Chapter 118 City A Base (2)
"Frisbee tests strength, speed, distance and control." Xu Langyu reminded in a low voice when he passed by Hu Jun's side after the test.

Hu Jun nodded, and he understood after seeing a few times. Hitting the frisbee requires strength and speed. Such a large room is a test of distance, and hitting the bull's-eye is all about control.

When it comes to Hu Jun, the water can be extremely fast, and it has huge explosive power.

The registrar stared blankly at the screen in his hand, then looked at Hu Jun, and then looked down at the screen again, only to see that the data on it was unbelievably high. This strength and speed were not at all what a water-type superhuman should have. Some lightning-type superpowers are also difficult to match, not to mention being impartial in the middle of the red heart, they quickly wrote something, and handed her a stack of things.

On the top is a piece of paper with name: Hu Jun, gender: female, type of ability: water, level: [-]-A, and a big red stamp on the registration office, and the paper below is some notices , Introduction and the like.

A couple of people, Hu Jun and Qi Zhejun are both [-]-A, Xu Langyu is [-]-B, Wei Tian and Fang Jia are [-]-C, Xiao Xia is [-]-C, everyone is at a loss, what is this? ?
After inquiring, I quickly understood that this is a hierarchical system, zero is the lowest, one is higher, and one level is divided into four grades, with A, B, C, and D descending successively.

The highest level known so far is [-]-A, and there are only a handful of people who can reach [-]. Hu Jun, who ranks [-]-A with non-strong offensive abilities, is naturally eye-catching.

The six members of the Hu family waited at the door for more than half an hour, and saw other people coming out of the isolation room. Mother Hu shook her head and said, "Oh, it's really scary."

It turned out that after a few people entered, they were stripped naked to check their bodies, and they were asked to enter the isolation room after making sure that there were no injuries. They were also given extra favors because of the family members of the person with supernatural powers, so they chose a small isolation room. Time, it was released after confirming that there was no zombie reaction.

Just as they were released, a group of people suddenly poured into a room, making a chaotic noise.

"Hey, it's really miserable." Someone shook his head and sighed.

Mother Hu was curious to talk to the man and asked, "What's going on?"

The man glanced at the white and fat mother Hu and knew that the family must have never suffered, so he explained: "This isolation room is exquisite, there are big and small, and the small isolation room usually does not hold 10 people. If it is a large isolation room, there are forty or fifty people in it, who knows if some of them will be bitten by zombies, once the mutation occurs, everyone in that room will be unlucky."

As he spoke, the door opened, and several people walked out, covered in blood, and then someone dragged out dead bodies one by one. Their bodies were stiff, their expressions were grim, and long blood stains were sticking to the ground.

Although I have seen many zombies, I am not shocked to see the dead suddenly in such a peaceful environment.

Compared with T City, this place is indeed more formal. There are no small stalls and vendors at the door. If you want a house, you can directly have a public rental area. Of course, the price is naturally high.

A group of people chose a four-bedroom, two-living room house with a complete bathroom and kitchen. It has basic furniture and can move in directly. Of course, the room fee is high.

After settling down, everyone felt at ease, and finally found a place where they could settle down.

After dinner, several people discussed the way out in the living room.

"It seems that it is more suitable to be a soldier." Qi Zhejun looked at the various recruitments. There are really many types, and the best paid ones are naturally the soldiers.

"But it's too strict to go to the army." Fang Jia shook his head, he didn't want to go back after what happened last time.

Xu Langyu disagreed with the rebuttal, "This is different from T City. If you want to live well, you can only rely on the army. There is no way out by fighting alone." If he remembers correctly, this was originally a military base, but it has been expanded a lot Times, the buildings are all newly built, everything is neat and orderly, there are no small vendors, and there are patrols everywhere. It can be seen that the management level is quite high, and it is not suitable for oneself to do it alone.

Hu Jun shook her head. Now that City A is a triumvirate, it is a dead end if you fail to stand in the team or be abandoned. She looked at the crowd and said slowly, "If there is one, there is another. I think we should take a closer look before making a decision."

After many days of inquiring, everyone finally decided to set up a mercenary group. The reason is that this mercenary group is more formal and relies on supernatural powers to make money. Six supernatural beings plus a strong man Hu Yue are more than enough to handle some small cases. The daily life is enough, and there is no need to go to the muddy water of the army when food and clothing can be guaranteed.

With the steel seals of several people in their hands, their ability was even more highlighted. Naturally, the registration was done very quickly. After that, there was another hopeful employment group in City A.

However, in just one month, the Hope Mercenary Group has made a name for itself, completing 30 missions in 20 days, each time perfectly. Whether it is killing zombies or finding supplies, it is a breeze for them.

Such a remarkable group was quickly noticed.

"Who established this?" A military officer pointed to a mercenary group with a 100% completion rate and asked the secretary with the latest report.

"This is a new group of supernatural beings. They escaped from T City with no backstage background. Six of them are composed of supernatural beings and an ordinary person. The supernatural beings are thunder, ice, water, fire, gold and Sensing zombies." The secretary had done her homework a long time ago, and the leader immediately answered the question.

The officer nodded and said casually, "Arrange a task and take a look."

"Here is a task with the army. How about it? Do you want to try it?" Qi Zhejun went to see if there was a suitable task in the morning as usual. The registrar who was familiar with him pointed to a task and said to him.

Qi Zhejun first smiled, and asked casually, "Isn't this dangerous?" They had already agreed to only do small tasks. Although they were fragmentary, they could guarantee to go home every day. The most important thing was that they didn't have to risk their lives. , or serve as bait for others and act as a pioneer to open the way.

The man smiled and said, "Do you know how much the reward is?" After speaking, he mysteriously stretched out five fingers.

What does five mean?Qi Zhejun thought about it and said tentatively: "A team of five catties of rough grain?"

The registrar shook his head inscrutablely, indicating that he was wrong, and then turned into a wave of a finger.

"Five catties per person?" Qi Zhejun was surprised, what task gave so many things.

The registrar laughed loudly and persuaded: "That's right, it's five catties. How about it? Do you want to come? If you come with 7 people, it will be 35 catties. It may be enough to stop working for a while."

Qi Zhejun first shook his head and said regretfully: "This task is definitely not easy. I don't want to have Mi Na to lose my life."

The registrar quickly said: "You can't do it, who can do it?"

Qi Zhejun waved his hands again and again, "Don't give me a high hat, we know what we are capable of." He must have opened the way to go, and he was unwilling to do such a thankless thing.

(End of this chapter)

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