Chapter 137 Little Kid (3)
Hu Jun burst out laughing, it was so funny.

"You idiot!" The child pointed his finger, and said to Hu Jun tenderly: "She lied to you, why didn't you beat her to death!"

"Who lied to me? Beat who to death?" Hu Jun was a little confused when he heard such a question, and you must be too irritable, child.

The little boy raised his head and said arrogantly, "You are too shameful!"

"who are you?"

The little kid looked at Hu Jun like a fool and said, "Who am I? I am, why are you so stupid!"


"I mean, why are you here?" She checked before no one, where did he run from.

"I've been here all the time." The little boy looked at Hu Jun like an idiot, and said with disgust: "Why are you so stupid, it took me so long to come out to play! Forget it, I don't remember villains But, for the time being, it turns out that you, bring me all the delicious food!" The little kid looked arrogant, and ordered Hu Jun to find delicious food.

Shouldn't boys be very dull and cute?Why is this little brat talking so viciously, and after he finished speaking, he didn't care about anything else, so he jumped to Hu Jun's chicken coop, trying to catch chickens like a little devil.

The chickens that had been pampered for so many months were clucking in fright, and their feathers fell to the ground.

The little kid is very happy, and the chase is even more fun!

A big rooster seemed angry that its territory was invaded by foreign enemies, and it clucked and came towards the little devil.

The little devil was nagged a few times for being inconvenient, he froze, and then... wrestled with this big cock...

The scene was...extremely...funny!
He turned his head to see that Hu Juan was still standing there in a daze, and complained even more disgustingly, "Why are you so stupid, you can't even understand the words, I want to eat delicious food!"

Hu Jun had no choice but to prepare food for the little devil first, otherwise his chickens would be scared to death.

When she brought some food over, the little devil had already turned to the stream, stepping on the fish in the stream, the fish in the stream seemed to be frightened crazy, collided with each other, and he was so happy that he leaned forward and back.

"It's time to eat!" Hu Jun shouted.

The little kid ran over in a hurry, and was about to grab it.

"Put on your clothes first!" Hu Juan neatly put a short-sleeved jacket on him as soon as he came without reacting.

The little boy tugged at the clothes and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"This is clothes, remember to wear them in the future." Hu Jun explained, the little kid nodded in a daze, then frowned and said, "But it's so ugly."

"Okay, be good in the space, don't scare those chickens for dinner." Hu Jun pointed to the chicken coop, and saw the rooster and the hen shivering together, and they no longer had the vigor they had when Hu Juan came in. , It's really a wicked chicken that has its own wicked people to grind!
"I put some snacks here, and I opened them for you. Eat them when you're hungry, and I'll go out first." Hu Jun pointed to potato chips and chocolates, children should like them.

"Okay, let's go." With a big wave of his hand, the little boy had already given up his meal and turned into the arms of the army of potato chips.

Sure enough... Potato chips are the natural enemy of human beings!
"Remember, don't move the fields and food." Hu Jun repeatedly instructed.

Zheng Fangfei was in a hurry, and when Hu Jun came back, she hurriedly asked if she found anything unusual.

It turned out that two people were left to take care of the little girl, but when they came back, the little girl and the two people disappeared. It is impossible to have a fight. Everyone is so close. If there was a fight, it should have been discovered long ago!

If they were tricked by the little girl, where did they go?Why can't find the slightest trace.

Back in the car, Zheng Fangfei hurriedly told the situation to the colonel captain. He was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't believe it. Zheng Fangfei only felt that it was very important, so she mentioned how terrible the little girl was. When people gasp for air, "It's only 5 minutes, how did you do so many things!"

5 minutes? !

The minds of the 6 people were shocked, there was no way it would be 5 minutes, and the journey back and forth was only 4 minutes!
But the people in the car nodded their heads and said they were right, and they had no reason to lie to them, so they didn't know how to speak.

In the end, he still didn't enter the weird forest again to search.

As the night fell, a group of people drove slowly into a medium-sized base. On the one hand, they took a temporary rest, and the bumpy ride along the way was too much for Iron Man. On the other hand, they brought the advanced technology and machines of City A.

After stepping into the base, everyone was warmly welcomed by the people in charge of the base. After dinner, the colonel announced, "Leave early tomorrow morning and rest here tonight."

That is to say, people don't care what you like to do tonight.

"Let's go, go out and have fun." Hearing this, the male superhuman laughed lewdly, and was about to go out with his shoulders crossed.

Hu Juan had nothing to do, so he also went out for a walk.

Although this base does not look as orderly as the base in City A, it is not too chaotic.

The sky is getting dark, and there are not many people on the street. People who are walking home from get off work here and there seem to be used to this kind of life. , everything depends on manpower.

Suddenly a half-grown child ran out at a corner, Hu Juan turned sideways flexibly, the two did not collide, but the boy suddenly fell to the ground for some reason, lying on the ground.

Then a group of people flocked to them, and they shouted, "Kill! The superhumans have killed!"

A group of foolish men in uniform appeared, and the bald man at the head pointed at Hu Jun with a baton in his hand, and asked viciously, "Did you kill someone!"

"It's him, Captain Luo, you have to decide for my son! Without him, how would our family live!" A woman in her 40s cried out, wailing incessantly.

Captain Na Luo glanced at Hu Jun and then directed his younger brother, "Take him away!"

From the beginning to the end, Hu Juan didn't say a word until he said, "Take it away."

Hu Jun stomped the ground lightly, and saw a thin layer of ice condensed on the ground, exuding a cold air in the hot summer. Those boys who were about to rush over were slid by the thin ice at once, and fell off their backs. The surrounding people haha Laugh out loud.

Captain Luo was furious, and felt ashamed, "You bitch don't eat fine wine, give it to me!" As she said that, she was about to charge upwards. At this moment, an ice arrow appeared on Captain Luo's chest, He widened his eyes, pointed at Hu Jun and fell to the ground, just like that.

In just over ten minutes, two people died, which immediately attracted the attention of the base. It's not that they put lives at risk, but that Captain Luo has some kind of background.

"Hey, what should I do?" The colonel was in a hurry. He lost two supernatural beings in the morning, and he was already very distressed. Now this rising star, Hu Jun, who is obviously outstanding and has great hopes of entering the top 3 of the ice system, was murdered again. When they came to the door, they still got the stolen goods.Although the last days are not as death penalty as before, but even so, on other people's territory, it is not easy for him to cover up for the mission, at least he needs to make a formality, but Miss Hu is fine, she doesn't care at all and comes back to sleep .

(End of this chapter)

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