Chapter 119 City A Base (3)
The registrar thought to himself, if you don’t go, I won’t be able to complete this task, but seeing that he was not moved at all, he had to whisper the news to him, “Actually, let me tell you, this task is not difficult, but It's more troublesome."

"What's the trouble?" Qi Zhejun asked.

"You know, some people always like to come down to do tasks, but the power is not very strong, so some people are needed to protect them secretly and create a false impression." The registrar scratched his head embarrassedly, although it was an open secret, but It's weird to be honest.

Qi Zhejun thought about it again, but said in disbelief: "How is it possible, there is so much food for protecting individuals." It seemed that the registrar was playing with him.

"You don't understand this. There are people above them, how can they go out at will? Of course, you are chosen because of your ability, and you are in a group. The most important thing is that there are water elements in your group. They happen to be water elements. When the time comes Be flexible, make them happy, and maybe there will be rewards!" The registrar said with a smile, how could this pie be for no reason.

Qi Zhejun finally nodded and said, "Okay." How could such a task not be done, but it is only after knowing the specific situation that we can inquire about information.

The mission was arranged three days later, because it was to protect others, so the Hu family decided to only go to the four long-distance attackers. It was not that they didn't care about rice, but the first priority of the mission was safety, and they would naturally disperse if they hid in the dark, which was not conducive Other supernatural beings.

Before departure, several people also figured out the basic situation of keeping people.

The officer said to them seriously: "This is a pair of sisters. Both of them are water elements. They must not be discovered. If there is danger, we must protect them with all our strength."

Fang Jia sneered and looked at the two people who were traveling in front of them and said: "Nowadays, people are divided into high and low. Others fight zombies to their death, but they can't get a little brown rice. Protect the two daughters and let them feel like a real person playing a zombie game." You can get five catties of rice for nothing." Not only were there four people secretly protecting them, but there were also many soldiers around them.

The two of them were dressed fancy and even wore beautiful skirts, and their makeup was exquisite. They looked like young ladies on a spring outing, without any sense of apocalypse.

"It's really boring here, I can't even see a zombie." The girl with long curly hair complained dissatisfied.

"Sister, let's go far away." Another younger girl with pear blossom head bent her sister's hand and asked coquettishly.

The older sister agreed happily when she heard this: "Okay, I also want to go to the distance to see, there is nothing here, it's really boring." After saying that, the two of them were going to go deep.

"Absolutely not!" The leading officer hastily stopped it.

The elder sister frowned, and said angrily: "Do you know who I am, get out of the way immediately!" She dared to say no to herself, did she not want to live anymore?
The officer shook his head, blocked the way for the two of them with his body, and explained softly, "Miss Xu, you don't know something. It is very dangerous to go inside. We must consider the safety of you and your sister." If something happens to you, we will take I can't afford to pay for my life.

Ms. Xu looked at him contemptuously and said: "What are you doing? Are you in danger? You are wood!" Then she smiled sarcastically and said: "But I don't expect you to be useful, but they are just useless things. I have supernatural powers, and I still need you? As soon as the zombies come, I can take care of them with a wave of my hand."

Her arrogant and arrogant appearance is simply disgusting. If it wasn't for someone's secret protection, do you think your abilities can kill zombies?The officer complained in his heart, even though he was so upset, he still patiently persuaded him.

"Okay, get the hell out of here." Miss Xu got annoyed after a while, and she didn't want to talk to him, so she pushed him away angrily, and scolded: "What are you, you're a trash! How dare you take care of me, Don't think that you can be promoted if you follow me, and I will ask Dad to fire you when you go back! Get the hell out of here!"

So many soldiers watched, but she scolded herself like this, thinking that she led the troops all the way to fight to get the current military exploits, but she had to be scolded by a woman with no military merits, which made him very embarrassed. Who would want to accompany her, if not I owe a favor to others because I would rather take part in a big task than take a walk.

At this moment, Ms. Xu and her younger sister had already walked to the depths triumphantly, and he didn't stop him anymore.

The scenery untouched by no one is naturally better. The two immediately forgot that this is a dangerous area, and happily fluttered butterflies and flowers, playing and chasing, but suffered from the 'bodyguard' warrior and Hu Jun in the dark.

"Are these two people brain-dead?" Fang Jia scolded, dare to laugh so loudly, afraid that the zombies won't come?They rushed here and there, making it difficult for them in the dark.

Qi Zhejun said helplessly: "You don't understand this, people have this capital."

After receiving the task, he found a know-it-all to spend some money and inquired about it.

These two sisters are very famous. Their names are Xu Bingqing and Xu Yujie. They sound like they are twins, but they are actually two years apart. They are the daughters of the Xu family. When it comes to the Xu family, I want to introduce the strength of City A. I want to say more here. In a word, the power of city A is the power of the whole country. After all, this is the capital, and this power distribution is also the pattern before the end of the world.

The three pillars of Ji, Wei and Zheng constituted 60% of the power in the city A base, and the remaining five families were Xu Zhuchang Tang Palace, which divided up the remaining 35% of the power. This distribution of power is basically the same in the whole country.

It can be seen from this that the two young ladies of the Xu family, Xu Bingqing and Xu Yujie, are so noble that ordinary people can't imagine.

The point is, they liked to come out to play before the apocalypse, and lived a luxurious life of luxury and luxury. After the apocalypse, all entertainment venues were closed, and the two could only stay at home. Gradually the base stabilized, and the two unexpectedly developed abilities, so they came up with The idea of ​​going out to play in the city, the family couldn't resist the coquettishness of the two, and finally agreed, but for the sake of safety, they spent money to make them happy and coax them to be happy, which made them think that they were always the best, and the water ability was even more invincible. Once he takes a shot, he will kill the enemy, he is simply a unique genius with supernatural powers.

The two of them gradually walked deeper, when they heard someone shouting, "Be careful!"

The two turned their heads subconsciously, only to see a zombie rushing towards it roaring, and the soldiers around them immediately stepped forward to protect it.

Xu Yujie took a few steps back, covered her mouth and said, "It's so disgusting!"

Xu Bingqing angrily scolded the soldiers: "Hurry up!" Such a disgusting thing dared to get so close to him!
Zombies are not easy for ordinary people to deal with. After several shots, the zombies are still alive and kicking. The two of them lost their color in fright and kept hiding.

Suddenly, Xu Bingqing shouted arrogantly, the water spurted out a little, and then disappeared.

Xu Langyu immediately picked up the zombie from behind, and suddenly fired a water arrow, causing the zombie to fall to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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