Chapter 148 Special Test Item (1)
Seeing that Hu Jun was silent, the half-corpse seemed to frowned, but a zombie shouldn't have facial expressions at all, but Hu Jun did see anger in its eyes.Seeing that Hu Jun didn't answer for a long time, it turned off the video again. Hu Jun knew that there would be a new wave of supernatural zombies coming soon, and she could even guess that if she didn't solve the two fire-type zombies before they appeared Supernatural zombies, the end will be very, very, very miserable.

Because her teammates are basically useless now.

At this moment, the entire corridor was covered with ice and snow, and it was abnormally cold. The temperature should be more than ten degrees below zero.

But Hu Jun still didn't solve the fire dragon. Her supernatural powers are endless, but these zombies with supernatural powers that just happened unexpectedly are abnormally powerful.

The door opened at this moment, without further ado, she put one hand on the ground and pressed it hard, and several big ice picks suddenly appeared at the door. Although these supernatural zombies have not yet evolved, it shows that they have retained human thoughts, although they are very chaotic. , but it is not difficult to avoid these big ice hammers.

The big ice pick did not cause specific damage to the three supernatural zombies, and Hu Jun's original purpose was not to kill them. He saw that the open door was stuck by the huge ice pick. in it.

Hu Jun is really thankful that his powers are endless, otherwise he would have died of exhaustion by now. This kind of wheel battle is really not easy to fight, and he is still a master with zombies.

Passers-by A, B, and C didn't expect Hu Jun to come back at all. They just remembered when she entered, and ran over quickly while cursing the stinky bitch, throwing out the supernatural powers, trying to stop these supernatural zombies. But before they ran over, the huge door was closed abruptly, leaving them alone to face the five supernatural zombies.

The road was very dark, so Hu Jun took out a flashlight from the space to illuminate the road.

At both ends of the road, there are some large cylindrical glass fiber reinforced plastics, which are filled with unknown liquids, including white, black, yellow, purple, and even transparent liquids, and what is suspended in them are all The dead bodies of some animals include rabbits, white mice, monkeys, goats, and even a huge and complete chimpanzee in a large tank. Some of these animals are complete, and some have been disemboweled.

Going forward, there are some large translucent rectangular boxes. They are metal shells, two meters high and half a meter in size. They are all erected at both ends of the road, surrounded by all kinds of wires and pipes. , but there is nothing in the strange death, I don't know what it is used for.

Hu Jun couldn't figure it out after looking at it, so he counted the number of people instead. They said that 13 people had escaped all the time, except for the dead ones, there were two more who were beside him or had turned into zombies, why didn't they come out together?What is this half-corpse, she has never heard of such a weird thing, and it can talk, is it a zombie or a human?
She was concentrating on thinking, when she raised her eyes, she saw a flashlight on a box, and there was a young zombie lying in the box, let's count him as a zombie, because it is not as ferocious as a real zombie, although its eyes are scarlet and bulging, His teeth were sharp, his skin was black and blue, but his face was serene, like a sleeping person.

Soon, she came to a gate, which should be the lair of the half corpse.

The door opened automatically, and the half-corpse sat in the middle of it. It clasped its fingers gracefully and placed it on its folded knees. If you ignore half of his body, which is normal and the other half is a zombie, you should praise him. For an elegant man with a gentlemanly demeanor, remember to open the door for yourself after all.However, it is not a human being, not even a zombie. It is really weird and terrifying for a monster to do so.

"You... are... strong..." It said bluntly, it was a compliment, but it was expressionless.

Hu Jun didn't answer.

It waved its hand, and saw a few zombies leading two people up in a daze. These two people, Hu Jun, really knew each other. One was Zheng Fangfei, and the other was a superhuman who framed him.

"Give... me..." it pointed to itself.

"" He pointed at the two of them and pointed at Hu Jun.

Hu Jun didn't understand, so he frowned and asked, "What do you want?" She didn't understand what this thing was going to do at all.

It shook its mouth with difficulty, pointed to the screen and said, "Ji."

The picture on the screen is the door of Father Ji's room, does it want Father Ji?No, Father Ji is obviously dead, since it can understand the monitor and operate the instrument, it must know that he is dead.

Seeing Hu Jun's tangled expression, it pointed to the two hostages and said, "Kill."

Hu Juan already had a grudge against that poisonous supernatural being, so it would be best for him to die, saving himself the trouble of doing it himself.

There are dozens of zombies in this space, as well as familiar zombies with new abilities. It is certain that even if the abilities of these half-corpse are limited, the thugs are definitely not weak.

Hu Jun's scalp was numb, wondering if it would be better for him to hide in the space?

The half-corpse pointed and roared, and a zombie opened the mouth of the poison user. He didn't understand why Hu Jun survived, and he didn't know if she knew that he had framed her. As a live horse doctor, shouted, "Promise him! He wants the information in the hands of the man we are looking for!"

The half-corpse nodded, obviously very satisfied with the intelligence of this human being.

Seeing what the zombie said about Ji, he must be the Professor Ji he was looking for!And why did the troops seek Professor Ji?
Others may not know it, but to say that this poisonous supernatural being can give the colonel a move, he has naturally come into contact with internal information, and naturally understands the importance of Professor Ji, or the importance of the information in his hands.

Hu Juan smiled coldly.

Hu Jun glanced at the poisonous supernatural user, turned his head and changed his usual cold image, and said to the half-corpse with a smile, "So it's like this, you can also want information, anyway, I can't understand it, so I'll give it to you."

Half Corpse nodded and stretched out his hand. It was a normal white hand with slender fingers, but Hu Jun shook his head, pointed at the poisonous supernatural being and emphasized, "Then you have to promise me to let him go."

The half-corpse nodded, and it was considered a deal. The poisonous supernatural being who was the hostage of the deal was overjoyed.

Hu Jun pretended to take out a USB flash drive from his pocket, and handed it to the half-corpse. The half-corpse stretched out his hand. The moment the two held the USB flash drive together, Hu Juan suddenly narrowed his eyes and exerted force on his hand. In an instant, her Frost formed on the hand, and quickly spread along the USB drive to the body of the half-corpse, freezing a small half of its body, and it continued to spread.

The half-corpse roared angrily, and the roar shook the sky. The zombie who had been stunned just now heard the shout and rushed over like chicken blood, and at this moment the half-corpse had already frozen more than half of its body.

Hu Jun held the USB flash drive in one hand, and flicked the thin ice whip with the other to drive away the approaching zombies.

The half corpse was extremely annoyed, a zombie ran over, stretched out his hand and slapped the half body covered in thin ice heavily, like a hammer hitting, the ice powder shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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