy!" Someone muttered dissatisfiedly. If they liked him before because he was a powerful supernatural being, then now they are completely attracted by his appearance. confuse.

Few people don't know who Xu Qianjin is. Apart from his face, he pays for it, so how can he be worthy of him.

"Hmph, he has a good background."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, I'm going to be late."

In this world, there are always people who are fighting for their lives, and there are people who can talk about beautiful men leisurely, so it's so unfair.

The gate of the new base in City A slowly opened, and with the dawn light, a car drove in. Here, there was a new life and battle, and there were choices and challenges that even Hu Jun could not imagine.

The outermost part of City A is an extremely hard and thick high wall, slowly entering, the gate of the city is heavily guarded, and every one of them has real guns and live ammunition, so mighty.

After people got off the bus, they lined up one by one to fill out the form.

Ordinary people were locked in the isolation room, while those with supernatural abilities entered the detection room.

The staff member who maintained order held a loudspeaker and said to the supernatural being: "After going in for a while, use all your strength to release the supernatural power to hit the Frisbee, and we will rate it accordingly."

Hu Jun was taken aback. In her previous life, she had never heard of any detection room. The level of supernatural powers was determined by combat achievements and experience. This sudden change made her wonder whether the experience in the previous life was still useful?

This journey was based entirely on experience, but a sudden shock caught her off guard.

Before she could think too much, it was her turn to enter the detection room. It was an empty room the size of a basketball court, without windows, and on the innermost wall was a large Frisbee with a diameter of about 2 meters.

Someone was sitting behind a table inside the door, looking at a square thing that looked like a tablet, but wasn't.

After one person demonstrated his abilities, he tapped the thing a few times, then jotted down something, and after tearing it off, he took something out of the drawer and handed it to him.

Everyone has different levels of abilities, some are strong and some are weak. Soon after Xu Langyu was the first to show it, he led the good things out.

(End of this chapter)

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