Chapter 152 Go Home (2)
They have hundreds of people, no navigators, no vehicles, they can only rely on the sun as a guide, and head north. Soon it will be winter, the sky will be full of snow, and they have no ability to resist the cold, so they can only hide in caves , eat wild vegetables, eat bark, and be careful not to encounter zombies.This walk lasted for more than half a year, procrastinating, and life and death would be staged from time to time. Soon, there were only 15 people left, and their bodies and spirits had reached a critical point.

The person who got into the middle of the road just now was the pathfinder in the team.

"You are all ordinary people, it's really not easy to get here." Zheng Fangfei sighed thoughtfully.

The leader shook his head, wiped away his tears and said: "We have seen people who can manipulate wind, water, fire, and earth, but..." After speaking, the dozen or so people all shed tears.

"In order to protect us, they are all gone." The leader was very sad, and the 15 of them walked over on the flesh and blood of many people.

A woman cried and said, "That's right, if it weren't for the water-type powers, we would have starved to death long ago, thanks to meeting you." She looked at Zheng Fangfei hopefully, and Zheng Fangfei smiled, but did not respond.

If what they said is true, then they are really a group of people who are kind, righteous, and united and help each other, but who can guarantee it?
Zheng Fangfei left them under the car and came up to discuss how to deal with these refugees.

"Will they drive away?"

"No, don't talk nonsense. If it weren't for Chen Li and the others to sacrifice themselves, how could we have survived until now? Human nature is brilliant, so don't think so viciously."

"Yes." But why did they get in the car?

As soon as Xiaokong heard that they were going to get in the car, he immediately pouted, very unwilling, and it was clearly written on his face that I disagreed.

Regarding the issue of these 15 people, several people have different opinions. Although Xiao Kong has no right to speak, he was the first to say: "They stink!" So I don't want to be with such stinky people!
Although passer-by A is not easy to explain clearly, he still disagrees. Of course, it is not because of the smell, but because the journey is far away, let alone more than 10 days to reach City A. I don’t know if this will happen. This group of people has no fighting power, just some burden. Maybe their partner is willing to sacrifice his life unconditionally, but he is not. He finally escaped from danger, and now his whole heart is to return to the base.

Zheng Fangfei saw that everyone was silent, so she coughed and said first: "Actually, I think I can take them for a while."

Seeing no response from the crowd, she bit the bullet and suggested, "Otherwise, shall we send them to the nearest base?"

Hu Jun herself didn't care much about them. With her strength, it was too easy to survive among the zombies. She had plenty of room for food.But now she still has the urge to roll her eyes. It takes several days for them to go to any base. This Zheng Fangfei looks shrewd and capable, so how can she handle things so unreliably.

In fact, Zheng Fangfei is not really stupid, but has her own plans. On the one hand, their situation is pitiful, and on the other hand, they have some ulterior secrets.

According to the official title, Zheng Fangfei is a lieutenant colonel, higher than Ji Jinjiang's major, and an ordinary person like Hu Jun has no title, so Zheng Fangfei has the final say.

At this moment, Ji Jin will not say a word, and Hu Jun doesn't care either.

The matter was settled so easily, only Passerby A and Xiao Kong were a little dissatisfied, um, Ran Tao didn't care about You Shenzhong at all.

Does Ji Jinjiang really not care?
Of course not, it's just that city A is so peaceful, it's only interesting if there are turmoil, isn't it?
This group of people was led into the car by Zheng Fangfei. In the stuffy car, not to mention the smell. In addition, the car was fully enclosed, so there was a small window on the driver's side, and Xiao Kong was in Hu Jun's arms. He kept saying bad things about Zheng Fangfei to her, summed it up: smelly, blame her!

Ran Tao also looked at Hu Jun in surprise, not understanding why she agreed.

Hu Jun smiled meaningfully, since he would fight with the villagers who took him in, how could he be a really good person?Just don't know why.

Threats, or stay safe under the nose.

"You guys eat." Zheng Fangfei took a lot of food and handed it to the group of people.

They took the food gratefully, with tears in their eyes, and ate the food into their stomachs with a humble and grateful attitude.

Along the way, in line with the principle that well water does not interfere with river water, the three of Hu Jun basically do not interact with them, and Xiaokong is unwilling to run around, nestling in Hu Jun's arms, asking her to tell him stories, he especially loves The story of Sun Wukong making havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

The night in midsummer was extremely hot, and we could no longer sleep in the car, and everyone had already slept outside the car.

After a simple dinner, passer-by A looked at the map and said, "We will arrive in City A in about three days."

Xiao Kong pouted his buttocks, squatted aside and pulled up the weeds. A boy who was seven or eight years older than him ran over and said with a smile, "My name is Ash, what's your name?"

Xiao Kong ignored him, turned around and ran back to Hu Jun, put his arms around her neck and said, "That man smiled so strangely, and asked me what my name was, so I didn't tell him!"

Hu Jun patted him on the back as a compliment, the kid finally understood not to talk to strangers.

After a while, I saw faint lights in the distance, and gradually the lights became brighter. It turned out to be the lights of several cars, and the cars approached slowly. On the side of the road, Hou was not happy at all, but watched very vigilantly, as if a fight was about to start at any moment.

Although Passerby A has no temperament in front of Ji Jinjiang, Hu Jun and others, he knows their abilities, but in front of this group of refugees who look like refugees, the superiority of the supernatural beings arises spontaneously, and he doesn't even bother them.

"You are also planning to go to City A, right?" It was the refugees in the car who took the initiative to strike up a conversation with them.

They didn't get out of the car, but nodded cautiously.

It always feels weird to mix a group of clean-dressed people with a group of sloppy-dressed people.

The refugee grinned, showing his yellow teeth, and said, "So do we, but I heard that the base is not in City A now, but moved to the west of City A."

"Oh?" They were a little skeptical, and chatted with each other after a while.

Hu Jun patted Xiao Kong on the head and said, "Stop playing, go to sleep." In order to keep him from getting bored, Hu Jun found a Rubik's Cube in the space. He thought that since he was a fairy, he must be very flexible. Imagine the exact opposite.

Seeing that he couldn't play it well, Xiaokong said with certainty that these Rubik's Cubes definitely couldn't be turned into a color on each side, Hu Jun was lying to him, those accusing little eyes.

Ran Tao heard the words, took the Rubik's Cube silently, his fingers were slender and nimble, and within a minute, he finished it and returned it to Xiao Kong.

(End of this chapter)

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