Chapter 187 Zombie City (2)
The lightning-type superpower made another move. The first time a few people cooperated, it was refreshing. Although the two fire-type zombies were a little nervous, but thinking of the strength of the thunder-type itself, they could solve it with only a few more moves, but they felt a little nervous. drumming.

"Everyone hold on, we will definitely be able to rush over!" The words of encouragement again made people feel a little unmotivated, and even the attacks of the lightning-type superpowers gradually lost the chain. In fact, they are not to blame. To two, who knows if it will be three next time?

The supernatural beings kept up with the pace, gritted their teeth and continued to attack.

Soon, the third wave of supernatural zombies appeared, this time not three, but five supernatural zombies. They had very different abilities, but most of them were aggressive.Frost arrows, thunderbolts, soil balls, etc. were mixed together, and they were thrown at them all at once, making people caught off guard. They rolled left and right to hide, embarrassed, and when they turned around, the zombies rushed towards them with their mouths open and eyes bulging.

The lightning-type ability is obviously incapable of dealing with these five zombies, and the ingenious cooperation just now is gone, and the attacks are messy.

In the end, this group of people was still a little confused and panicked. When will this endless zombie be big?Even half of the journey has not been carried out, can it really be reached?
Once such decadent thoughts began to spread, the supernatural beings felt a little desperate.

"Don't panic, we have 1000 supernatural power users, and the ice element, the wind element's ability is the first, there must be no problem!"

Hu Jun understands that she has never allowed herself to act just for now. As a qualified subordinate, she naturally has to obey the commander's command. If she is determined to follow a certain family, then what she has to do in the future is to obey the command and obey unconditionally Order.

She stretched out her hand with an ice whip, and went straight for the supernatural zombie. The ice whip was as nimble as a snake. It was a mess.

A huge soil ball hit her, she did not dodge, raised her left hand, and waved lightly, a huge ice curtain blocked the direction of the soil ball, the two collided with a loud sound, Hu Jun pushed, both of them They all hit the culprit together.

One up and down and three down, even if Hu Jun and several superpowers made a move and said something to cheer them up, the powerhouses no longer had the same energy as before, and even the zombies around them couldn't resist Hold on, retreat steadily.

Suddenly a small man pointed at a warehouse and shouted, "You can hide here!" As he said, he rushed in on his own, and everyone seemed to see hope, and instantly regained energy. He took his last breath and rushed in They rushed in like crazy, and the troops at the bottom had to run and cover.

As the door closed with a slam, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. There were only 1000 people left from the original 800 people, and it was not easy to lose 20% after walking less than half the distance.

"This is where?"

"This is a very well-isolated warehouse for storing some military supplies." An officer stood up and explained that they were not sure that this place could be used, so they didn't say it at the time. They didn't expect the door to be wide open. Bless, otherwise this group of people will die in all likelihood at their destination.

Many people looked at this dark place, there was no light around, there was a musty smell in the air, and there was an unspeakable sense of dryness, and someone with fire-type abilities lit up the fire folder, and this The place is huge, with no end in sight, no windows, just like a cave.

Lighted up 6 fire folders, so that the black hole finally had light, and people's hearts gradually became more stable and peaceful.

Many people don't care where they are at all. The important thing is that they can finally catch their breath. They sit on the ground early, panting, wiping their sweat, and sighing about the tense atmosphere just now. They thought they were going to die. Another village.

"Don't think it's so beautiful, you have to go out sooner or later." Some people are focusing on the present, and some people have already planned to the future. It is true to rest at this time, but they can't stay here forever. Sooner or later, they will have to face endless zombies and How could the supernatural zombies that kept appearing could relax.

After saying this, everyone became silent again, the good mood of escape from the tiger's mouth just now was punctured one after another, and everyone sat here dejectedly, regretting that they came here.

In the end, the commander decided to recharge his batteries and stay here tonight before taking action.

In the afternoon, some people slept soundly to replenish their energy, some whispered and gossiped, some closed their eyes to rest their minds, and some were in a daze. Hu Juan sat in a corner by himself, looking at the ground in front of him expressionlessly, In that battle just now, he was very aggrieved and depressed, as if he was bound by someone. Perhaps, it was his own heart. After going through so much, he was no longer the Hu Jun who was pursuing to live.

The experience of life gives people not only courage, but also wisdom.

Soon, it was evening, and it was time to eat, and everyone had food. A supernatural being like Hu Jun was naturally invited, but she refused, and then took out her own food.

Ji Jinjiang was naturally invited by more people.

"Lieutenant Colonel Ji, I am Yao Yao, the captain of the second team of the Thunder Mercenary Corps. Captain Lei invites you to go over with me." Yao Yao looks good and is well dressed. Because the warehouse is a bit stuffy at the moment, her face is reddish and sweaty Dripping, different from the pure and flawless when I saw her in the morning, in the faint light of the fire, she has some seductive charm at this moment.

She pointed to Lei Li, there were already a lot of troops there, logically General Ji Jin should agree, the people there are all officers from the Ji family, if you don't go, it's not just because of Lei Li's face, And the face of their own officers.

Ji Jinjiang turned a blind eye and said coldly: "No need."

Yao Yao gritted her teeth, looked at Ji Jinjiang and then at Lei Li, she seemed a bit troubled, finally, she returned to Lei Li and said a few words, then walked with the things again, as if she didn't care at all. Concerned about his refusal just now, he said with a smile: "Lieutenant General Ji, this is a wish from Commander Lei." He half bent down and wanted to hand it to General Ji Jin, but General Ji Jin didn't take it.

Yao Yao originally wanted to take the opportunity to contact him and find out some news, but he didn't make a move, she kept bending over, and finally surrendered first, she could only put the food in front of him, and then retreated silently, scolding him inwardly for being useless, even Beautiful women ignore it, is there something wrong with it?

Perhaps because of the meal, many people began to gossip, and a small group of people near Hu Jun discussed the news about the base.

"Did you know that a lot of people died outside the base for no reason recently?"

"What's so inexplicable about people dying outside the base?" This kind of gossip was immediately questioned by others. What kind of gossip is this, it's boring.

(End of this chapter)

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