Chapter 151 Go Home (1)
"Is there something wrong?" Hu Juan asked, it was already past 9 o'clock, and he went to the Three Treasures Hall if he had nothing to do.

Zheng Fangfei immediately raised her smiling face and said friendlyly: "This little boy is so cute, what's his name?" Even if asked how he got here, Hu Jun might not be able to answer, and the most important thing is that it doesn't matter how he got here.

Hu Jun never thought of the name of the little boy, he has always been a little boy, and casually said: "His name is Xiaokong." Well, Xiaojian feels like a little bitch, so it's better to be Xiaokong.

The little boy tilted his head, he never had a name, but now that he thinks about it, other people have names, and now he has a name too, that's great!
He nodded vigorously affirmatively, and repeated arrogantly, "My name is Xiao Kong!"

Ran Tao turned around when he heard the voice, and Zheng Fangfei, who was about to answer Xiao Kong with a smile, was immediately amazed.

He has a beautiful face, long hair hanging down casually, scattered on the ground, a pair of big eyes, the irises are extremely shallow, they are like silver under the moonlight, and the pupils like black gemstones are especially dazzling and beautiful under the contrast of the silver irises. At this moment, he It looks like a fairy.

Zheng Fangfei always thought that she had seen many beautiful men, so she shouldn't have lost her composure.

Just like Ji Jinjiang who is close at hand is one of them, but their beauty is completely different. If Ji Jinjiang's beauty is like the fairy in the picture scroll, then his beauty is like the innocence who fell into the world Elves, one makes people worship, and the other makes people fascinated.

Although each has its own merits, there is no doubt that for a mature and capable female officer, such a pure boy is more in her heart.

Xiaokong felt that he would be praised if he took the initiative to introduce him, but seeing this woman stared at Ran Tao in a daze, he was immediately dissatisfied, obviously I look better, why did he look at him?Really blind!
He angrily pointed at Zheng Fangfei to report to Hu Jun, "She looked so stupid to Ran Tao!"

Zheng Fangfei finally regained her composure. She was really embarrassed. She never thought that she would be attracted by such a young man. No wonder Hu Jun came late. She regarded this boy as the little lover Hu Jun had found for her...

In fact, such things can be said to be commonplace in City A, there is no legal and moral constraints, as long as it is someone you like, as long as you are strong enough.

Even women, whether they are married or leftover, can rely on supernatural powers to get out of the fixed track and find their second spring.

Looking at the young man's face, he was naturally the best choice for a little lover, and even she was a little moved.

But after all, she is a daughter of a famous family, no matter how good her face is, she won't be able to turn against Hu Jun, so she answered Hu Jun's question without changing her face and heartbeat, "I'm here to inform you that we are leaving tomorrow. I plan to make a detour when I go back, but there are too few of us now, so it's good if we can go back smoothly." Actually, she had another purpose for this trip, but since there were others, she went back after delivering the message.

Hu Jun nodded, he understood.

Early the next morning, Hu Juan was woken up by a passerby, and the six of them boarded the minibus with a very high safety factor.

Xiao Kong happily ran around in the car. He was very excited to see so many people. The only person who would pay attention to him was passer-by A who acted as the driver. Well, he didn’t have the guts to sit on the side without worry and volunteered to act as the driver. Staff, take-away chef corner.

Galloping all the way, the minibus drove very fast. Fortunately, there are no traffic jams or pedestrians crossing the road. Otherwise, if someone suddenly appeared, wouldn't they be hit and fly?
Thinking about it this way, a small black spot really appeared in front. Fortunately, passerby A reacted quickly and stepped on the brakes to the end. The car performed well and stopped quickly without crushing anyone.

It caught everyone by surprise, and Xiao Kong in the aisle rushed directly from the last row to the first row, but he was not angry, but danced and giggled happily, thinking that passer-by A was playing a game.

He lay on the lap of passerby A, who was covered in cold sweat from fright, clamoring for another play!
Passerby A mourned in his heart, what a joke, little ancestor, how dare he play like this!If you throw everyone upside down, they will probably be chopped into minced meat!

Zheng Fangfei had already got off the car to check. Ji Jinjiang stood up, walked to Passerby A, and looked at Zheng Fangfei in front of the glass and the young man who fell to the ground.

"Xiaokong, come back." Hu Juan sat on the seat and waved to Xiaokong, but Xiaokong ignored her, and followed Zheng Fangfei down lively and full of curiosity.

Hu Jun rubbed his temples, this brat can't listen once?Sighing, he could only follow along.

Lying below is a young man, he is skinny, his veins are exposed, and he passed out on the ground.

Zheng Fangfei is checking his vital signs.

"Alive." She turned to Hu Jun and said.But, how could there be people in this wilderness?The weird little girl incident last time made her extremely suspicious of these people who appeared out of nowhere.

Hearing the sound of rustling, more than a dozen people walked over supporting each other. Most of them were in rags, disheveled, emaciated, and stooped.Seeing them alive was like seeing hope, rushing forward.

Afterwards, someone noticed the young man lying on the ground and said in surprise, "What's wrong, Agui!"

Someone had already felt for his pulse, and said with a sigh of relief: "It's okay, I just fainted from hunger."

Xiao Kong hid behind Hu Jun's legs, because they smelled so bad, and there was a strong sour smell on his body. Sweat, blood, tears, rain, and various residual juices were mixed together, and under the natural high-temperature fermentation, they became A disgusting taste.

"We finally saw a living person!" A middle-aged man in the lead was already in tears. It had been a long time since he saw a human being. Along the way, there were only zombies and zombies. They worked hard but failed to find the base. Up to now It was already the end of the mountain, and I thought there was no way out, but I never thought that there would be a bright future. When I saw a living person, seeing that they were neatly dressed and driving a car, I knew they must be very capable people.

They are finally saved!God bless!

Zheng Fangfei looked at him, her face was already thin and deformed, and her skin was severely wrinkled, but when she looked closely at him, she still looked handsome, so she frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

It turned out that this group of people escaped from a small village in the city.

They come from different cities, but most of them are in the northwest. Compared with the coast, there are fewer people and the bases are not dense.

A small village established a temporary base to accommodate refugees.

However, as the number of refugees increased, the food in the village became less and less, and the autumn harvest was reduced. Many villagers protested and wanted to drive out these migrant households.

For this reason, a very violent conflict occurred, in which the refugees failed and were eventually driven out.

(End of this chapter)

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