Chapter 149 Special Test Item (2)
The half-corpse finally escaped, it shook off the icy scum, and its anger arose from its heart. It never expected that this woman would be so cunning and shameless, taking advantage of her not to be caught, the crime is unforgivable!It roared crazily, with a ferocious expression, and the zombie boys became even more energetic when they heard the command, and the attack became more ferocious.

Hu Jun flicked the thin ice whip at this moment to form a small-scale ice fortress, which was difficult for anyone to get close to. The half-corpse saw the poisonous supernatural power in a blink of an eye, and immediately grabbed it and stabbed it into its abdomen. I want you to care People turned into zombies!

The poisonous power user shouted in shock, "No!" But a huge hole had formed on his body, bleeding continuously.

It threw him aside casually, waiting for him to turn into a zombie.

Hu Jun smiled wickedly at him, isn't it a great feeling to be overjoyed and sad?Death is too easy, but if you let you escape and kill you, your life is not worth her energy.

"Your brother is the ice-type power user I killed in prison." Hu Jun looked at the painful zombie-like power user while the sky was covered with snow. , he tried to open his mouth to ask her why she knew, but all the spit out were black blood bubbles, so he could only try to lift his finger to point at her.

Seeing how resentful he was, Hu Juan showed mercy not to let him "die with hatred". She explained, "Because you two are so self-righteous and looking for your own death."

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, inexplicable sarcasm and ridicule.

This is not easy. The relationship between the supernatural beings is very clear in the supernatural circle. The relationship between the two brothers, Hu Jun, a supernatural being who has been promoted, does not understand, but that passer-by, A, B, and C, is very clear. She just said casually. Asked, and got the answer, what a role model for brothers and sisters.

The king was the first to capture the thief. No matter how powerful these supernatural zombies were, they were also controlled by it. She swung the ice whip and went straight towards the half-corpse, and the other zombies hurried forward to escort them.

Hu Jun took the opportunity to loosen the bondage of the only survivor, Zheng Fangfei.

Zheng Fangfei's face was very haggard. She was tied up and thrown aside for a long time, covering her eyes and mouth, her body was stiff and numb. She suddenly saw light in a bright room full of ice, and felt uncomfortable for a moment, so she simply didn't cover her eyes. Too long, or I'd be blind by now.

She rubbed her eyes, nodded gratefully to Hu Jun and said, "Thank you."

Hu Jun didn't have time to talk to her, at this moment he was flaunting his power with the thin ice whip, very smoothly, the whole room was like an ice cave, and the zombies beside the half-corpse gradually piled up.

Seeing this, Zheng Fangfei stopped talking nonsense and hurriedly joined the battle, and the wind blade mixed with ice and snow swept out.

The half corpse couldn't see well, and knew that this woman was very strong. Although he was gnashing his teeth with hatred, he had already understood very shrewdly. The most urgent thing to do was to find a way to deal with her.

It frowned and roared, not knowing what it was saying.

Anyway, the zombies no longer fought chaotically as before, but attacked in an orderly manner. The half-corpse was like a general, commanding the soldiers to charge into battle.

With the help of the existing ice in the room, the ice system can build an ice wall for defense without any effort, and other supernatural zombies also attack round after round in a decent manner.

The battle was fierce, with fireballs, soil balls, wind blades, and lightning strikes flying all over the sky, leaving black and scorched marks on Hu Jun's ice wall.

Hu Jun, who was originally proactive, fell into a hard fight because of the cooperation of these shameless zombies. Even though Zheng Fangfei tried her best to help her, the effect was minimal.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came from nowhere, and the zombie's movements paused for a moment. At this moment, Hu Junhua's whirling ice blade floated out of his hand, and went straight towards the half-corpse. Seeing endless hatred and infinite sadness, the corners of his mouth drooped, and he took a deep look at Hu Jun, and exploded gorgeously.

Those zombies didn't have a backbone, and they didn't know how to cooperate. Naturally, there was nothing to fear. Hu Jun quickly wiped them out with an ice whip, including of course the only poisonous zombie.

The battle was finally over, and Hu Jun's heart sank. He rubbed his right shoulder and swung the whip for so long, his arm was so sore.

"Let's take a look around." Zheng Fangfei changed from her previous vigorous and decisive approach, and instead asked Hu Jun in advance. This completely opposite approach was all because she understood Hu Jun's strength through the battle just now, and gained a new understanding. A new measure.

Looking at City A, she is really one of the best!

Hu Jun nodded, and then looked around to see if there was anything good.

There are still several rooms behind the main control room. She entered an archive room, and there were countless shelves of books in it. After searching, Hu Jun found that there were many things in it that people didn't understand.

Anyway, there are a lot of things in the space, and she took a lot of materials and files along with her. She didn't have the heart for scientific research, but what exactly is this half-corpse?Why does it look half human and half zombie?Why are you still talking?Why is it so sad before dying, it's almost like a full human being!

She lived so many years in her previous life and never heard of it. Has history changed, or did she know too little?Will there be more such inexplicable half-corpses in the future?

She was very worried about the future of herself and her family. She thought that she had a bright future with supernatural powers, but at this moment the road ahead was filled with fog again.

When the two came out, it was already dark, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and the sweltering summer was also cooled by the evening wind.

General Ji Jin and Passerby A have already been outside, I don't know how they escaped, and Passerby B and C are not there, so they probably died inside.

Ji Jinjiang leaned on the car, and was not surprised to see the two coming out, but just nodded lightly, Zheng Fangfei smiled back, and Hu Juan also nodded.

He turned to look at the moon, today is the full moon, the moonlight is bright and cold, sprinkled on the earth, covering everything with a thin layer of sand, everything is no longer real, a bit poignant and sad.

Although he looked at the moon, he seemed to have returned to his soul, and became the elegant and handsome appearance before, but if you look closely at his brows, his brows are less docile and more sharp, even if it is only these slight changes, the whole person The temperament has changed greatly.

Under the moonlight, his facial features unexpectedly faded, making him look extraordinarily ethereal.

His father was buried under a tree in the yard. His father devoted all his life to scientific research, so let him rest in peace here.

"By the way, what happened to you at the base, we haven't found you." The two didn't bother him, and Zheng Fangfei asked Hu Jun casually after walking aside.

Hu Jun said casually, "Accident."

Zheng Fangfei smiled indifferently, since she didn't want to talk about it, there was no need to investigate further.

"Miss Hu, Lieutenant Colonel Zheng, are you all right?" Passerby A approached politely, holding several lunch boxes in his hand, and handed them to the two respectively: "This is the food for tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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