Chapter 147 Fire Dragon (2)
Sure enough, the two supernatural beings were turned into zombies. Hu Jun didn't wait for them to alienate before taking action this time. As soon as the two zombies went out, she threw her ice whip at them, catching them off guard.

A zombie grabbed the ice whip nimbly, and a flame ignited in its hand, and the ice whip left a lot of water dripping, a fire-type supernatural being?
"It is the 9th fire element, and it is most famous for its great power!" Passerby A is a fire element, so he understands it naturally, and hurriedly explained.To say that he ranks No. 8 looks good, but he only relies on his comprehensive ability. Like this guy, he can't attack from a long distance, but the supernatural energy he releases at close range is huge, very scary.

This means that this guy is very good at close combat?

But how could Hu Jun be afraid of him? With a twist of the wrist holding the whip, the fused ice whip immediately returned to its original state, and the ice scum gradually fell from the end of the ice whip.

The ice whip, which was originally thick and strong and engraved with complicated and beautiful patterns, is constantly changing, revealing the real body inside. The inside is buckled one by one, and there are four circles on one ring, which are buckled together in a complicated way, which is less complicated. The decorated ice whip is more flexible and hard, with a slight flick, the whole body becomes more crystal clear, free of impurities, shining with the purest light.

Although it is thin, it seems to be the condensation of the essence, the flame has no effect on them, and the cold air presses the flame away.

Hu Jun swung his right arm high, and the thin ice whip lashed at the zombie's body fiercely. A zombie was entangled by the thin ice whip, and the huge cold air wrapped it, making it struggle and howl, and the flames trying to disperse Frozen by the cold ice.

Seeing this, the other zombie roared angrily, facing Hu Jun as a rocket, Hu Jun flicked his whip, caught the rocket, and flung it away.

After the two zombies, a rain of fireballs fell together. Passers-by A, B, and C hurriedly used their abilities to block them. It was not difficult for Hu Jun to flick his whip to block these things, but Ji Jinjiang still lowered his head at this moment, as if he had endured A huge blow can't be delayed, but at this time, if you don't cheer up, you can only die!

Seeing a few fireballs rushing towards him, Hu Jun frowned, not knowing what to think, he flicked the ice whip and entangled the fireballs, and jumped up to him, cursing, "If you want to die, don't drag us down!" She could see that Ji Jinjiang was obviously conscious, doing this was like begging for death, as if life was hopeless.

And why did Ji Jinjiang, who just said he wanted revenge, lose his desire to survive?
This is all because he is not cruel enough.

If he is cruel enough, he will not be used. If he is cruel enough, he will not obey the arrangements of the Ji family. If he is cruel enough, he can replace him and become the next Patriarch of the Ji family. If he is cruel enough, he can live his life regardless of his parents. want life.

He not only inherited grandma's exquisite and outstanding appearance, but also inherited a soft heart.

Ji Jinjiang raised his eyelids slightly, looked at the girl standing in front of him waving the ice whip, and then slowly lowered it.

Dad, I'm sorry.

He must be cruel.

At this moment, Hu Jun was whipping the ice whip, and gradually regained his advantage. Even with this endless fireball, he was able to deal with it with ease, and even won a staged victory. If this continues, he will surely win.

Unexpectedly, the two shamelessly launched a new round of attack together. The two huge fireballs merged to form a huge fire dragon. The flames kept rising, and some sparks would come out from time to time, turning the confined space into a steamer immediately, and the whole space emitted a dazzling red light.

Hu Jun was sweating profusely. The fire dragon was so fierce that even her whip couldn't shake it.

"What to do, we're dead, give it something!" Seeing this, passer-by B anxiously urged Hu Jun, complaining to Hu Jun in his heart, why didn't he just leave?

Passer-by C nodded again and again, "Give it to him!" Otherwise he would definitely die!
Hu Juan just ignored those incompetent but complaining people like him. Since he was afraid, why didn't they stand there and help when he dealt with the supernatural zombies just now?Waiting to die?If she hadn't been curious about what that half-corpse was, maybe there was some treasure, she had already passed away, and let these three useless things die here!
I saw that the fire dragon's eyes were wide open, and it was about to rush over. Hu Juan's heart sank, his anger was firm, his feet were firmly planted, the whip was thrown out, and it was directly trapped on the dragon's head. Go, the two zombies stepped up their offensive, and the ice whip melted at a speed visible to the hands and eyes.

Hu Jun is not idle at the moment, clasping his palms together, his mental power is highly concentrated to mobilize the supernatural powers in his body, and endless ice-type supernatural powers flood up happily one after another.

Hu Jun once seriously felt the supernatural powers in her body after the little boy's physical body. Perhaps because of the absence of the militant's blind command, the water supernatural powers in her body are very lively and lovely, while the wood supernatural powers are more obedient and docile.

At this moment, they were lively and gradually gathered in Hu Jun's palm. At this moment, the fire dragon broke through the confinement, roared and rushed over with its head raised.

The passers-by A, B, and C were so scared that they backed up again and again, and even smashed the door with supernatural powers, hoping to escape!
But the door was tightly closed, and the door handle was hot, so it couldn't be opened at all.

The three of them thought they were doomed, their faces were gray, and they sat down on the ground, welcoming the tragic fate of being swallowed by fire, especially Passerby A, who himself was a fire-type supernatural being, but he was about to die like this.

But he also understands that he is no better than two zombified supernatural beings teaming up, so he can only wait to die in this place like a steamer. Even if he doesn't burn to death with a fire dragon, he will be steamed by high temperature.

Unexpectedly, at the place where the dragon head was only one meter away from Hu Jun, she opened her hands, and saw a very small and thin ice board blocking the dragon head. Perhaps because of the ice board, the scorching air on Hu Jun's side quickly It got colder, and gradually the ice board became bigger and thicker, and the fierce fire dragon was suppressed by it just now, retreating steadily, and at this moment, a thick layer of condensed ice had formed on the ceiling and floor on Hu Juan's side. Frost.

I saw the ice plate and the fire dragon as the boundary, one side is the world of ice and snow, and the other side is the Flame Mountain. The contrast is strong, and the temperature difference is so large that it feels like the equator and the North Pole.

As the ice plate got bigger, the fire dragon's aura became smaller and smaller, and the air in the entire corridor became colder.

The screen was turned on again, and the half-corpse now had three supernatural beings in its hands.

"What exactly does it want?" Hu Jun couldn't figure it out, what does a zombie want?
Ji Jinjiang, who is the only one who may know the truth, still seems to be filled with sadness. Due to the sudden drop in temperature, his face is very pale, and it seems that tiny blood vessels can be seen faintly. Beautiful, people feel that this is a sick and beautiful boy, and it is difficult to give birth to condemnation.

(End of this chapter)

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