Chapter 150 Special Test Item (3)
Hu Jun nodded. Although Zheng Fangfei's style was very tough, like a man, she was very gentle and polite. She didn't blame the problem of calling the supernatural person, but said with a smile: "You did it, right?" , It was really hard work."

"Where is it, it should be, it should be." He lowered his head, as if embarrassed, then raised his head as if afraid of being scolded, and said, "But I think there is quite a lot of food, and we can't pull it back even if we are small. So it’s more generous.” Originally, he had done two people, but Ji Jin will let him do more, how dare he offend that great god!
I thought Hu Jun was scary enough, but I didn't expect...

Opening the lunch box, it was indeed some fine food. The meat was no longer minced meat, but a large piece. The rice was hot and there was soup.But I also understand that now there are a total of 4 people alive, and the food can't be brought back. It's better to eat some good food, otherwise it would be a luxury to keep the pile of food here for nothing.

"Is there any more?" Hu Jun thought that there were two big living people in his car, no, or one and a half, and the little kid can only be counted as half.

The two looked at her puzzled, could it be that they are not full after so much?But seeing that she didn't mean to explain at all, passer-by A didn't ask this aunt, I'll take it if you like it, and said with a smile: "Wait a minute, I'll get it for you."

Hu Juan returned to his car with a stack of lunch boxes, and the little kid was lying on his back in the back row, soundly asleep.

Ran Tao sat curled up in the driver's cab with his head bowed, his long black and beautiful hair spread like satin in the car, emitting a dim luster under the moonlight.

Hu Jun sat in the back row and handed the lunch box to Ran Tao. Although his face was not as pale as before, it was still bloodless.Then she woke up the little boy and handed him the food he had been given.

"Let's eat. After eating, we will go back tomorrow." After Hu Jun finished speaking, he didn't care about the two of them, and started to eat by himself. After playing for such a long time, he was already so hungry that his chest was stuck to his back. At this moment, it can be said that he has no image at all. The gobbled it up, and the wind and the clouds ah.

The little boy rubbed his eyes, saw that Hu Jun had already ate it, looked at the things in the lunch box, curled his lips, these things were not delicious, he really wanted to eat Oreos, so he coquettishly clung to Hu Jun and claimed to want eat delicious food.

"This is not delicious?" Hu Juan had just finished eating, his stomach was full, his mood improved, and his energy was also much better. Seeing the little kid acting like a baby, he also had the leisure to joke with him.

"I really want to eat Oreos, I just fell asleep just thinking about it." The little kid said in a sticky voice unique to children, and fell asleep thinking about it, Hu Jun slammed Laughed.

The little boy frowned, and said seriously: "Really!"

Hu Jun shook his head. After all, he couldn't reach him, so he took out a pack of Oreos from the space and handed it to him. The little boy happily took it over, skillfully tore off the pack, and ate it.

Turning around and seeing Ran Tao staring at the food in the lunch box in a daze, Hu Jun remembered that he was only a teenager, that is, the age of junior high school, so he handed him a pack of Oreos and said, "Here. "

Ran Tao paused, looked at the biscuit, and finally took it silently.Pick up the spoon and start to eat mouthful. The aroma of the rice is overflowing. It is elastic but not hard when biting into the mouth. There is only some salt sprinkled in the meat, but the aroma of the meat itself is attractive enough. Take a bite, and you will feel the fragrance of your mouth and teeth. The soup is very simple, it is vegetable soup, thick and salty, and as you eat, a drop of crystal clear tears falls in the soup, which melts with the salty vegetable soup. Take a spoonful and put it in your mouth, why is it so sweet?
The pack of Oreos lay quietly on his lap, unopened.

Hu Jun's stomach was [-]% full, and while drinking soup, he took out some materials and began to read carefully.

There are a lot of technical terms recorded in the material, she skipped those things directly, and jumped to the research project, but the research project was written in a very vague way, only saying that it was for the benefit of human beings, and the animal experiment was successful in the monkey experiment, but it was not used in the living experiment. Greatly hindered, found that there is a huge difference between human beings and animals.

In conclusion, all previous experiments have failed.

The experiment starts from scratch, and it can only start directly from the human body, that is to say, all future experimental specimens will be human beings.

The little boy ate two bites of biscuits, and then got tired of it again. He woke up in great spirits, and when he saw Hu Jun came back, he ignored him, and knocked over the documents like a mess, and the materials were scattered in a cart. Hu Jun, Frowning, he reprimanded him, "What are you doing!"

He made a grimace nonchalantly and climbed to the co-pilot, and played with Ran Tao's long hair with a smile, but Ran Tao ignored him.

Hu Jun couldn't help but sighed, and had to bend down to pick them up one by one, but saw a piece of paper, which was the first page of a personnel file, and the two-inch photo on it was a young and handsome guy, and he laughed. Suave.

Under his name was the steel seal of the research institute first, and covering the steel seal was a blood-red steel seal, which read, "Special Experimental Product".

Hu Jun recognized his face, it was the half-corpse just now.

As if there was a breakthrough, Hu Jun looked through his resume in detail.

This is an excellent student with a high IQ. He graduated from the best medical department in the prosperous age. During his studies, he not only has excellent academic performance and good conduct, but also participated in many experiments. He has made his own unique achievements in the research of some clinical drugs. He even published personal research results in some authoritative medical journals in China. Of course, Hu Jun didn't have time to read any medical departments.

He participated in this top secret research three years before the end of the world.

A year and a half later, he was listed as a "special experimental product." However, the reason for the transfer was considered to be erased.

Hu Jun searched for clues, but there was nothing else.

"What are you looking at?" The little boy lay on the seat and looked back at Hu Jun, wondering why her expression was so solemn.

Hu Jun shook his head. Although he didn't know how the half-corpse was obtained or the specific reason, it was already a fact that he was an experimental product, and the fact of the experiment had been an open secret in the last life. Hu Jun found it not surprising when he saw the information.

But why, is it a talking zombie, an accident or something else?
"Dangdangdang" Someone knocked on Hu Jun's glass.

Hu Jun put the materials under the schoolbag casually and opened the car window. Standing outside was Zheng Fangfei. She saw a little boy carved in pink and jade lying on Hu Jun's lap. He was extremely cute, like a grape. Her big eyes were flickering, and she looked at Zheng Fangfei full of curiosity. A man with loose long hair was sitting in the driver's seat of the car. Zheng Fangfei thought that Hu Jun was alone, but she didn't expect there to be someone else. do not know what to say.

There is only one thought in my heart, where did these two people come from?

(End of this chapter)

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