Chapter 138 Little Kid (4)
She was asleep, and she was dying of anxiety!
Seeing how impatient he was, he said, "Colonel, she didn't follow the rules, and she came back just like this. At least it should be a formality. This time, we have to teach her a lesson so that she understands that she can't above you!"

The colonel nodded, feeling that this kind of talk was great.

Hu Jun, who thought that he was not wrong and was unwilling to go back to investigate, has already gone back to his room to sleep.

However, she was locked up in the room by her current immediate boss. The suspect, Hu Jun, didn't seem to be in a hurry. She was sitting leisurely in the 'prison'. Well, it's the second time she's been locked up, won't she? Will someone come to assassinate again tonight?

Who is the mastermind this time?She wouldn't think it was Xu Bingqing, that idiot girl didn't have this ability, but she had never been to this base, so who would she offend?

For some reason, her mind was a little blurred, the alarm bell rang, and she quickly flashed into the space.

As soon as the little boy saw Hu Jun appearing, he rushed over to show off the clothes he had made, but seeing that Hu Jun's face was not good, he asked curiously, "What's wrong with you?"

Hu Jun shook his head and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

The little boy was startled, squatting on the ground, watching Hu Jun's face getting darker and darker, after thinking about it, he ran away, Hu Jun's consciousness had become much more confused.

After a while, he came back with something in his hand and said, "Drink!"

Hu Jun opened his mouth slightly with willpower, there were a few drops of water, the little kid saw that there was too little, and went back and forth several times before Hu Jun regained consciousness, she shook her head, struggled to support herself and said, "Thanks to you. "It should be a poisonous supernatural being approaching me. If it weren't for this child, I might have died.

The little kid raised his chin and puffed out his small chest, proudly like a little rooster, as if to say, let the praise be more violent!
Hu Juan was still exhausted and asked him, "What did you give me to drink?"

The little boy pointed to the Tan water and said, "That's it. It's delicious, and I like it very much."

Hu Jun stood up staggeringly, and walked towards the pool. The little kid didn't feed her a few drops with his small hands. He stuck his head into the water and took a big gulp before feeling completely comfortable.

Hu Juan's thinking became clear, he grasped the most important question, and asked him, "What is this?" Can it actually detoxify?Really unheard of.

The little boy climbed up the stone platform, jumped into the water, climbed up the lotus again, pouted his little butt, wondering what he was looking for in the lotus, and ignored Hu Jun.

After a while, he pulled out a petal of the golden lotus, and saw that the golden lotus wilted rapidly, the petals fell into the water and became invisible, and the body became a small flower bud.

The little boy fell into the water all of a sudden, and just as Hu Jun was about to reach out to catch him, he swam over neatly, climbed ashore, poohed at the flower bud, and said, "You cheapskate, I can't even give it to me! Eat you whole for the first time!"

As he spoke, he handed the petals to Hu Jun. It was soft and had a faint fragrance.

"This is?" Hu Jun took it and looked it over again and again. Some didn't know what the little kid meant. Could it be this Jinlian's problem?
The little boy patted the water drops on his hair and said, "If you eat it, you won't have to be afraid of any poison in the future."

"Eat it?"

"Well, this thing is very good." He nodded hard, looking very serious, then looked at Hu Jun like a fool and asked, "Why don't you take it yourself, that way you can get the lotus seeds, that's the one." Dabu, this guy is necrotic, don't give it to me!" He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, as if he tasted a lotus seed, it must be delicious!
"……"Because I do not know.

Hu Jun was actually a bit tangled, is this thing useful?But the immortal is sitting on it, so it should be no problem to eat it, and the evolution of my first supernatural ability relied on this pool of water, and this time the detoxification is again, so this thing must be no problem.

Thinking of this, she ate the petals.

Then, she lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took for Hu Jun to wake up slowly. He only felt that his body was light and comfortable, his powers were boundless, and his mental power had reached an unprecedented height.

The most important thing is that she has a lot of information in her mind before she understands the origin of the space.

This space was obtained by the immortal by accident, and what the immortal gave himself was the right to inherit the space.

The spring of Tanshui is the most precious thing in the space. The immortal saw that the spring water was extremely precious, so he planted a golden lotus to let the spiritual energy of the space circulate slowly and continuously, and used it to plant elixir.

The reason why it couldn't be planted at the beginning was because the golden lotus disappeared due to the immortal, and the golden lotus that lost the supply of spiritual energy restored the space to normal, and Hu Jun's supernatural power was a kind of spiritual energy, which made the golden lotus come alive again, and the space could be planted again.

This little kid was not created by a fairy, but a product of space, attached to the spiritual consciousness of every space owner.

After tens of thousands of years, the previous owners have tried many times to find an opportunity, but they have not found a fairy that allows him to materialize.

Hu Jun found that flower by accident. It is not common. It can be said to be extremely rare. Basara flower, the body is crystal clear, and only in the sun is it radiant.

She picked the flowers, and the essence of the flowers entered her body, which allowed the little guy to have a physical body ahead of time.

Hu Jun looked at the unidentified child and sighed softly.

"I'm going out first, you stay here obediently." Hu Juan instructed, there is a reason for existence, so be it.

The little boy nodded perfunctorily, took a water gun from nowhere, filled it up with water, and hit the young flower buds of the golden lotus, so scared that the golden lotus shrank under the water all at once.

Hu Jun shook his head and flashed out of the space. It was dark now, and 3 full days had passed.

The troops couldn't find her, gradually gave up, and finally set off this morning for the mission.

On the second floor of a luxurious villa, a woman with a voluptuous figure is doing her makeup in front of the mirror.

"Sister Sang, elder brother let you go." After knocking on the door, a younger brother came in to pass the message.

"Okay, I know." Sister Sang replied, showing a young face that was even more charming because of her makeup. She was wearing a low-cut red one-piece skirt, with tall breasts, slender legs, and flaming red lips. It looks very coquettish.

Hu Juan was lying outside the window, looking at this woman who looked familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while.

Soon, she went downstairs gracefully. There were two men sitting in the living room, accompanied by two women each. As soon as Sister Sang appeared glamorous, she compared them to each other.

"Sangsang, you are still so beautiful." The man in the middle stretched out a hand to her.

(End of this chapter)

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