Chapter 135 Little Kid (1)
But even if he is so commanding, the huge number of zombie rats cannot be killed.

Soon, the first wave of zombie rats reached the protective wall, and they used their sawtooth to bite, which made people's hearts tremble, and they could be crushed!

The zombie rats were only separated from them by three walls, and they could faintly smell the blood on their bodies, and the relaxed atmosphere became tense again.

Seeing this, General Ji Jin jumped onto the protective wall and waved his hand domineeringly. Then he saw a huge wind curtain like a sharp knife like a thousand horses, galloping straight towards the zombie rats. It was a bunch of zombies Rats are killed by the wind.

"All-round attack!" He shouted at this moment, and all the supernatural beings used all their tricks and smashed out frantically.

Hu Jun felt that his inner body was in an abnormal commotion, as if he was clamoring to beat up such a zombie mouse. There were three black lines on Hu Juan's forehead. What was going on with these bionic abilities?

She casually swirled the ice blades, smashing them one by one at the zombies and rats, the effect was extremely obvious as soon as the explosion was a hole.

Gradually, everyone's powers were somewhat exhausted, but Hu Juan became more energetic as he fought more and more, as if infinite powers surged up, and he rushed out roaring.She was no longer satisfied with this move, she jumped onto the protective wall, and with a flick of her right hand, a long ice chain appeared, covered with delicate and complicated patterns, emitting a icy chill in the hot June, and her right hand danced lightly , the ice whip was danced vigorously, roaring towards the group of zombies and rats, tearing them to pieces.

Apart from her, only Ji Jin has the ability to last forever, and Feng Curtain slashed out one after another, with a sharp roar.

As some people's skills continued to run out, the two unexpectedly found a point of cooperation. The red-eyed zombie mouse ran away with its head in its arms, extremely annoyed. Caned.

The night sky was bright, and the fire in the forest was still bright. Zombie rats bared their teeth, kicked their hind legs, and rushed over in waves, but they couldn't resist the crystal clear ice whip, like iron chains in hell to take away this hateful zombie rat , and the wind curtain seems to be the scythe of the dead harvesting the life that should have died.

Everyone stood below in a daze, looking at the two people on the protective wall. They had the same powerful abilities and the same decisiveness in killing. The man was handsome and elegant, and the woman was unparalleled in beauty. The battle is a performance show prepared for the two of them, killing all the zombies and rats!
The zombie rat, which was thought to be very difficult, was completely solved after the two joined hands for half an hour.

"Damn it, it was too strong just now!" An ice-type supernatural being watched the last zombie killing a rat, forgetting the joy of rebirth after the catastrophe, but immediately talked excitedly, what is that ice whip?No one has ever used it!
Immediately someone echoed and said: "That's right, she definitely can't be ice 28, I don't think even the first ice can beat her!"

"That instrument must be inaccurate!"

"No, I think these two are really a good match, and they couldn't be better together! Haha!"

Everyone was gossiping, Zheng Fangfei smiled and went to Hu Jun and praised: "The ability has grown a lot."

Hu Jun smiled, he had indeed made breakthroughs in a lot of abilities, but he faintly felt that there was a very belligerent feeling in his inner body.

The colonel seemed very puzzled: It's really strange, this general Ji Jin is usually polite and moderate, and he would never exceed his authority like this, why is he so sharp and abnormal tonight?

Ji Jinjiang, one of the great heroes this time, did not have a joyful expression, but returned to the car and looked out the window quietly. For some reason, Hu Jun felt that he was very sad.

Early the next morning, as I continued on my way, a female superhuman suddenly blushed and shouted, "Stop!"

"Why?" The colonel asked aloud, the journey is far away, if you stop and go, you don't know when you will arrive.

The female supernatural being hesitated, and it was Zheng Fangfei who approached and she explained the reason.

"Stop the car." The woman had her period.

When the colonel saw that Zheng Fangfei was speaking, he had to stop, and the woman got out of the car blushing.

"Women are really troublesome!" Someone muttered impatiently, guessing the reason.

Fifteen minutes passed in a flash, and the woman didn't come back for a long time, maybe it took so long to change a sanitary napkin.

Zheng Fangfei said, "I'll go and have a look." She wanted to get out of the car.

Ji Jinjiang frowned, that person with the ability is ranked 14th in the fire department, if it is reasonable to speculate, it is impossible for her to have an accident, so he said: "Accidents may happen, so proceed with caution."

Zheng Fangfei nodded and led the people down.

Most of the people who drive this way choose the national road or the lower road. Although the risk factor increases, it avoids many troubles that are difficult to deal with, such as broken bridges. During the retreat of some troops, many bridge decks were blown up due to various reasons. , the statistics are unrealistic and can only be avoided as much as possible.

The road I was walking at this moment was a path in the forest, with towering trees on both sides. After walking a few hundred meters, I couldn't see her, so I had to go deeper.

The sight suddenly opened up, and it turned out to be a small lake with sparkling blue waves, and colorful flowers blooming by the lake, the whole picture was quiet and serene.

Suddenly, a child ran out from nowhere, looked like five or six years old, wearing a vest and shorts, with a braid, gnawed on his little finger, and innocently asked with big eyes, "Who are you?"

The pink face was flushed, and the voice was delicate, which made everyone feel an unparalleled love for her. No, even Zheng Fangfei subconsciously showed a smiling face and asked amiably, "Little friend, did you see her just now?" See an auntie in blue?"

The little guy tilted his head, thought for a while and said, "Is it the color of the sky now?"

"No, it's the color of the sky at night." Zheng Fangfei smiled and shook her head, feeling that the child was extremely innocent and cute.

"Yes, I have." The little girl nodded readily, and Zheng Fangfei asked, "Then where is she?"

"At my house." The little girl answered frankly.

Zheng Fangfei was startled, then asked, "Your home?"

The little girl nodded and said with certainty, "My family."

"Where is your home?"

"It's over there!" The little girl pointed to the distance, and she could vaguely see a small house there.

Everyone was planning to follow the girl, when Hu Juan suddenly felt the supernatural energy in his body move, and said quickly, "Don't go!"

Her sound seemed to call everyone back to their souls. When she raised her head, she was surprised to find that a circle of branches and vines had surrounded them at some point, and the lush greenery actually formed a huge natural barrier, blocking them all together. Some even Stretching out the branches, it seems that it is about to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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