Chapter 146 Fire Dragon (1)
After finally moving to the door of the stairs, it couldn't be opened.

Seeing that the passer-by's fireball is useless, and the zombies have surrounded several people, Hu Jun thought of a trick. Although she has never used it before, she thinks that she has a lot of abilities now. circle, and keep yelling, "Out!"

Countless ice arrows shot out of nowhere, from feet to head, straight into the zombie's body. At this moment, it seemed that the zombie was pierced on the ice picks, screaming, unable to die, and unable to get off.

The passers-by A, B, and C were so scared that they backed away again and again, clinging to the door, for fear of being pierced by the ice pick. The three of them looked at each other and silently reached a belief, that is, this woman is terrifying, and we don't want to mess with her.

Hu Juan didn't know that she had reached the point of horror, and she was currently satisfied with her masterpiece. She never thought that the power would be so powerful without the little kid sucking her power. She tried this trick before, but the effect was not good. It is difficult to grow a giant ice cone with strength and speed from the ground.

Hu Juan was even more unafraid of him at the moment as he swung left and right like a zombie with supernatural abilities. He clenched his fist and said, "Break!"

Seeing the zombie's body bursting, the principle is very simple, but it is to let the ice near the zombie's heart turn into a whirling ice blade, but it is very difficult to sit up, and the requirements for mental strength are very high.

After the death of the supernatural zombie, five crystal nuclei popped out naturally. Passers-by A, B, and C thought that the opportunity to perform had come, so they picked it up and handed it to Hu Jun in a very doggy manner, and they almost said that Her Majesty the Queen is blessed.

Hu Jun took it calmly and said, "Let's go." As he spoke, he swung the ice whip, and the door was quickly opened.

Passers-by A, B, and C, no, at this moment, it should be said that A, B, and C are dog legs, nodding and following behind.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the actions of the three. In the last days, the strong will be the king, and the fittest will survive. Although they are not weak in the ranking in City A, there is no doubt that Hu Juan is much stronger than the three just now. But what to do, all dignity is on the premise that you can survive, the three of them are not stupid, and they are still very shrewd.

Passerby A cautiously walked in the front. He thought there would be many zombies along the way, but he didn't expect to encounter any zombies. It was extraordinarily peaceful until they reached the basement. There was a big iron door in the basement. Everyone was thinking about how to enter. Thinking of it, with the sound of "bump", A passer-by jumped back a few steps in fright, and then the big iron gate opened, the front was dark, and gusts of wind blew over, especially infiltrating people in the hot summer, Passer-by A was frightened. Rubbing his hands, he looked back at Hu Jun. Hu Jun was looking at the endless black hole, and seemed to have no intention of retreating.

Passer-by A was helpless, knowing that he had to bite the bullet and go forward. He threw several fireballs in a row, and the road ahead was dark. He mustered up his courage and walked in. Everyone entered one after another. Several people were startled again.

Suddenly, the corridor lights up, and the screen at the end of the corridor lights up.

A big black boss chair. The boss chair turned slowly. It looks like a zombie but not a zombie. The left side of its face is very normal, with big eyes, high nose bridge, dry skin, and a little acne scar. If you don’t look at the right side The side should be a handsome guy, but the right side is very scary, the eyes are scarlet and bulging as if they will burst at any time, the lips are dry and black and purple, the nose on the right is highly decayed, leaving only one nostril, and the skin is even worse. It was severely festered, with many blood and pus clots, but those clots were split at the moment, and pus continued to flow.Not only its face is like this, but its body is even more so. Although it is wearing a long-sleeved dress, Hu Jun can see through the perspective power that the left side of the body is intact, while the right side is highly decayed, and bones can be seen. There are maggots wriggling inside, making people faintly sick.

This kind of comparison is too amazing. What is it?Half corpse?

This is not over yet, suddenly a person is swarmed into the screen, his whole body is tied up, his mouth is no exception, he is not unfamiliar, he is just one of the people who got lost by accident.

That half corpse, let's call it that, it moved its mouth hard, the left lip trembled slightly, and squeezed out two words from its throat, "Give...I..."

for what?
Isn't what you need as a zombie is people, now that people are in your hands, what do you want?
Seeing that there was no movement from a few people, the screen suddenly turned into snowflakes.

"What's that?" Passer-by B shook his body, feeling too weird. If he saw a zombie, it was not as scary as seeing it.

Passerby A shook his head, "Who knows."

No need for them to think too much, the door suddenly opened at the end of the corridor, and a person came out. He opened it from his clothes, and it was clearly the supernatural being who had just been tied up.

"Okay, your kid is out!" Ability B happily ran over, but was stopped by Hu Juan, "There is something wrong with him."

Just thinking about being held in the hands of that half-corpse just now, but now he came out safe and sound is unbelievable. To say that he is normal is simply a fantasy.

Sure enough, the man moved strangely, his movements were stiff, his head was lowered, and he walked slowly.

I saw it suddenly raised its head, its face didn't change, but its eyes were scarlet and out of focus, and its face was slightly black and blue.

This shows that he has become a zombie.

A second ago he was still a human, but now he was a zombie, and with such a face, several people couldn't do anything.

Zombies don't care who you are, Frostbolts are coming straight at you!A few people dodge as soon as they dodge, but dodging is not the way.

Hu Jun was the first to strike, and the ice whip was thrown over. The zombie jumped, and the backhand shot multiple ice arrows. Hu Jun understood that it's either you die or I die. Obviously, that half-corpse is very smart, and it is also the breakthrough point. Go out and kill this supernatural zombie with one blow.

Hu Jun beat the enemy with one move, and immediately received enthusiastic praise from dog legs A, B, and C.

With a wave of her hand, she interrupted them, thinking that the matter would not end so easily, and sure enough, the screen turned on again, and she saw a supernatural being in the half-corpse's hand, shaking her lips, and squeezed out two words, or, "Here ……I……"

The two hostages were bound all over, but their mouths seemed to be exposed on purpose. They cried bitterly for help, "Please give it something, we don't want to become zombies!" Like the living dead, they don't want to die as zombies, they want to go back to City A.

Will Hu Jun agree? The answer is no.

Perhaps, this half-corpse didn't intend to get what it wanted through these two people, because the two people only said a word, and it immediately cut off the communication equipment.

"Get ready." Hu Juan turned her head and ordered, because she knew that maybe these two people would also turn into zombies.

Passers-by A, B, and C nodded repeatedly, while Ji Jinjiang stood beside his father like a humanoid sculpture, his face looked as gentle as jade, but he lost his soul.

(End of this chapter)

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