Chapter 200 Who is she (2)
Zhou Musen shook his head bitterly and bitterly, and finally left him with a look of contempt that is not as knowledgeable as a reckless man like you, and floated away gorgeously.

Xiong Zhuang pulled Yang Yi to complain, "Tell me, why did this brat grow up like this? Why did I slap him in the face!"

Yang Yi said comfortingly, "Well, let's shake it."

As soon as the two came and went, they didn't care about the feelings of the lunatic who was beaten. He was yelling, "I will take revenge!" ah.

The residents resisted a little and were captured obediently. There were escaped supernatural beings in the city, residents of the village, adults, children, and elderly people, and even a pregnant woman with a big belly. It is impossible to kill people.

Now that the battle was won in the end, someone would naturally decide on the name of the battle uniform. As the nominal commander, Major Zhao took on this important task.

To say that although Major Zhao is not a very good person, he is not a treacherous person. Looking at these poor people who are just trying to survive, he waved his hand and ordered people to take care of them in batches. Those who are capable, the villagers gather together symbolically, while the pregnant woman stays at home directly, and by the way, two middle-aged women are left to watch.

Teenagers are the future of the motherland. This sentence is applicable at any time, and it can even be said that it is especially applicable in the last days.

No way, a group of people in their [-]s and [-]s still go to kill zombies, it must depend on the rise of the next generation.

The city was full of joy, gongs and drums blared, firecrackers blared, and red flags fluttered. Of course, this was just the inner activity of the besiegers, but outside the city, Hu Juan squatted on the ground like a gentleman, with You Yefeng standing beside him, two I don't know how long I stayed there, Hu Juan's legs were a little sore from squatting, so he stood up, rubbed his legs, and asked, "Let's talk." Well, I definitely won't stay here with myself for so long, just don't Knowing whether it was to win him over, the people from KK sent a message before leaving the mission. This You Yefeng is a member of the faction, so let yourself be careful, whether you want to win him over now or something, while Hu Jun is in a good mood now, come Anyone who does not refuse, let's talk openly.

"Tell me, what are we living for?" You Yefeng asked this question only after seeing Hu Jun today, what is he doing for.

It was cool for him to ask, but he stopped Hu Jun when he asked, it was too uneasy to play out of the routine, what about the agreed win?As for why he is alive, "to achieve the goal and fulfill the wish." Hu Jun's goal has never changed to this day, that is to let Hu's father and mother live well in the last days, with meat to eat, sleep, no worries, and a good life , had a good life, as if it was not in the last days.

You Yefeng looked into Hu Jun's eyes, he knew that what Hu Jun said was true, for his goal, for his wish, so what is his goal and wish?
At the beginning, I didn’t want to die, yes, who wants to die, so I had to fight zombies desperately just to survive.

Why do you want to cooperate with others? Registering a mercenary group is actually to survive. Someone extended an olive branch. People with normal logical ability will naturally not give up. Who would foolishly enter the world alone? It is really good to have a mercenary group. Follow along The golden backbone not only has a background, but also has the guarantee of funds, and even guarantees the safety of life.

Just like in T City, because the benefactor lost power, he naturally led his people to follow the benefactor and escaped. No matter how the process was, the result was good. Who can guarantee that he can Survive the zombie pile?

As usual, he should be satisfied, he should follow the sponsor closely, hug his thighs, and do what he says honestly, but deep down in his heart is depression, exhaustion, and endless irritability.

Every day, either killing zombies, or intrigue, playing intrigues with people back and forth, and even dealing with these deadly teammates being poached by others, signs of turning against each other after brainwashing, the original feeling of fighting and killing, has long been It has disappeared, and what is left behind is a more tiring job than before the end of the world.

"Hey..." What was left was You Yefeng's sigh. Now his mercenary group is getting bigger and bigger, the patron intends to seize power, other factions are fighting for wooing, and internal strife.

Hu Jun looked at You Yefeng's spine that was gradually bent by the pressure, and he was no longer as energetic as when he first saw him. Hey, this is a terrible end of the world. Seeing their cooperation, Hu Juan now knows it with his toes Why is he so melancholy, um, although there is a different kind of beauty.

However, for various reasons, Hu Jun, well, he just didn't want to be a target, so he asked him, "Are you afraid of death?"

You Yefeng lowered his head and smiled. He was afraid at first, but now, "I'm not afraid." The whole army was almost wiped out not long ago?At that time, he felt very good. It might be a relief to die like this.

Hu Jun nodded, and after a short pause, he asked again, "Then what is there to be afraid of?"

Since you are not afraid of death, what are you afraid of?Some people say, I am afraid that there is no love, no money, no family, but none of these are problems for You Yefeng. So, he really has nothing to fear.

You Yefeng, who was thinking about it, had a simple idea in his heart. He changed his gloom, smiled, and thanked Hu Jun seriously, "Thank you."

Hu Jun shook his head, looked at the distant mountain, and said flatly: "Don't thank me, thank yourself if you want to." If you don't come to ask, I won't tell you.

You Yefeng looked at the high mountains in the distance. After the rain, the rainbow first appeared, which was gorgeous and colorful. It turned out that there was such a wonderful scenery near the city A in the last days, which made people feel refreshed.

"Boss!" Fatty Wan Zhou ran out of the city with a smile on his face, and shouted at You Yefeng, apparently he had something to say to You Yefeng.

You Yefeng nodded, and only replied to him: "Understood." But he was not in a hurry to leave with him, looking at the cloudless sky, he was really reluctant to part with this picturesque beauty.

Wan Zhou was a little stunned. Shouldn’t the captain be anxious to leave with him? Why did he feel that something was wrong with the current captain? He continued calmly and cheerfully: “I found a lot of things. Captain Zhao said we can get some , Brothers can’t make up their minds.” The subtext is that people in the regiment are fighting, and if you don’t go, you will be seized power.

You Yefeng didn't seem to hear it, and said calmly: "You go back first." Since he has a goal, he is not afraid of seizing power. Those who don't understand are just the sequelae of the shackles. The shackles are gone. What sequelae.

Wan Zhou couldn't figure it out completely, and walked back into the city step by step. This You Yefeng didn't care, but he couldn't care less about so many things. Could it be that he was fascinated by Hu Jun, a beauty? It shouldn't be, Mao Qing is also very beautiful, and he has been chasing him all the time, and he is not tempted.

(End of this chapter)

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