Chapter 186 Zombie City (1)
As a result, internal and external troubles, the decline of protective measures, and internal zombies eventually led to the siege of zombies, and City A was destroyed and abandoned. But fortunately, they had the foresight. The troops near the base opened up a new base in City A. Although it is not perfect, but It also solved the urgent need.

After finally arriving at the periphery, the car was forcibly left behind. If you drive in, it may cause damage to the car and make it inconvenient to return. Therefore, the remaining sections of the road must be driven by manpower.

Autumn is high and crisp, the sky without industrial pollution is as blue as washing, and the air is extraordinarily fresh and natural, giving people a feeling of deep nature, which is extremely refreshing.

After getting off the car, Hu Jun took a deep breath, his body and mind were instantly satisfied and relaxed, and his whole body stretched out.

In less than a year, the outskirts of city A were already covered with lush plants. Fortunately, it was autumn, and many plants had fallen, and the fallen leaves were hanging down to the ground, so as not to block the sight, but the half-meter-high weeds still made people feel uncomfortable. It was very difficult to walk.

"It's about 3 hours away from the destination. Follow the team and don't fall behind." The lead guide notified each supernatural user after confirming the location and coordinates. Then, relying on his own experience, he began to lead the troops to A City base advances.

As it continued to deepen, the zombies changed from sporadic one or two to groups of three or five, and then more and more. Fortunately, all of these people were supernatural beings, and any one shot could bring down the zombies.

"This will not last you to your destination." It is imperative to plan ahead. Obviously, this city has become a concentration camp for zombies. There will only be more and more zombies. One or two is easy to fight, and ten or twenty is fine. , but what about one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand?
Just thinking about the fact that only one out of ten people left during the retreat, even if only one third of the people left in the city turned into zombies, it is a troublesome number, and one shudders to think about it.If 1000 of them entered the city, I'm afraid they would not even be able to squeeze their teeth. In this case, rushing in recklessly would be tantamount to death in vain.

"But, the destination is in the center of the city." The guide replied helplessly, his face full of sorrow. If possible, he would not accept such a task, but after being assigned, and the family needed the money, he insisted. The scalp rushed up.

Zombies have many such things, and they know it well, but there is no way to stop, they can only move forward.

"The base is so big, why don't we go in and find a place to stay and rest overnight before rushing?" This suggestion is good, but who knows where the place to stay is suitable, and now the nose of the zombies is very sensitive, and they can tell whether it is a person or a zombie when they smell it , A bunch of delicacies ran in, you let them wait to eat, is it realistic?

"Otherwise, how many cars shall we drive? Squeeze and rush in?" It should be much more convenient for vehicles to open the way, but there are also very large restrictions on the abilities of the supernatural beings. If a supernatural zombie comes, a fireball Probably one car's people are screwed, so not ideal.

Hu Juan watched their constant debate, and she didn't intervene in choosing a plan. No matter what the final decision was, she would support it 100%, because her mood at the moment when facing the choice was just like theirs, very contradictory and helpless.

What is puzzling is why Ji Jinjiang has been silent all the time. Logically speaking, shouldn't the young master of the Ji family have the right to speak?But from the beginning to the end, he has been following in the footsteps of others, even if asked him, he seldom gives advice, which seems very strange.

After arguing for a long time, after thinking about it, the only way to go is to force it. The commander waved his hand, gritted his teeth, stomped his feet and finally decided: "Let's force it!"

Although the supernatural beings complained, they had to obey the arrangement. In the end, 1000 people bit the bullet and went in. As they gradually reached the door, there were more and more zombies, and the road was full of bones, which was miserable and desolate.

People with supernatural powers are mainly defensive. The main reason is that it is not advisable to delay time and save supernatural powers. They should rush in at a faster pace. Such a decision surprised Hu Jun. When did the commander of this army be so decisive and ruthless? Are you just moaning, doing nothing?
In fact, it was all caused by the seizure of power. The Ji family is in charge of this task, so the credit is all their own, so there is no need to hide it.

Entering the city is really a breath of air. There are dense crowds of people, all of them are zombies. They rely on each other, overlap each other, and move slowly in a daze. Their clothes are already tattered. A stench unique to zombies rushed towards him.

"Thunder-type, ice-type, poison-type leads the way, fire-type, wind-type assists, earth-type, gold-type, water-type defends." With one order, each of them performed their duties, and charged into the endless group of zombies with all their strength.

The zombie was dumbfounded just now, but now it smelled the smell, and came back to its senses, with red eyes, fangs piercing, and sharp nails stretching out its claws frantically, reaching towards the supernatural being.

As the trump card, Hu Jun didn't need to make a move, but focused on following the crowd, and only stayed at the critical moment to obey the command and make a move.

This group of supernatural beings should not be underestimated. Holding their breath, they quickly blazed a trail and headed straight for the destination. There will always be a time when their supernatural abilities are exhausted. As they go deeper, more and more zombies appear. This difficulty is constantly rising.

Until the first supernatural zombie appeared, it struck with a wind blade, and the team was instantly disrupted. Once a fault occurred, the more than 50 people behind could not rush up, surrounded by zombies, and soon broke into an army, screaming Devoured by zombies.

Just now, they fought bravely all the way to the enemy, but this sudden change made many supernatural beings tremble in their hearts. Looking around, there were densely packed zombies around, with saliva of yellowish-brown viscous liquid, and a faint stench. I felt that my legs were a little weak for some reason, and I lost the momentum just now, but in just one minute, dozens of people with supernatural powers were eaten by zombies in an instant.

Seeing that it was not good, the commander immediately shouted: "Everyone stay together, we must rush in here!" This is not because of supernatural powers, but because of the huge psychological impact of the comrades dying in front of us. I was still full of confidence just now. He questioned himself in an instant, and the hand ability also weakened.The power of psychological suggestion is really unparalleled.

The uplifting momentum immediately came up again, yes, so much has been rushed, can't it continue?The way back has been blocked by zombies, all we can do is move forward, move forward, move forward!Thinking of this, everyone gained motivation again, roared and started fighting.

The wind-type supernatural zombie was soon besieged to death by several lightning-type supernatural beings.

However, before rushing for a few hundred meters, two more fire-type zombies popped out. They threw several fireballs with their hands, and the blazing fireballs came through the air. The huge burning force forced the team to break up and dodge. In an instant, the zombie next to him found the opportunity again, stretched out his hand and struggled, and the supernatural being who had just been excited was suppressed again.

(End of this chapter)

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