Chapter 153
Since then, Xiaokong has never left the Rubik's Cube, his two big eyes are completely attracted by it, and Ran Tao has to feed it into his mouth mouthful after meal.

As for the reason, it was that the child was too competitive and was stimulated by Ran Tao, and vowed to play every color in every side.

"Look, the three pieces on my side are the same color!" Xiao Kong arrogantly pointed to the three small red squares on one side to show off his achievements to Hu Jun.

Hu Jun nodded, and said with false praise: "It's amazing, go to sleep, it will be done tomorrow."

This allowed him to sleep honestly, but he still held the Rubik's Cube in his hand.

When they woke up the next day, those cars joined the trip to City A. The journey was safe and there were no zombies. I don't know if it was their luck or Ran Tao who kept looking out the window.

Finally, he successfully entered the city gate and returned to City A.

Newcomers to City A should go for inspection, but who are Ji Jinjiang and Zheng Fangfei, of course there is no need.

"This time, thank you very much. I will apply for the reward." Zheng Fangfei shook Hu Jun's hand and said goodbye. If it wasn't for her, I'm afraid she would die in the research institute.

Hu Jun smiled.

Ji Jinjiang also shook hands with her, always maintaining his gentle and polite attitude, but with a somewhat distant attitude, and didn't say much.

After saying goodbye, the two set off for the inner city.

Hu Jun picked it up, and when Ji Jinjiang shook hands with her, he slipped a note to her, which said, "Be careful."

"Dangdangdang." Hu Jun knocked on the door of the house. After seeing each other for so long, he didn't know if his parents were doing well.

"I'll come, I'll come!" The voice was Xiao Qiu, as lively and energetic as ever.

Just after finishing speaking, I heard a little girl's voice, "I want it too!"

Xiaoqiu thought it was someone leaving get off work early, but unexpectedly it was Hu Jun, who shouted in a high-pitched voice full of surprise, "Sister!" Then she turned around and shouted, "Sister is back!" His tone was full of joy.

Mother Hu was packing things in the kitchen, when she heard Xiao Qiu's voice, she immediately stopped working and ran over.

She looked at her daughter who was intact, and smiled kindly and kindly. Her daughter returned safely, and a hanging heart finally fell.

"Quick, close the door and come in." Hu's mother greeted her, turned her head to Qi Yiyi and said, "Go and find grandpa, let him come back early to help me cook." New friends, we play mahjong together from time to time, but today we are called away after missing one out of three.

If you ignore the nature of the children's work, it seems that this is a happy old age life.

However, Mother Hu clearly knew that if the children hadn't worked hard, they would still be doing coolies outside at the moment. How could they have a happy life today, and playing mahjong is almost impossible to think about.

Qi Yi nodded, and was about to go out when Xiao Kong jumped out from Hu Jun's legs, and said to Qi Yiyi, "Where are you going to play, I will go too!"

Qi Yiyi suddenly stopped, looked at him curiously and asked, "Who are you?"

Hu Juan remembered that they hadn't been introduced yet, and turned sideways, revealing Xiao Kong and Ran Tao.

Sora is so cute, it's hard for anyone not to like his appearance.

This is?

Hu's mother's eyes are very strange. This boy is too beautiful. If it weren't for his Adam's apple, she would have thought he was a little girl based on his long hair. Her daughter is not too young. Could it be that her daughter has some ideas?
She had heard about this kind of thing, and she thought she was an enlightened parent. It was not easy for her daughter to work outside, but she really couldn't accept such a person who looked like a pretty boy with no skills.

If my daughter wants to get married, I think Xiao Xu is pretty good, about the same age, good-looking, not talkative, but very smart, and has supernatural powers. The most important thing is that I know him well, so I can rest assured.

Hu Jun was horrified by Hu's mother's scrutiny, and his skin got goosebumps.

"Auntie, is Hu Jun back? Come in quickly." Xu Langyu yelled inside, wondering why they blocked the door and refused to come in.

After a few people came in, Hu's mother asked very tangled, "Who is he?"

"Xiao Jun is a good person again, come back after saving someone." Xu Langyu answered with a smile, his eyes were like lasers scanning Ran Tao who had just entered the door, he lowered his head, revealing his slender and graceful neck.

Hu Juan instantly became envious. At the beginning, he felt that Ran Tao was imprisoned in that kind of thing, and his supernatural power was very strong, so he wanted to win him over, but when he really arrived in City A, he didn't know how to arrange it, or he had always been Ignoring this serious question, he had to simply say: "His name is Ran Tao, and his background is relatively poor." Then he pointed to Xiao Kong and was about to say.

Xiao Kong immediately thought about her, and said triumphantly, "My name is Xiao Kong."

"This child looks very good-looking." Mother Hu saw that her daughter didn't seem to have that kind of intention, so she was half relieved, smiled and stroked Xiao Kong's head, and when someone praised him casually, Xiao Kong immediately puffed up her small chest and looked proud Like a victorious little rooster, he glanced at Ran Tao, so he was still brooding over the incident that Zheng Fangfei ignored him last time.

Xiaokong's favorability for Hu's mother has soared!
Of course, after Hu's mother fried French fries for him, this kind of favorability soared again, approaching Hu Jun, but Hu Jun didn't feel any sense of urgency at all.

"You want to keep him at home?" Hu's mother looked at her daughter with some confusion. The room at home was already very compact, but now there are two more people. It's okay for Xiaokong to be small, so it doesn't matter if you leave it with Xiaoqiu. .

"Mom, I'll think about it later." How to arrange it became a problem.

Within two hours of Hu Jun's return home, the government sent someone to deliver generous food rewards. This fast door-to-door service and polite attitude made Hu's mother feel a little flattered when she opened the door.

"What, it doesn't taste good at all." Xiao Kong looked at the rice towering like a hill with disgust, it didn't taste good at all!
Dongdong pursed her lips, feeling very unhappy that the new little brother disliked the fruits of her aunt's labor, and said back, "Obviously it's delicious!"

Xiaokong didn't believe it, and insisted with his head held high: "It's obviously not delicious! I want to eat meat!" Rice is delicious at all. He wants to eat delicious meat, potato chips, and biscuits, anyway. No rice.

It's not his fault, Hu Juan didn't bother to care about him, he didn't want to eat, so he gave him biscuits and potato chips, and he gradually developed a bad habit of being picky.

Sun Aixia looked at the two children who were about to quarrel, and then at the rice. Xiao Kong seemed spoiled, but when Hu Jun brought it, she could neither ignore nor care about it, but he must know the importance of food. So he smiled and said: "Xiao Kong can't say that. Food is very precious, and rice is delicious. How about making eight-treasure rice for you today?" In fact, eight-treasure rice is very rare now, mainly because the ingredients are very rare. It's hard to get together, and there's a lot of sugar, and raisins, but it's a very tasty staple.

(End of this chapter)

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