Chapter 136 Little Kid (2)
The fast-response superpower immediately launched an offensive, waving one hand, and 7 or 8 fireballs rushed straight away.Fire is a big taboo for plants, I saw those plants seemed to be alive, they brushed away and scattered to avoid these fireballs.

At this time, an old man walked out from behind the dense plants. He had a ruddy complexion, high cheekbones and a sinister smile, "Don't you care about her life?" The plants opened layer by layer, revealing the fire girl tied up by branches. Struggling, but to no avail.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?" Zheng Fangfei snapped, completely unaware that she was acting like a ghost just now, if Hu Juan hadn't made a sound, she would have been killed by this person for no apparent reason.

The old man held the little girl and smiled, "Who are we? We are just some hard-working people." As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the surrounding plants rushed from all directions like crazy.

All the supernatural beings quickly tried their best, but there are plants all over the mountains and plains. It is easy to escape. If you hit a fireball, the plants dodge in an instant, and the vines come out from nowhere and attack you from behind. People are too defenseless, and in the blink of an eye, 8 of the 4 supernatural beings were tied up.

Zheng Fangfei was anxious, and just about to take out the communication bomb, a branch took the opportunity to tie her up.

At this moment, Hu Jun was the only one who hadn't been trapped, and her 360-degree blind spots were all plants trying to take advantage of the opportunity to get in. She flicked the ice whip and tried her best to prevent the plants from approaching.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats, if she was also arrested, then they could only wait to die, unless the army sent someone over again!But for some reason, no one has come here until now, all of this is so abnormal, so weird.

Seeing this, Hu Jun frowned. This old man is too heaven-defying. Generally, it is the limit for a supernatural person to control a tree, but he controls all the plants around him. Hu Jun tried to control these crazy plants, obviously Feel them very manic, like wild horses running wild.

Going on like this is not a long-term solution. In a blink of an eye, I saw the deep green lake water through the gaps in the plants. Hu Jun had a plan and pointed to the lake. She used to use rainwater. I don’t know if this lake water can also be felt. , but there is no absolute in everything.

Before she could feel and communicate with the lake, the wonderful ability slipped out of her hand and came into the lake.

She could feel the unresponsive lake water, but she seemed to be afraid of this supernatural power, shivering and wishing to huddle together. This supernatural power swaggered in the lake water, driving the lake water away, making the lake miserable.

As soon as Hu Jun stretched out his hand, a huge vortex formed on the surface of the lake, gurgling, and soon a dragon's head appeared from inside, followed by a dragon's body. This water dragon was different from the past. In a trance, people feel that this is actually the dragon rising from the lake. Even the old man was shocked, with a surprised expression, and then looked at the dragon with a sullen face, mumbling something in his mouth. , the tone is flat and uninterrupted, like a spell.

The water dragon roared and rushed towards the plants. The old man was interrupted, startled, and retreated again and again, and the plants also kept retreating in fright.

Not to mention that the old man was terrified by this scene, even the seven people who were tied up were stunned. They couldn't believe that someone could manipulate so much water energy!

This is like a 90-pound girl holding a plane above her head to play. It is not logical at all, but Hu Jun did it. After the previous water dragon training, on the verge of collapse, her spirit The strength has been expanded infinitely, and now it is a full-scale explosion.

The water dragon chased the old man and rushed over. The old man waved his arms again and again, trying to block it with plants. The water dragon was not easy to deal with.

With a wave of Hu Jun, the supernatural ability returned to his hand obediently, and the water dragon became much more docile, and slowly swam back to the lake.

"It's really thanks to you!" The supernatural person thought that he would die many times, but the joy of escaping unexpectedly, his feelings for Hu Jun were beyond words.

They fully believe that Hu Jun's water ability is definitely the number one in the base. Even if he is in the top 10 of the overall ranking, it is no problem. What an honor it is to be compared with the thunder and poison!

Hu Jun smiled. She had room to hide, but she wasn't going to use it unless it was absolutely necessary.

Cleverly tied up the little girl, and asked the fire-type supernatural girl, "What did you just meet?"

"I hadn't walked a few steps before I heard someone calling me. This girl is so cute, so I subconsciously followed her to this place. Who would have thought that I would be tied up as soon as I came here." Now that I think about it, see you in this wilderness When it comes to a child, it is natural to be on guard, but she actually feels that she likes her from the bottom of her heart and wants to pamper her, as if being controlled by someone.

Everyone interrogated the little girl, but she just shed tears pitifully, saying that her grandfather escaped from the village and fled all the way. He didn't do this intentionally, but just wanted to find some food.Those tears seemed to fall on the apex of everyone's heart, causing them such pain and worry, they couldn't help but wipe their tears for her.

Seeing this, Hu Juan sneered at the little girl, "You guys are eating human flesh, right?"

Everyone shook their heads and patted their heads quickly, almost being tricked by this child again, and wanted to untie her!
If they go all the way down like this, I don't know how many people will be cheated by the two gangsters and become dinner on the plate.

The girl saw that this plan was not going to work, so she stopped pretending to be cute, and looked at Hu Jun viciously, wishing she could eat her flesh and drink her blood, if it wasn't for her grandfather, she wouldn't have died, these people would have been theirs long ago Belly lunch.

In order not to let her confuse people, Zheng Fangfei knocked her unconscious with a knife in one hand and said, "Look around to see if there are any survivors caught by them."

After everyone heard it, they searched, but it seemed that something was pulling Hu Jun, making her go deeper and deeper.

What good things can be found in this deep mountain and old forest?

Walking and walking, in a crevice of a mountain, there was a multicolored luster, Hu Jun thought it was reflection at first, but curious and moved closer, he saw that it was a very small flower with transparent petals , most people can't find it at all.

She looked at this little thing curiously. She had never seen such a wonderful flower before, and she only felt a commotion in her body.

Hu Jun reached out to pick the flower, and saw that the flower immediately turned into a puddle of water and melted into Hu Jun's body.

Before she could react, she felt an earth-shattering vibration in the space.As soon as I stepped into the space, I heard, "Hahahaha! I finally came out!"

Such an arrogant and conceited laughter only makes people feel funny, because the voice is too immature.

I saw a bare-footed kid sitting on the pool, at least 3 years old, with his head held high and his hips akimbo.

(End of this chapter)

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